
After that, I started to avoid Iyoki-san a little.

I felt sorry for what I had done.

She looked a little sad, and it wasn’t that I was being harassed by her.

It’s just that I don’t understand why she is so obsessed with me.

How could such a beautiful and popular girl like her be with a shy person like me?

And that gaze that sends a shiver down my spine, those round eyes.

There were just too many things that didn’t feel right.

–It was probably because I was thinking that way that I said what I did to her.

On the way home.

As I was walking with her, I said to her

“Hey, Iyoki san”

“What’s wrong, Iriake kun?”

“Well, um, …… can you please stop waiting in front of my door in the morning?”


Iyoki-san froze.

Then, she distorted her face as if she was in shock.


“Well, I’ll be surprised, and there will be strange rumors. …… It’s not that I don’t like going to school with Iyoki san, it’s just that ……um”

”I-is that so”

Iyoki san looks down.

By the time I said it, it was too late, and I was desperately thinking about what to do.

However, Iyoki-san dropped large tears on the ground. 

“Iriake-kun, you’ve been avoiding me lately, haven’t you?”

“N-no it’s not like that. How can I put it ……”

“Do you dislike me?”

“I don’t hate you! I don’t dislike you, but I don’t understand why you are talking to a guy like me.”

It’s frustrating when I can’t express my feelings well.

I didn’t want to make Iyoki san cry.

What am I doing?

“I’m sorry, Iriake kun. I’m …… I!”

Iyoki-san ran away without caring about me.


I was about to run after her, but I stopped in my tracks.

There is nothing I can say to stop her now.

It’s useless to hold her back.

“Aaah, I really wonder if this is why I can’t make friends.”

My chest felt tight. 

♦ ♦ ♦

Next day.

When I left home, I did not see Iyoki-san.

In the end, I did not see Iyoki-san until I got to school.

“Huh? Isn’t Iriake alone today?”

“Sae-sama dumped him, didn’t she?”

“I don’t think they were ever together in the first place! they are not compatible no matter how you look at it.”

I sat down on my own seat after getting through the strange stares.

After that, I usually run into Iyoki-san, but that didn’t happen either.

I had to go after school without talking to Iyoki-san even once.

…… Let’s go apologize to her.

I’m sure I’m the one who hurt Iyoki-san.

I’m not sure how much time has passed.

I’m sure that now is the only time to tell her.

I rush to Iyoki-san’s class and check to see if she’s there.

“Sae-sama? I think Sae-sama would still be at school.”

“Excuse me, thank you.”

My bag is still in the classroom.

I was sure she would be somewhere if I looked for her.

I ran around anyway.

It would be bad if Iyoki-san left

I had been avoiding her so much, but now I was looking for her.

Maybe I was the one who was crazy.

I ran around for about ten minutes at that rate.


“Iriake, kun ……?”

Iyoki-san was in a flowerbed behind the school building where there were few people.

I had not decided what I was going to say, but the words came naturally.

“I’m sorry about the other day! No, I’m sorry about recently! I avoided you!”

“I-it’s not your fault, Iriake-kun. I mistook the distance between us.”

Iyoki san’s face is downcast.

I am the one who is making the always gorgeous girl depressed.

I have to take responsibility.

“I! It’s not that I don’t like you, Iyoki-san!”


“I was just surprised by the distance. And, well, it’s hard to say, but …… I was wondering why you were so interested in me, Iyoki-san.”

“Iriake-kun ……”

“So really, it’s not that I hate Iyoki-san or anything! it’s all my problem So, it’s not your fault, !”

I don’t know if I said it well, but I was able to say all of my feelings.

I was out of breath and wiping the sweat from my cheeks when she began to cry.

“I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to make you cry again. ……”

“No, it’s not like that! How can I say this, Iriake-kun is a good person after all.”


I have never been told that I am a good person.

Iyoki san said in this situation, it is completely unexpected. 

“It was the same when you saved me that time and kindly put a blazer on me. That’s why I wanted to be friends with Iriake-kun so badly.”

“Iyoki san ……”

“But, I’m sorry. It was the first time I wanted to get along with someone of the opposite sex, and I didn’t understand the sense of distance. So Iriake-kun will be troubled…”

I sat next to Iyoki-san and wiped her tears with a handkerchief.

“It’s not a nuisance. I don’t have any friends. So I don’t know how to feel distance from them.”

“I-Is that so?”

“Yes. But I wanted to be friends with you, too.”

“…… Really?”

“Yes, it’s true. I would never lie to you.”

“…… Iriake-kun!”

Iyoki san jumped into my chest.

She pressed her forehead against my chest plate and cried aloud.

“I’m so happy that you want to be friends with me. Therefore, in a way that we don’t know how far we are from each other, why don’t we get along?”

“Is that okay? I might cause you a lot of trouble, Iriake-kun, don’t you think?”

“That’s fine. After all, Iyoki-san is my most important friend.”

I felt like I was finally able to say what I wanted to say.

–And so, I and Iyoki-san made up.

This was the end and the beginning.

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11 months ago

Well it’s most certainly the end of his freedom lol

10 months ago

But literally lied that he had friends to see not more than a couple chapters ago. White lie I guess but still feels a little hollow hearing that he’s never lie to her.

8 months ago

Honestly, why most JP Novels always fond of “Suspension Bridge Effect”? I dunno but its rare to find Romance Story thats love between two characters grows gradually. Unnaturally natural? XD

To Haru novel is one