After the exam, the class is usually devoted to returning the answer sheets and explaining the questions that were answered incorrectly.
In junior high school, this time was very noisy and not even half the students were listening to the teacher, but now that I was in high school, or maybe it was because I was in a high deviation high school, I don’t know, but everyone was taking the explanations relatively seriously. Kohinata glanced back at me and huffed and puffed, though.
With the examinations over, preparations for the gymnasium finally began in earnest.
However, from what I had experienced during the last year, Sakura Sei Gakuen’s P.E. Festival was just a “let’s just do it anyway” kind of thing, and only a small percentage of the students were really enthusiastic about it. I have the impression that only a small percentage of the students were really enthusiastic about it.
Excluding the committee members, the classmates would decide on the events they would participate in at random and practice a few times for them. The rest was mostly marching practice and other things that focused on the overall appearance of the event.
“See you, Kohinata-chan, and Sugino, see you tomorrow~.”
“Sugino-kun, take care of Kohinata-chan! Make sure you walk on the side of the road!”
As I was heading home with Kohinata after seeing Keiichi off to a meeting of the executive committee, two girls in my class called out to me in that manner.
I had never been approached like this in the first year or when I first joined this class, but now it is rather normal for them to talk to me. I’m sure there are many reasons for this, such as the fact that I’ve been avoiding them, or the fact that the person I’m talking to is Kohinata.
“Yes, see you tomorrow.”
“………… (kokukoku)”
Even though I was approached by two girls, I don’t feel a bad feeling in my spine.
Perhaps my body is beginning to understand that not all girls are dangerous.
That’s because I’ve been around a girl who is so lovely and doesn’t provoke my bitterness, so I’m sure I’ll understand.
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The moment we walked out of the school gate, she held my pinky finger and we both went straight to my house.
It was not like during the exam period, when we had nothing special to do. If I were to say so, I would say that we got together because we had nothing to do. From Monday to Friday after the exam, Kohinata came to my house every day like this.
And we spend time together, watching movies, playing games, and just hanging out…….As you might expect, we don’t stay the night, and I take her home before dark, but it’s true that the amount of time we spend together has increased dramatically.
In addition, it’s not the four of us, including Keiichi and Saejima, but the ‘just the two of us’ situation because the two members of the executive committee are not here.
If this continues, it’s not good. …… I’m going to finally fall in love with Kohinata.
I too was thinking that in my mind at first but—
“Oh, Kohinata, while you’re at it, can you bring me a packet of juice? Grape juice.”
“………… (kokukoku)”
I called out to Kohinata as she headed to the refrigerator to refill her barley tea, and she looked back at me and nodded. Then she began to glance at me, who was sitting cross-legged in front of the table.
Ah, I see. Now I understand.
“It’s pudding, right? You can eat it.”
Perhaps, or rather definitely, Kohinata was looking at the pudding I had purchased on my way home yesterday. I had bought a pack of three, and since we each ate one yesterday, there was only one left over.
When Kohinata heard my reply, she took a tray from the cupboard and put juice, barley tea, and pudding on it, with a big smile on her face.
With both hands, she carried them toward me slowly. When she succeeded in putting them on the table, she proudly sipped the juice and pudding. Then, she head-butted me on the chest with a gurgling motion. When I patted her head, she became even more enthusiastic.
I feel like I’m getting used to it in a somewhat not-so-good way…
Are we already in a relationship? I mean, aren’t we friends, or are we no longer relatives? If it were a male friend or someone you’ve known since childhood, it might be okay to casually walk around the house like this, but a man and woman who’ve known each other for about two months wouldn’t be like this,…….
“Uh,…… just to make sure, why did you bring two spoons?”
I asked as I looked at the two spoons lined up on the tray, and Kohinata touched her nose with a tsuntsun. As I looked at the two spoons on the tray, Kohinata tapped her nose and then touched her finger to my nose.
“You mean you want me to eat with you?”
“………… (kokkoku).”
“I don’t mind you eating alone, you know?”
“………… (bunbunbun)”
“……Yes, yes, I’ll eat with you then.”
I said with a wry smile, and Kohinata shook her head widely. She seems to be very happy even though her share is going to be reduced. Well, I’m glad to see that she’s forgiving me.
Ah …… once the gymnasium is over, Keiichi and Saejima will be back in this place. And the time that Kohinata and I spend together like this will be almost gone.
I wonder if I should really be happy or sad …….
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