
And the following week.

“Today I am going to include one of the corners suggested by Kasugai san, so please pick one.”

It seems that she has been able to work at the radio station successfully, and has created something called an original corner from Kasugai san.

Incidentally, today’s radio show was me being invited to be a guest on the radio by Azusa, a very successful idol.

The broadcaster handed me a sheet of A4 paper and I checked its contents.

How well do singers and composers understand each other?
–A game of guessing what each other is thinking. Like favorite foods.

We’ll get to know the real face of Nagishiro Rin, whose private life is shrouded in mystery!
–Because it is difficult to get to know the real face of Nagishiro Rin on the radio, we will ask a few questions and dig deeper.

Challenge the limits of Nagishiro Rin!
–Nagishiro-kun will be challenged with a variety of subjects. Improvising music, for example.

About 10 other items were listed in bullet points, and all of them were ingenious but not out of the radio highways.
Kasugai san must have studied and worked hard to create them.

“Yes. I think it’s very well done.”
“Yeah! I thought it was pretty good, too, and we decided to adopt one of them.”
“Just …….”

The corner itself is well done. I understand that very well.

“You don’t have to focus so much on me ……”

Every corner has my name on it, and even though Azusa is supposed to be the main personality, the content is centered on me.

“I mean, listeners generally come to see Azusa in the first place. Even if I were to go so far out on a limb, no one would come to listen.”
“eeeh, I don’t think so. It’s like a Senpai monopoly!”

While I was saying this, Azusa next to me said while looking at Kasugai san’s proposal.

By the way, Azusa, unlike Nozaki san’s pattern, seems to hold the meeting with everyone just before the meeting. The reason seems to be that there is not enough time.

“So, if I’m on my own, I won’t get any listeners.”
“I’m in demand though!”
“I’m not asking what you want!!”

Azusa looks at me excitedly. No, even if she has such sparkling eyes.

“N-No! I think there are, yes, people who care about Nagishiro kun’s story!”

However, there is one person who offers Azusa a helping hand.
She was the one who came up with the idea for this project.

“According to the information I found on Twitter there are even people out there who seem to be looking for Nagishiro kun’s backstory!”
“What? Wait, I’ve never heard of it before.”
“By the way, her name is Mizuno Shizuku, apparently.”
“So the enemy is in this family…..!!”

I mean, I don’t have a backstage account. I have a regular account on my front page where I do a lot of searching.
I just don’t tweet or like.

“And, well, that’s how popular Nagishiro kun is! So it shouldn’t be a problem!”
“Uh, yeah, uh, ……”

I was pushed too hard by the sheer volume of heat. Kasugai san leaned forward from her desk and desperately appealed to the public.

Apparently, things were not looking good. I looked at the faces of the broadcaster and producer as a last resort, but they gave me a crazy fresh smile as a lead-in.
Okay, let’s make the next project, let’s get to the broadcaster’s annual income, shall we!

“Then let’s do it!”

Before long, Azusa was in charge of the event, and Kasugai san’s proposal was accepted.

“Yes, and the next corner is ……! We’re going to dig deeper into our guest, Nagishiro Rin san’s corner!!.”
“umm, the name of the corner is different from the one written in the script. ……”

There were four people in the booth: me, Azusa, the broadcaster, and a novice broadcaster.
Since Azusa is a one-person radio station, there were no assistants.

“Yes, well, first question! Is Nagishiro Rin your real name?”
“I was completely ignored…… Yes, it is my real name.”
“Yes, next, the second question. How did you become a composer?”
“I got into composing music because I was addicted to it. No …… big reason. ……”

In this way, questions were posed from questions that had been thought up by the staff at first.
Azusa, who never went out of control in such a situation, but always thought about the program and proceeded with it, had a sense of stability. Unlike Mirei, …….

“What was your least favorite subject in high school?”
“I took world history, but I couldn’t remember anything because of all the katakana. ……”
“Ah, I understand! There are too many katakana and nanchara nansei~”
“There are so many nanchara nansei”

(I don’t understand what nanchara nansei, なんちゃらなんせい means..)

The questions will focus on the obvious, but still be easy to get into the conversation. We know from our preliminary research that many of Azusa’s listeners are students.

Oh dear, it’s coming along nicely.
I’m sure I’m doing my job well, even if I’m a little bored with all the questions as planned.

“Okay, let’s get down to the deeper stuff here!”
“Okay, first of all, what type of woman do you like?”
“Well, that’s not in the script.”

Funny, it’s kind of like a surprise birthday project.
I wondered why I was the only one with a different script, so I looked at Kasugai san’s script and saw that “additional!!” was handwritten in red line. Why is such an important note not written on mine?

By the way, Kasugai san has a serious gaze, while the broadcaster next to her is laughing.

Okay, I’m going to show some maturity here.

“Yes, so what is your favorite type?”
“Yes…….I like people who are kind.”

Uwaaaaaaa, I’ve done it!!. I said the most bland answer that comes in first place.
What’s with the “gentle” type? Is there anyone who likes someone who isn’t kind? M ?

My answer was clearly a cop-out, but Azusa would not let me get away with it.

“What kind of kindness do you mean by kind people? There are many kinds of kindness, such as spoiling me and being kind! I’d also like to know what type of face you like!”

Extremely natural. I am in a tight spot.
I’m limited to a few words and then I’m forced to talk about my facial preferences, which is a flow.

I’m impressed by Azusa’s genius in reading the situation. Wait, don’t praise my partner, just get me out of this !!

“Y-Yes, ……. I often get sloppy, so I need someone to gently scold me……”
“Ooouhhh, and and ?”

Azusa is coming to the front. Please stop, it’s just like Harushita san that push people into a corner like that and enjoy it. It’s not Yukinoshita san, it’s Harushita san. If you haven’t read Oregairu, please read it. (wow, an honorable mention)



I had never thought of it that way. It wasn’t that I liked some part of a face, I never liked someone in a specific part of their face.

I had no choice but to search for the files of my unrequited love who had scattered in the past.
In addition, the compressed files have been decompressed to black history, but I’ll leave that aside. I think about the commonalities of the people I have fallen in love with.


“Someone with narrow eyes, maybe?”

As soon as I said that, I could feel the air in the booth harden.

Azusa was staring at me with her round, pointed eyes, and Kasugai san’s normally narrow eyes were rounded to a perfect circle in surprise.
The broadcaster was sensitive to the atmosphere and kept her eyes downcast toward the script.

Oh, what? Did I do something wrong?

“People with narrow eyes …… like Suzu san, Haa san, …..”

And Azusa was muttering something in a part of the microphone that could not be picked up.
Somehow, I thought I saw a little bit of Azusa in the black part.

Anyway, it’s a bad atmosphere. I have to do something to change it.

“…… Well, well! The girl I had a terrible crush on in high school had big eyes, though!!!”

Let them cut the flesh and break the bones. In that spirit, I exposed my black history, and for all intents and purposes, it did a lot of damage to my marrow.
It’s a real shame …… to say my past unrequited love on the national airwaves. If a hole goes in, I want to turn it into a black hole before I go in. ……

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2 years ago

Hello! Amazing as always and I would like to offer some insight, that may not be true because its just based off my shitty memory. But I think “nanchara nansei/なんちゃらなんせい” means something similar to “nonsense words” or “pointlessly confusing phrases” or something in that context.