
“And you’re the one I want, Seti.”

“Me? Is it still to avenge the Black Dragon?”

At this question, Pairon shook her head.

“No, no, that’s not it~. I don’t want to put the Dark Nine Dragons in danger because of a mediocre punch with only a few skills like that. We would rather do the opposite and cooperate with you.”

Mediocre punch….. Black Dragon?

No, it doesn’t matter.

“Cooperate with me?”

“Yes. About the boss of Hades, He Who Has a Thousand Bodies..”

About the One with a Thousand Bodies……Mors?

“What about the boss ……? Apparently Black Dragon didn’t know anything about that? ”

“He couldn’t have known. No one told him. But we, the dragons, have known for a long time.”

“Who are the dragons?”

“The top executives of the Dark Nine Dragons, including myself. The black dragon was killed by Seti, and now there are eight of us. …… Unlike Hades, you know that our organization is not alone, don’t you?”

“Well, I also …… know that you, white dragon, have been promoted to take over the Black Dragon’s position as boss, right?”

“It’s not so much a promotion as it is a selection. The only rule is that when you become the boss, you have the authority to make decisions and the top executives must follow the rules. This is for the management of the organization.”

“Then, why did the Black Dragon become the boss?”

“Because he had the Grace Skill ability to kill the One with a Thousand Bodies.”

“That transfer skill…… was so threatening to Mors that he went to the trouble of asking me, a traitor, to kill him.”

“That’s right. But he wasn’t meant to be at the top. Because of him, we lost many of our valuable subordinates, and the Dragons, including myself, were devastated. At best, he was a boss whose sole purpose was to form a non-aggression pact with The One with a Thousand Bodies and to keep that in check.”

In other words, the black dragons were clowns who were only trying to scare Mors.

The organization also easily admitted its activities on the Grand Line continent and left it alone to a certain extent.

After I killed the Black Dragon, the Dark Nine Dragons were no longer able to do so.

That is probably why the White Dragon is visiting this continent in the form of a stowaway.

But more than that, …….

“It seems that all the ‘dragons’ except the Black Dragon know who Mors is, right? Pai, if you’ve been selected as the new boss, does that mean you also have the grace-enhancing skill set to counter Mors?”

“That’s right, Seti. You’re right. That is why I decided to cooperate with you. The Dark Nine Dragon has withdrawn from the girl Hina in order to ensure the death of Mors ……. To show you our sincerity.”

“Sincerity,……I never thought I would hear such words from the boss of the Dark Nine,……but it’s hard to believe. What about the client first? The king of Japan, who effectively rules the continent of Eurus, is a nuisance if Hina grows up alive, right?”

In response to my question, Pairon nodded honestly.

“Yes. There is an opposition faction in Japan that opposes the current emperor. When that opposition party meets Hina, the injustices of the past will be revealed and the current situation on the continent of Eurus will be reversed all at once…In other words, that child is a living proof of the risk factor.”

It probably includes the fact that my master, Io, assassinated the royal family as well as the former emperor.

My feelings for Hina, the girl, led me to quit my job as an assassin and flee to the Grand Line continent, escaping from the assassination only with her.

“If so, it is a contradiction. There is no way the Dark Nine Dragons could back out of Hina’s life.”

“What if I, as the boss, am the ‘opposition’?”


“While I am the boss of Nine dragons, I am also the mastermind behind supporting the opposition.. This is a secret that even the dragons do not know. I confessed this because you are Seti”

For some reason, Pairon’s white skinned cheeks turn pink and her body begins to wriggle.

From other people’s point of view, it looks like she really confessed her love to me.

Thanks to this, I think the gazes of the girls watching from afar are turning more murderous.

I’m afraid I’m in danger because they can’t hear our conversation …….

I clear my throat and try to disguise it.

“W-well,…… Pai, let’s put aside the fact that you are the new boss of the nine dragons and the leader of the opposition,…… betraying your client is the most unforgivable sin for an organization. From what you just said, you and the other ‘dragons’ who are the highest executives, won’t say anything?”

“Of course there are ‘dragons’ like the Black Dragon who support the tyranny of the current emperor in order to sip his sweet juices. But we have already laid the groundwork so that they will not betray us. That is why I am confessing everything to Seti.”

“Me? Don’t tell me …… that you are trying to control the ‘dragons’ who support the current emperor by having me kill Mors and put me in the nine dragons?”

“Bing bong! I want Seti to join the Dark Nine Dragons as a new Dragon.”

“—I refuse.”

“aiyaa—, why?”

“As you can see, I am not an assassin now. I am the owner of a free-spirited lunch wagon who travels around the world with his precious friends. I have no intention of throwing away the lunch wagon that Master Io entrusted to me. If you can get away from Hina, that’s fine. As long as you don’t appear in front of us again in the future, that’s fine… As for Japan, you can just do whatever you want with it, right?”

“Don’t you want to know about the ‘One with a Thousand Bodies’? I know Seti is at a stuck~”

Ugh, where did this girl get such information …….

Are they watching us from somewhere?

Is that why Pairon herslef showed up, thinking she had a connection?

“If you want me to go back to being an assassin in exchange for giving you information about Mors, that’s a different story.As I said earlier, I’m taking a break from the assassination business.However, I will be able to deal with anyone I consider to be an enemy or evil. I use this power mercilessly because I believe it is my punishment and my atonement for my past.”

At my strong will and assertion, Pairon kept her mouth shut for the first time.

Holding her finger to the tip of her chin, she is thinking. 

At first glance, she appears to be nothing more than a beautiful, white, beautiful girl.

It’s very strange to be the boss of an organization that operates behind the scenes on the continent of Euros…

In the story so far, it seems certain that the “transfer skill” of the “Black Dragon” that I killed is the most effective in killing Mors.

And the “White Dragon,” which took over, is thought to have a similar Grace-type gift ability.

Frankly speaking, I want to know the secret of Mors so badly that I can’t wait to get my hands on it.

If there is a way to kill him, I want to know it no matter what it takes.

But that doesn’t mean I will go back to being an assassin.

I don’t want to go back.

I have my precious friends.

In order to continue to spend time with everyone, I can’t continue to talk about it.

For now, the Dark nine draogns Are backing away from Hina.

I think it’s a good thing to know that.

“……I understand. I’ll give up on having Seti join nine dragons”

“Thank you for understanding, Pai. I’m honestly relieved that I didn’t have to fight with you guys. Can I ask you to pay the check for the food and drink?”

“No, I don’t think so. I’ll take it as an information fee.”

“Information fee? ……, you only told us about your organization, didn’t you? I can still understand it if it’s Mors’s information fee…but there’s also the matter with the adventurer from earlier. Eating and drinking without paying is no good!”

We don’t allow people who eat and run away!

Pairon shakes her head at my insistence.

Then, squinting her golden eyes with long lashes, she moved her face closer to mine.

“If so, I’ll pay you with my body. We are going to make a baby now.”

Pairon smiles at me with a big smile on her face.


What is she saying out of the blue?

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