The protagonist, Magiri Iroto, was a student at Tokutaibetsuse High School, commonly known as Tokukou, which only people with special skills are allowed to enter. However, due to a past incident, he decided to pretend to be an ordinary person. One day, on the way home from the gym, the protagonist found a beautiful girl model from the same class, Nanahoshi Chiha, being courted by a large man, and saved her by defeating the two large men. The protagonist was frustrated that he couldn’t pretend to be ordinary from tomorrow, but at that time he was on his way home from the gym and had his hair bangs up, which he usually wore down, so his true identity was not revealed, and he decided to use two different personalities, the ordinary Magiri Iroto and the high-spec Magiri Iroto, to avoid having his true identity revealed, under the alias Kirimato Iro
Episode 2 – love at first sight
Episode 4 – someone to talk to
Episode 26 – in a swimming costume
Episode 36 – location for closing party
Episode 42 – clothing selection
Episode 45 – When things get tough
Episode 46 – whatever the case may be
Episode 49 – I could eat it every day
Episode 53 – swimming practice
Episode 54 – A princess carry!?
Episode 59 – First semester closing ceremony
Episode 60 – relationship advice
Episode 62 – It’s just like Mizushiro-senpai
Episode 65 – I’m gonna fall in love
Episode 69 – You, whom I do not know
Episode 76 – beautiful men and women
Episode 78 – beachside clubhouse
Episode 81 – I can’t stop at all!