

“W-what’s up?”

No, that’s my line……

I called out to my dad, who was having dinner with me, because I was concerned about his state……but I probably didn’t need to ask this guy.

Judging by how restless he looked, it was probably because tomorrow was the day when Kuratani girls would be moving in.



I knew he was nervous about tomorrow.

I’m not going to laugh or make fun of him because I’m the same way, but he’s the pillar of this family, so I want him to be strong.

“I know how you feel, but you need to be firm. Be firm like you do at work.”

“Ugh….don’t say that.”

My dad works for a construction company and holds a good position.

I know that he has many subordinates, and I have met the president, so at that time he told me how much he admires my dad and how he was strict and dependable on the site.


“I know you’re a very dependable guy. So, well……I’ll do all the panicking for you, so you can keep your head up.”

“That’s what this is all about, isn’t it !”

Shut up !

Adults should be more imposing than children ! I can easily imagine that both my dad and I will be very nervous tomorrow.

“Seriously…..haha, you’re getting cocky.”

“I’m your son after all.”

“I’m sure you are. But your mother used to say that sometimes, you know? She misses you because you don’t get much pampering.”

“Is that so?”


That’s……something I can laugh about now, but if she thought so, she should have said so to my face.

“For my mom’s sake, let’s all laugh from the bottom of our hearts and be happy, Minato.”

“……Yeah, I know.”

I nodded vigorously.

By the way, Mihoko san, who is the mother of the girls and who remarried my dad, is naturally aware of the situation here and has already visited Mom’s grave together with Dad.……there must be something to think about, but Mihoko san seems to have accepted everything about my dad and vowed to become a couple.

“Come to think of it, Mihoko san was surprised. When did you become friends with those girls?”


“She says they talk a lot about you at home. She talks about me a little bit…..but I can’t help but feel a little frustrated.”

While smiling wryly at my dad’s words, I wonder what the two of them actually talked about.

A few days have passed since I helped them and learned that they were my dad’s remarriage partner’s daughters, aside from Yume san, Sayaka san and I have been talking more and more.

“Sayaka san and I are in the same class. We used to be strangers, but now that we’re going to be a family, she’s starting to talk to me more often.”

“I knew yoyu were in the same class, but I see……how about you and Yume chan?”

“I wonder if I’ll meet Yume san by chance now.”

Sayaka san has come to talk to me a lot, and Yume san also casually talks to me when we meet.

The two of them have something in common in that they are not that concerned about what others think of them, but it seems that their dislike of men is well known among their friends, and there were times when they suspected that I might have done something to them, but they explained it well.

“Whatever the case may be, we’ll do our best tomorrow, Minato.”

“You’re right. I’ve already prepared the room and everything, so it’s up to the contractors.”

My dad laughed and we finished dinner in a friendly atmosphere.

By the way, my dad works for a construction company, so he has a lot of muscles, but he is also a good cook and knitter, having taken on all the household chores after my mom passed away.

Sayaka san and the others have told me that Mihoko san is a great cook,… I’m looking forward to seeing her cooking.

“Then, good night, Dad.”

“Yeah. Sleep tight.”

I went back to my room from the living room and exhaled.

“Tomorrow, finally…I wonder what will happen.”

I’ve said it many times before, but having a new family member is not an experience that happens very often.

Rather, it may or may not happen once in your life.

“I haven’t talked to Mihoko san yet, but I feel like I’ve gotten along with Sayaka san and Yume san…I’m sure it’ll be fine.”


Crossing my arms, I think about Sayaka san and Yume san,……and it certainly seems like we’ve gotten along,……but sometimes I get the creeps…..what is it that scares me, like something is being held against my throat?

“……I don’t know.”

Not a normal girl, but you’re scared of a beautiful woman like that…?

I shook my head and went to bed to go to sleep earlier than usual to prepare for tomorrow.


The next day, the Kuratani family’s move went smoothly from start to finish.

Although the contractors did most of the work, I helped Sayaka san and Yume san as much as I could in arranging the furniture.

As I stayed relatively close to them, my dad stayed close to Mihoko san.

“Onee chan, this is?”

“Take that over there, please.”

I watched the two of them as they easily put together the small items while wiping the sweat running down their foreheads with a towel.

This big job was undertaken by all of the girls who would become the new family, and in a sense it was the first event in which we all worked together, so it had a great effect in terms of strengthening our bond.

(Even so, I never thought it would turn out this way……)

The place where we are now is going to be Sayaka san’s room, and like Yume san’s room, this room has been empty for a long time.



Look, classmates, this is the girl’s room you’ve been dying to see !

……For a moment, I felt a sense of superiority that didn’t matter. More than that……I saw something shocking.

“Hey, Onee chan.”

“What is it?”


The two of them were putting together their accessories……the appearance of Yume san in particular was terrifying.

In contrast to Sayaka san, who is dressed in a quiet, casual outfit, Yume san is dressed in a way that shows off all of her flamboyance.

The shoulder-baring type of shirt is one thing, but…..more than that, the bottom is a pair of hot pants, so the thighs of the beautiful pure white skin are visible as much as possible.

(Not good…….don’t look that way, I’m not looking that way!)

Since I was in a posture of crawling on all fours with her butt facing me, I couldn’t help but turn my face away from them.

It was a spur of the moment action to avoid being disliked by the girls, but fortunately they were not looking at me and did not notice me.

“Would you like to sit down, Minato kun?”

“Yes, Senpai.”

“……Got it.”

Even though this is my house, I get the illusion that I’ve wandered into another dimension because it’s a girl’s room.


“Is something wrong?”

“What’s wrong?”

Erm……why are you two sitting on either side of me as I sit down?

The two of them are staring at me with their eyes fluttering,……and the sweet scent of the two of them that I can smell because of the close distance, but also because there are no other eyes, it is too quiet,……and it seems to be a world that isolated from the rest of the world.

“I-I’m glad we’ve cleaned up the mess for the time being ! I’m sure my dad did a good job with Mihoko san’s place…yeah, I’m glad.”

Ah, why am I being so foolish……

Sayaka san and Yume san were dumbfounded by my words, but they immediately nodded with a giggle.

“I guess so. Fufu, it’s a strange feeling–isn’t it, Yume?”

“Yeah. I was worried about a lot of things, but I’m relieved that I’m going to fit in right away.”

Oh……that’s good to hear, I was relieved on the inside.

I’m sure my dad would be crying with happiness too.

Today, we will be a real family…..we will probably go through a lot, but as a family, we have to work together and do our best from now on !

“Minato kun.”


“Yeah? What’s wrong?”

I’m sure I’m smiling right now.

No matter who sees me, they must be thinking I’m smiling because I’m in a good mood.

“We’ll be together from now on.”

“We’ll be together forever”

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11 months ago

It’s not as bad as the childhood friend one, but I’ve noticed quite a few careless translations in this one as well. You need to pay more attention to the context, since Japanese is often a bit unclear and context-reliant, and not paying proper attention to the context can easily result in mistakes such as “Since I was in a posture of crawling on all fours with her butt facing me…”