“Frankly speaking, I would like you to meet my father as a temporary boyfriend.”
I guess that is what you call Tanba-san’s situation.
I understood instantly.
Originally, I had no idea …… that she was going to get a fake boyfriend.
I felt it was a funny story from the nose.
Tanba san earnestly demanded while putting her hands on her chest.
In front of her seriousness, I intentionally furrowed my eyebrows.
“Hmm? In other words, it’s really a temporary relationship?”
“Yes, that’s right. As soon as the conversation is over, the relationship is over.”
After all, I was not even a potential boyfriend to begin with.
The interpretation of a trial period seems to be a mistake.
Shuuta really didn’t have to take first place.
She just wanted someone who could be used instantly.
Tanba-san’s reputation has fallen to the ground in my mind.
But I’m sure she’s just trying to make up for it by still continuing to talk.
I think her way is wrong.
But I don’t talk back to her head-on or lecture her.
Because the fact is, Tanba-san is cute.
Men are strange creatures; they will forgive a girl just because she is cute, no matter how cocky she is.
“So it’s better to hide the relationship from other people?”
“Yes. At worst, even a guy like Kisaragi kun would have been fine as long as he had the title of top of the class.”
I didn’t study because I wanted to be Tanba-san’s boyfriend.
Therefore, it was easy to understand her feeling of ‘the top of the school’
The title is easy to show off to her father.
The details of the situation are still unknown.
But I understood that she had to convince her father.
I see. First place in the class.
That might be enough to describe as excellent in one word.
I could see such a calculating side to her story.
But there was a reason why I was listening to what she was saying.
“I understood most of what you said. But what’s in it for me?”
“You get to have a meeting with my father, and you get to eat good, fine food.”
I figured that even she had at least a minimum amount of common sense.
Hence, it was a negotiation.
But the return I was offered was not as bad as I had expected.
It was not a direct reward, but it was a fair price to pay.
In the first place, if she cannot see the trend of the conversation properly, Tanba san must not be at the top of the caste.
“We have a deal. But won’t Shuuta find out? this Relationship”
“A temporary boyfriend, well. ……”
Tanba-san thinks about it.
I guess if she wants to keep Shuta quiet, she’ll have to pay a price for it.
“Since we are in a relationship, albeit a temporary one, I expect you to behave like my boyfriend.”
“Please deal with it.”
“You leave it to others!”
Maybe I misunderstood Tanba-san.
If she is good at shifting the responsibility, she will push it more naturally.
Now, that’s “I’m relying on you” at best.
Worse, it’s “You should do something about it.”
I doubt the latter is meant as well, but it sounds implied.
–Is she okay? This girl.
Do modern gals have such bad personalities?
I suspect it’s just Tanba-san.
For someone who is so sensible, do you ignore other people’s circumstances?
Either Tanba-san is really a scum, or–.
“Still, I’m interested in you, Kanda-kun!”
“…… Yes? I see.”
“What if he thinks you’re the right guy for me? Um, that….I might even make you my real boyfriend.”
“Don’t say anything extravagant. Once the relationship is over, we’ll be strangers.”
I see. I could read that.
This is a way of hinting at the possibility of such a relationship.
Most of the boys would have listened to her.
I wonder how many guys she has hooked with her devilish charms.
…I feel a little sympathy for Shuuta.
But, well, it’s none of my business.
The only thing that fills my head is something completely different.
–If Tsukane had a boyfriend, would she dye her hair and end up like this?
She’s a lonely person, so she’s going to be dependent on her boyfriend.
I got a little pissed off when I remembered Tsukane.
Who is it? I wonder who it really is.
……This is taking it out on me.
But since I’m going to go so far as to say this, it’s probably already confirmed.
Tanba-san is probably in a very tight situation.
The one who really can’t relax is definitely me.
The weight that has been weighing me down for weeks has not gone away.
Even now, if I am conscious of it, it seems to be pressing down on me.
I wanted to take it out on her and make her regret her behavior.
Without making her cry, I would not be satisfied.
–That’s a demon. It is okay to be a demon
“…….Hey If you can resolve it to the point where there’s no more regret, you should really make me your boyfriend.”
Tanba-san’s eyes widened at my words.
“I didn’t tell you that there were any complications, did I?”
“I understand. You didn’t want to tell me your deeper circumstances because you thought that if you explained them to me, I wouldn’t be able to cooperate with you, right?”
I don’t think your goal is just to introduce your boyfriend to your father.
If that were the case, you wouldn’t need the title of “number one” in your grade.
There is a flip side to the lack of explanation.
Is it damaging information that you don’t bring to the negotiating table?
–But don’t underestimate me, Tanba Kano.
I will never do it without harming people.
When I do it, I do it thoroughly.
That’s the role of a boyfriend.
“Yes …… it is. But that’s really all there is to it.”
“Y-es,…… all I expect from Kanda-kun is for him to sit beside me and act like a boyfriend.”
“…… then I’ll be quiet, but if you push yourself too hard on your own, you’re unintentionally causing trouble for others.”
When I tell her to be advised, Tanba-san has a clouded look on her face.
Apparently, she is aware of it.
It would be bad for our relationship to be discovered.
That’s not all bad, I suppose.
But we should improve it beforehand for the better.
So maybe – the advice is not for Tanba-san’s sake.
It’s for me.
“If there’s a crisis, you can count on me.”
“I should.”
“Oh, You told me, rightI? You said you want me to behave like a boyfriend.”
“I said that.”
“I understand. I will accept your proposal.”
…… Really?
To be frank, I just wanted to see if she was ready.
She seems to be more determined than I thought.
“If things are resolved, let’s really get together. Just–“
“Kanda-kun is already my boyfriend.”
“……well yeah.”
That’s true, albeit temporarily.
I should be aware of that.
But if she says this much – does that mean she’ll forgive me for going too far?
In any case, I am already Tanba Kano’s boyfriend.
But Tanba Kano and I don’t love each other.
I’ll make that distinction clear.
“I’m in your care, Kano.”
I hold out my right hand and ask for a handshake.
I’ve already changed my mind.
My head has already switched.
In contrast, Tanba-san let out a surprised voice.
I wonder if she’s okay with that tone of voice.
“If you don’t call me by my name, they will suspect us. Are you a bad actor?”
“.. I just thought it looked a little different.”
She takes my hand while looking away shyly.
I see. Is that so?
Tanba-san too…was this your first time having a boyfriend?
I’m glad we were equal there.
I was somehow …… relieved that it was so.
Ironically, I wonder if it’s because she’s in the same state as Tsukane?
–From now on, our fake lover period will begin.
“Hmmm ………… hmm?”
Here, I remember.
I feel like I’m forgetting something, so I turn around.
Come to think of it, I left Tsukane unattended.
I had forgotten about it because I was in a whirlpool of feelings that I didn’t want to see her.
She might be angry with me.
No, wait a minute.
..Why am I trying to please Takane now?
she’s the woman who didn’t belong to me, right?
Rather, I’ve been tormented so much.
I even have the right to blame her.
……That’s right. I’m going to use my current relationship with Tanba-san to my advantage.
Can’t I at least make Tsukane regret?
Black-hearted ……?
Great. Even that would be something in common with Tanba san
“I’m sorry, Kano. I have to hurry home now.”
“Eh, eh……?!”
Leaving the confused Tanba-san behind, I hurried to the shoe box.
Suddenly, the last thing I saw on Tanba-san’s face was a little interesting.
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Okay, it seems we have a ‘childhood friend defeated again’ novel lmao
Do not draw the line yet my friend
This guy is kinda of an asshole, but it’s hard for me to hate him when I see myself in this.
So all he’s getting out of this is an awkward dinner with a potentially hard ass elder guy and a meal he probably won’t be able to enjoy fully. Why not make his reasoning tied to his CF liking someone else and him trying to get over it with this arrangement?
And how magnanimous of Tanba, she might even make him her real bf! Remember kids, you’re nothing if not for your self pride. So don’t bother with people who think they’re above you.