
“Sigh……. I knew you were cheating on me.”

Saori said that to me as soon as we returned to the classroom after lunch break.


But I don’t agree with those words !

Cheating or not, we’re not even dating, right? You turned me down, didn’t you?

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Please help me understand.”

“Huh? Are you trying to pick a fight !?”

It seems I’ve pissed her off again……well, I don’t even know what you’re trying say.

 Even though you turned down my confession, you don’t like the fact that I’m getting along with other women. Is that right?

“…..I get it. It’s my fault. That’s fine.”

My childhood friends are a pain in the ass at times like this. I should just apologize.

“You don’t know anything ! ! It’s annoying ! ! ! !”

“Then tell me so I understand, and I’ll apologize.”

“That’s the part that pisses me off ! ! !”

What do you want me to do?………I won’t understand unless you talk to me properly.

You used to talk to me about everything. Why is this happening?

“Well, well, Saorin, let’s calm down, okay? It’s not good to talk like this.”

With that said, a girl from the cheerful group grabbed Saori’s hand and took her.

To be honest, it was a big help. I didn’t know what to do.

When we were kids, she would be in a good mood if I rubbed her back or patted her head.

But now she’s grown up. And we’re in school. I couldn’t do that.

“Saori chan, she was angry. I’m sorry, okay?”

“She was angry……but it wasn’t your fault, Rina……..”

“Oh, that’s right! You’ve been hitting on me since morning♪”

I told you I wasn’t hitting on you ! I was just asking for your contact ID.

If I had asked on the way to school, it would be a pickup, but at school, normal, right? Right?

“Well, to begin with. We’re all in a class group. Why didn’t you just search there?”

Gah ! ! It’s true, !!!! I was so annoyed with the people in the group talking about stuff I wasn’t interested in, so I turned off the notifications and forgot they existed !

“B….but I don’t even know which one is……”

“I’m registered as Rina.”

“I wanted to hear it from you, ・・・・”.

“In other words, you wanted to chat with me, even if just a little.. What’s the difference between that and picking up girls?”

You’ve been toying with me for a while now. 。。。 Rina’s grinning face is cute, but it’s also a problem.

However, when I looked at that face, I couldn’t help but loosen my cheeks.

“. . Exchanging IDs and talking with friends is normal.”

“I guess so. Talking with male friends and exchanging IDs is normal♪”

What the heck.

Once the conversation had settled down, I was suddenly curious and looked behind me. ・・・・

Saori was glaring at me with jealousy.

I’m sure she’ll say something else later.


After school, my childhood friend Saori called out to me

“Ikkun, are you free today?”

“I am, why?”

“Then let’s go to McDonald’s.”

“I don’t want to.”

“Huh??? You said it’s fine if it’s McDonald’s ! You don’t want to go with me after all !?”

“Well, you wouldn’t normally go to McDonald’s two days in a row. Just calm down.”

Saori gave me a dumbfounded look.

I like McDonald’s shakes, but I don’t want to drink them every day.

I like to drink it once in a while.

“Where would you go then?”

Somewhere…….that’s been the talk of the town lately, if that’s the case.

“Hmm. Saizeriya maybe?”

(TL/N : Japanese chain of Italian family-style restaurants.)

“If it’s Saizeriya, I want to go too ! I want to take “that picture” and upload it on SNS ! !”

Rina said so……but, I can’t help but look at her chest.

How should I put it, lack of strength? In terms of volume.”

“Where are you looking? It’s gross.”

Gross………wait, but you said that you want to take “that picture”, you would look at it, right?

It’s common sense. I’m not at fault.

With that in mind, I removed my eyes from Rina. And from now on, I’m going to look at my childhood friend’s chest.

Yup. Her strength is perfect.

“W-what !? You’re staring at me all of a sudden ! !”

“No, I just thought that your strength was amazing.”

“Strength??? I don’t know what you’re talking about. Anyway, don’t stare at me.”.

Saying that, she covered her body with her arms.

Oh, your chests have gone into hiding. 。。。。

When the sun god Amaterasu went into hiding, how did you get her to come out?

I won’t be able to live unless the sun comes out again.

In the end, where should I look…..jeez…..”

“You’re disgusting, Itta. I’m going to go to Saizeriya with you today, okay?”

“So we’re going to Saizer’s together today, is that okay?”


How long are you going to call me disgusting…..perhaps until Saizeriya….?

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