Today is the last day of the first semester. We’re in the middle of the closing ceremony.
The principal is speaking, but to be honest, it’s too long to get anything into my head.
I can see some students dozing off here and there. Well, I’m about to fall asleep too.
I can go home after the closing ceremony and after cleaning up a little bit, so I can play in the afternoon…but that wasn’t the case.
I have another study session in the afternoon.
I think we’ll do this right this time.
My sister and Natsuki want to finish their summer vacation homework as soon as possible and play. They said they would study all the way through the first day.
To be honest, it’d be great if they could help me, so if you ask me if I’m happy, I’d say I am. However, it’s a little bit hard because we can hardly play until we finish our homework.
By the way, I heard that my sister and Natsuki have almost finished their homework. How badly do they want to play?
While I was thinking about this in a daze, the principal’s speech was over before I knew it.
I thought he had finally finished, but next, the student advisor started talking about how to spend the summer vacation.
Speaking of Sakamoto senpai, it seems that he’s slowly making the rounds apologizing to the people that he caused trouble for.
It seems that he hasn’t been well received, but he’s determined to do his best on his own.
I, for one, prefer it if he can do his best on his own. I don’t want to get involved in any more trouble. Sakamoto senpai is like a lump of it.
It’s not that I don’t want to be involved, but I don’t want to get into trouble. Even though I said we were friends, am I a terrible person?
In the final exam, Ishizaki and Segawa just barely avoided a red mark…or rather, they avoided a red mark pretty easily.
In our school, a red mark is given when the score is less than half of the average, but the two of them got just about the average mark.
I was about 10 points above the average. Well, that’s about right.
My sister was still in first place in her grade. Natsuki was 5th. As expected. Natsuki’s grade rose, and although she was hiding it, she looked pretty happy.
As I was in a daze again, the student advisor’s talk was over.
After that, there were a few more contacts and the closing ceremony was over.
Four days later…
Me, Ishizaki, and Segawa were exhausted. The reason was that we had studied to death in a short period of time, which we usually don’t do.
Both Natsuki and my sister were good at teaching, but they were very spartan and made us study all day from morning till night with almost no breaks.
I thought there was no need to rush into anything, but I couldn’t talk out of it, so I just kept on studying for the next four days.
Well, it’s not that there wasn’t any fun moment in it.
On the third day, my sister and Natsuki, who must’ve been very tired indeed, fell asleep on my shoulders and knees.
I felt like I was getting a lot out of this experience, as I could smell their feminine fragrance and see their sleeping faces.
I’m used to seeing and smelling my sister’s. ….This kind of thing is rather creepy from the way I said it.
The only regret was that my legs were numb and painful because I had been sitting on the floor for a long time.
Anyway, I was able to finish my homework for now.
I would be able to play after tomorrow.
On that day, Natsuki, Ishizaki, and Segawa went home, and my sister and I slept the whole day.
I didn’t get much sleep because my sister came to my room and fell asleep in my arms. Even though we sleep together every night, I can’t get used to something I’m not suppose to.
She was sleeping so soundly and looked so happy that I couldn’t even wake her up.
At night, when I was taking a bath, my sister came in.
This happens sometimes these days.
Last time she was trying to hide it more or less, but finally she was no longer hiding it.
What are you doing? Have you left your sense of shame behind?
I think it’s strange no matter what. Even though going in together is weird enough, but coming in completely naked?
Moreover, my sister doesn’t seem to be bothered by it.
I wonder if she’s teasing me.
Then, my sister came into the bathtub while facing me.
Finally, face to face….I felt like I should give up.
As I was thinking that, my sister started talking.
“Yuuki, tomorrow we’re going to the salon and go shopping for new clothes.”
“Eh? I thought we were going to have fun. I understand. Okay.”
“Okay. Then, I have to choose a nice place. I have to make Yuuki look cool.”
…..Hm? Are you talking about me? Son it’s not you?
“Wait a minute, are you talking about me”?
“Of course. You can shine if you polish up. You’ll be cool during this summer vacation.”
“Eh, I don’t want to be bothered.”
“No. You don’t have the right to refuse, Yuuki.”
“Even though I say I’ll do anything?”
I’m sure my sister will catch on to this.
“…Then I’ll make sure you do what I just told you to do.”
Oh shit. I thought she would say something else.
I don’t understand why she’s trying to change me so much. I’m just a plain, ordinary guy. I don’t feel like I can shine.
…..But I don’t think she’s going to back down.
“….No matter what?”
No matter what I say, it’s not going to work.
As expected, it can’t be helped if I say more than this, so for now, I have no choice but to get a haircut.
I had grown my hair out quite a bit, so I felt like it was a waste, but I felt like it wouldn’t be a bad idea to get a haircut for the first time in a while, so I decided to go along with what my sister had said.
“Right. Then, I’ll look forward to tomorrow.”
“OKay. Nee chan.”
“Fufufu. A date with Yuuki.”
“Date you said…… Anyway, I’ll see you tomorrow, Nee chan.”
I didn’t remember the last time I cut my hair, so I’m a little troubled because I couldn’t imagine how I would get my haircut, but I thought it wouldn’t matter, so I stopped thinking about it.
When I came out of the bath, my sister was in a very good mood.
She went back to her room with a very fluffy feeling, is she that happy? I wondered, but since she was my sister, I thought that ‘date’ would make her happy, so I agreed.
While I was watching TV in the living room, Riko spoke to me.
“Shiori Nee was in a great mood. Do you know anything about it?”
“Ah, she said she had a date with me tomorrow, so I thought it might be that. We’re talking about her anyway.”
“……Hmm, a date. Date, date…”
“…? What’s wrong?
She was mumbling something the whole time, I was worried so I asked her.
“Nothing. You don’t have to know about it, Yuuki Nii.”
She said. I was surprised because she was much gentler than before, but she kept mumbling something after that, so I stopped asking her any more questions and went back to my room.
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Imouto-chan, will you also make a move?
Ofc she is
Tl-san, I can’t access chapter 22, 23, 24 and 25
Fixed ! thanks for the report