Source I, Kurase Nanami, have been worrying recently.How can I get to know Ito-kun better? I have thought Ito-kun was a mysterious person ever
Category: I Can See a Few Minutes Into the Future, but I Don’t Know What a Woman’s Mind Is Like
Source “I like you. Please go out with me!” After school.I was on day duty and had come to the back of the school
Source *** It is raining. Standing there was a man in a raincoat. Who is he ……? I knew it was not me. “Ha….Ha….Ha…”
Source I, Asagiri Yuri, was now enduring fear.I don’t like dark places to begin with. In addition to that, I really dislike the horror
Source Dinner time is over, and all that is left is to take a bath and go to bed.The baths are rented out in
Source Yuri stared at Arase’s back as he stood up from his seat. “….”“Yuri chan?”“…Nothing” Yuri shook her head when Nanami asked her about
Source “Hnn good..Hnnn good…!!” The sun was already setting and dinner time was about to end.Sosuke was still devouring the curry. This was his
Source There they are, the three of them, shoulders slumped with downcast expressions.No one is there but the three of them. “What in the
Source After all, I came alone, and I am more worried about the kitchen. “Well, if Sosuke were there, the other boys in the
Source Finally, the hellish climb came to an end.After eating my lunch at the top of the mountain, I went back down to the