
Teaching big bro guitar. Teaching big bro guitar you say !

To tell the truth, my heart was throbbing.

Rin had started playing guitar because she admired big bro.

I knew that Dad was a professional guitarist, but it didn’t really matter to me. He had been a professional guitarist since we were born, so I didn’t feel special about it and took it for granted.

Besides, Dad had said that he didn’t want Us to play guitar. Maybe that’s why I didn’t care about it much.

But big bro was different. Ever since he was a little boy, he was like [I want to be like Dad], he had a dream like that.

At first, he didn’t play with me much anymore, and I thought he had become a boring guy.

But one day, Rin’s values changed when she heard big bro play.

Big bro’s performance touched Rin’s feelings. His sophisticated guitar playing was so refined that it was hard to believe it was coming from a kid. In the blink of an eye, he became Rin’s hero.

Rin wanted to be just like him, so she started playing guitar. Rin also made rapid progress, but she still had a long way to go.

Like Dad, big bro won all the contests. I was really proud of him.

That’s why I was shocked when big bro lost to Anne Meyer.

Rin thinks that she might have cried more than big bro.

I thought He’d get revenge together by improving his  skills, but his heart was broken. I felt betrayed.

It was Rin who had taken the liberty of starting to play the guitar because she admired him. I had no right to blame big bro. But I couldn’t forgive him. A cowardly older brother. Rin wanted to have her big bro who she admired back.

From that point on, I could no longer come in contact with big bro properly. Of course, I don’t hate him. In fact, I like him. It’s precisely because I like him that I’m angry at him and annoyed just by being with him.

Rin went to the U.S. with Dad in order to prove herself to big bro and Anne.

Until I came back to Japan, I thought that I would be able to surpass big bro and compete well with Ann Meyer.

But Rin’s way of thinking was naive.

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