
The map shows the [Red Fog Forest] which is located northeast of that city where the royal castle is located, and I look in that direction and move with Rhys while metastasizing within visual range.

Since I have never been to the Red Fog Forest, I have to use steady means of transfer, but even so, I can move at a speed of 1 to 2 km per second. Very fast.

It takes a few minutes to move in this way.

After a few minutes of moving in this way, we saw a forest with a somewhat ominous and disastrous red mist floating like pollen.

“This is the Red Fog Forest. ……Hey, isn’t that red fog poisonous if you inhale it?”

“No, that red fog is the pollen of cedar trees in the magical world. It is not something that can be inhaled”

Oh, it was really pollen.

I don’t have hay fever, but I was sure I’d sneeze if I walked in there.

“So, where are these Cyclops mutants?”

“I don’t know. Cyclops also moves around, so you’ll have to look for it from here. ……By the way, Sora sama. Is that really the secret plan?”

Rhys looked suspiciously at the blue bucket containing the two bottles.

“Yeah. I’m even sure I can kill it in a heartbeat.”

“…..I’ve told you many times before, Cyclops is a ruthlessly hardy creature. It is highly resistant to both physical and magical attacks. …..I don’t think a bucket of such soft-looking material would do much damage even if it were transferred into a Cyclops.

That is precisely why I think it would be much more certain to transfer that thing called an automobile into the body of a Cyclops.”

“I don’t like it, such an expensive thing. It’s not an acceptable expense for a high price to defeat a single demon.”

“……Sora sama, you underestimate the A+ request. I don’t mean to be presumptuous, but if you’re so proud, you’ll die, okay?”

Rhys looked seriously worried.

I have the strongest means of defense, the transference gate shield, and the fastest means of escape, teleportation, so I can’t imagine myself ever being in any danger, but I’m still grateful that she’s worried about me.

……I’ve never had anyone in my life worry about me.

I put my hand on Rhys’s head.

“I’ll be fine. If it doesn’t work out, we’ll just transfer as fast as we can and go home.”

“That’s true, but……”

“If you’re so worried, you want to make a bet? If I can beat the Cyclops or not. If I can’t defeat it, I will listen to Rhys’s wishes to the extent that I can grant you one wish. If I can beat it, Rhys will do what I say.”

“……It’s not a bet. I’m absolutely obedient to Sora sama, even if you don’t want  to make a bet.”


This is sort of an excuse for an evening’s play.

Joking aside, we enter the Red Fog Forest. The misty pollen feels dusty and it’s hard to breathe. …..I think I’ll go and get masks from home.

Once I have prepared two masks, we return to the Red Fog Forest.

Accompanied by Rhys, I took a walk through the Red Fog Forest while frequently teleporting within my visual range.

“Sola sama,…..I have found a Cyclops.”

“Really? Where is it?”

“There it is !”

The direction that Rhys points to, honestly, I can’t see anything. So, when I deployed the transference gate to the area Rhys was pointing at, I saw a one-eyed demon with red skin and a large, one-horned body, probably 4 meters tall.

“Roaaaaaaaaaaarrr ! ! !”

The Cyclops was wielding a club like a giant tree in his hand, destroying trees in the area. What are you doing?

The Cyclops moved the tree out of the way and plopped down in the open space.

……It was making a place to take a nap. But I’m lucky to encounter such an open moment on my first request.

I moved behind a tree within visual range of the Cyclops, not through the gate, and began pouring the contents of two bottles into a bucket.

The bottles contain bleach and acid detergent. It’s the so-called danger of mixing things up inside.

“What are those two things, Sora sama?”

“Detergent. One is to remove mold and mildew, and the other is to clean rust.”

Rhys was astonished when she saw them. It can’t be helped to think that Rhys, who doesn’t know chemistry, is underestimating me

But chlorine gas is a poison gas that has killed probably the second most people after mustard gas.

It’s probably not very powerful because it’s not mixed properly……I mix a little of the two detergents, which I pour into a bucket to the brim, and then transfer it to the inside of Cyclops’ chest–exactly where its lungs are.

It’s that big. I guessed that even a big bucket would fit in its lungs.

“Ogggghhhh !”

At that moment, the Cyclops began to scratch algae as if it were drowning in water. Chlorine gas is a type of asphyxiant. If inhaled, it damages the respiratory organs, making it impossible to breathe.

No matter how strong its defenses are, it is not clear whether it is resistant to poison attacks from the inside.

Or, rather–do the Cyclops, which has increased its resistance to magical and physical attacks, have the resources to increase its resistance to poison as well?

This is another world. There is a possibility that it will exceed my common sense and expectations, but at that time, we can escape. That’s what transference is for. After all, 7 stars is not a feat.

The Cyclosp, which had been struggling with algae for a while, stopped scratching and became still.

“…..Is it dead?”

“It seems so.”

The certified part of the cyclops is the horns, but if you take the whole body back home, they will buy it. After seeing that the cyclops did not move for a while, Rhys and I approached it.

Rhys touched the Cyclops.

“……There is no sign of life. It seems to have died out. ……Sora sama. What kind of magic did you use? How could you kill a Cyclops instantly with detergent?”

“It’s not magic. It was chemistry.”


“Yeah. To put it more precisely, by mixing two detergents, a liquid that produces a poisonous gas, I pumped it directly into the lungs of the Cyclops.”

“Lung……poison gas. The detergent is the same kind of detergent that you and your friends use to wash dishes, remove mold and mildew, and so on. If so, it’s dangerous.”

“….There are many detergents that are effective on their own to clean dirt but turn into poison gas when mixed together. They are convenient if you don’t mix them, but dangerous if you do.”

“…..I see. That’s strange.”


I brought the corpse of the Cyclops back to the guild by transfer.

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