
Something strange happened.

At the same time that Manisa was casting “freezing magic” on Pasha, the dwarf fairy woman who was one of the “Four Pillars of Hell,” she let out an exclamation that sounded like a death cry.

Moreover, the little body was convulsing, and it was not like mental stress such as shivering or panic or anything like that.

It looked as if she had been mortally wounded and was on the verge of death.

Even Manisa, who was performing the magic, stopped chanting.

For a brief moment, Pasha’s movements stop.

Her eyes turn white and her skin turns purple.

“Seti kun …… what’s this?”

“I’ll look into it. Pai, deactivate the skill.”

At my instruction, Pairon responded, “Okay,” and released the “Prison Brand” warding.

Pasha fell forward and did not move a muscle.

I approached her and touched her body to check her condition.

“She is dead. Even though she is immortal, but ……at first glance, there seems to be no external injuries.”

“Aiya~, you don’t think she died of shock, do you?”

“Pai, she was one of the top executives of the “Four Pillars of Hell,” she would not have died in such a shabby way. If it were me, I’d pretend to be scared and think of a way out.”

Or I’d pretend to be dead and get away with it.

But Pasha is really dead. There’s no doubt about that.

What the hell?

I stood up and looked at her.

“For now, let’s go back to the ‘temple’! I’m worried about Hina too!”

I’ll at least give them a burial as a last act of mercy.

Just for the fact that they’re Mors’ children like me. ……

After that, we finished things and returned to the Temple of Ruins, the village of elves.

But something noisy was going on.

It seems that an assassin from an organization was mixed in with the wounded elven soldiers.

The assassin’s name was Grove.

He is one of the senior leaders and a master of the art of disguise. I know him well.

After all, the reason I, a combat specialist, was able to become a “fake hero” was because Grove gave me disguise and guidance.

I had no idea that besides the “Four Pillars of Hell,” he had also been introduced to …… Mors.

Pomple, who happened to see Grove’s disguise, reported it to Riel san, who discovered it and tried to put him to sleep with “sleep magic,” but he got desperate and revealed himself and attacked Hina, who was nearby.

Pomple tried to save her, but he attacked back, and Hina took the opportunity to shoot Grove with a pistol, disabling him again.

Grove is now barely alive, bound and locked in a prison cell in a sleepy state.

“Pomple, are you okay?”

I was concerned about the safety of the dwarf elf who had played a key role in saving Hina.

It seems that he had been hit in the right chest by the small sword that Grove had thrown at him.

Normally, this would be a fatal wound, but he is still alive and well with no damage.

Pomple stood in front of us and, wondering what we were thinking, got down on both knees on the floor to show off her graceful knees.

“Seti sama, and onee san! I’m so sorry for deceiving you!”

“Deceiving? I see….I knew you weren’t out of the organization after all.”

“I knew it? Seti-sama, did you know who I am?”

“I was just being cautious somehow.. So, why did you help me with Hina?”

“I was with Seti-sama,……, and I enjoyed working for someone else. Especially the lunch wagon… it felt much more fulfilling than the lackluster assassin job. That’s why …….”

Pomple looked up and took a lump of something out of his chest and put it on the floor.

It is an object shaped like an organ and looks like the carcass of a living creature.

There was a groove in the middle that looked as if it had been stabbed with something.

“What is it?”

“…… It’s the heart of Miss Pasha, one of the “Four Pillars of Hell” and a member of the dwarf fairy tribe like me.”

Heart? This?

Pomple told me that it is precisely a kind of “nucleus” that contains Pasha’s soul.

They call it “the heart” in general.

“I don’t realize it myself, but I also have a grace skill called “Bad Luck,” and Miss Pasha, who took notice of this ability, entrusted her “heart” to me and had me protect it.”

It seems that she had her soul extracted from her body and magically processed into a pomple using her “Distorted Space Realm” skill, and had the pomple hold it.

Due to the effect of Biological Function Amplification Enhancement, the body will always be revived as long as the soul does not disappear.

Furthermore, by using the virus of Mors, she seems to have acquired an amplified and strengthened power to revive herself, and thus became immortal like that.

Then Grove attacked him, and her ‘heart’ was destroyed. So Pasha died before she was frozen. ……

“That’s it. With this, I was released for been detained for a long time… At the same time, I was completely recognized as a traitor to the organization.”

detained…I’m sure Pasha was paying attention to him because he was of the same race and had skills.

Pomple’s friendly personality makes it look like they have a sister-brother relationship from the sidelines, but the way he speaks suggests that there may have been some kind of coercion or intimidation.

“What was the assignment you were given by Mors, Pomple?”

“Yes,…… to accompany Seti sama and inform Miss Pasha of his whereabouts at all times. I happened to see Grove by chance and stopped him,…… because Seti sama, Hina and onee sans were kind to me and didn’t make fun of me for being such a piss.”

Well, I was always on the lookout for him.

However, I did admit that he was able to do chores skillfully and was talented as a poster boy, attracting many customers.

“I get it. Anyway, thank you for protecting Hina and everyone else,…… so I want you to raise your head.”

I’m sure …… Seti-sama will allow me to be like this?

“…Seti-sama, are you going to forgive me for being such an idiot? I think it’s not a problem for Seti-sama to kill me. But for this sake, I told him the truth like this, got down on the ground, and apologized.”

“I’ve told you many times. The only people I kill are villains and assassins from the organization… now that you haveve completely left the organization, Pomple is out of the picture. From now on, I hope you can live as you please for yourself. Within the bounds of common sense”

“If that’s the case, please hire me as your servant! I want to go around the world with Seti sama and help people for my redemption!”

Pomple stands up and bows deeply.

I could sense the sincerity in his graceful posture.

I sniffed and looked at the beautiful girls standing behind me.

Starting with Hina, Karina and the others were all smiling and nodding their heads.

Even Shabazo, who is very cautious, was not barking.

I nodded.

I quickly extended my hand.

“Okay, Pomple. I’ll allow you to walk with me.”

“Thank you! Seti-sama! Uwaaaa!!!”

Pomple sobbed as he clasped my hands with both of his.

So now we are real friends.

“Hina too did a great job. Is this your first battle?”

“Yeah….I was scared to death, but I managed to fight.”

She gives me a more modest smile than usual.

If it’s true, I don’t want to let such a young child fight. I want to build such a world.

However, as long as Hina is also targeted, this is just a theoretical theory.

She have to learn to fight to protect with confidence.

From what I have heard around me, I feel that Hina has talent.

If she continues to hone her skills and gain experience, she will eventually be able to defend herself on her own.

I wonder if the day will come when she leave the nest from me ……, though that would be very sad.

“Seti-sama, I have removed the Sleep Magic from the person named Grove. It is possible to interrogate him.”

The elf soldier escorting me reports back to me.

I asked for it, and Riel san gave the order.

“Manisa. Have you finished thawing the kale skull?”

“Yes, just like that.”

Manisa holds out the thawed skull to me, and I accept it with a “thank you.”

“Geeh! Seti the Grim Reaper! Hiiiii!!!!”

“Shut up. I’m going to crush you in my grip and pulverize you like this. …… If you’re still alive, I’ll ask Fiala for a full ascent.”

“I understand. I am your faithful servant. Please do whatever you want.”

The self-proclaimed “demon sage,” who used to be a mass of hate, has become much more honest.

She must have been really scared by Manisa and the others and instilled fear in her (lol).

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5 months ago

Wao, Pomple is now a new man. He can live and have a happy live after defeating Mors.