
The day of the summer festival.

I left my house and went to the venue to meet the first person I was meeting.

I arrived a little earlier than the meeting time, so I was killing time at the entrance of the shrine, watching the flow of people coming in and out of the shrine.

“Shoma, you’re early.”

It was Daiki who called out to me, the first person I was meeting.

“And you’re wearing glasses today.”

“Well, a little bit. What’s more, what are you doing here all of a sudden?”

“What, you …….”

Daiki looked at me like he was reading my entire body and then sighed heavily.

“Are you going to dress like that today and tomorrow?”

“I mean, that’s what I’m going to do.”

“….Why would someone like you”

As he muttered this in a slightly dismayed manner, Daiki handed me a paper bag he was holding in his hand.

What is it, I looked at the contents and found a yukata in it.

“You can’t go around a festival with a girl in casual clothes. I’ll lend you a yukata, so go change quickly.”

“How did you know about that?…”

“It’s okay, it’s okay. Come on, time is running out.”

I was made to change into a yukata as Daiki urged me to do.

“It’s nice, you look good in it.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. So much so that even I, as a man, can’t help but admire it. Well then, I’m going to leave now.”

When Daiki was about to leave after saying that, I stopped him once and said, “Thank you,” to which he replied, “Of course”. He answered with a big smile on his face.

Then the number on his forehead changed to 72.

“I haven’t seen the number change in a while…”

I had been avoiding wearing these glasses lately.

That was because I was so concerned about my likability that I would act to maintain or raise it, and I would lose track of my own feelings.

However, I couldn’t help feeling that the glasses Sera was wearing at that time looked like these glasses. One of the reasons I thought so was because I had recently heard rumors that Sera was becoming popular with boys.

In case I should run into Sera, I would wear my glasses today so that I would be prepared to deal with her, eye for eye and tooth for tooth theory.

While I was thinking like this, the time passed quickly and it was 30 minutes before the meeting time.

More people were coming and going than before, and I felt that their eyes were glancing at me, which made me feel uncomfortable. I was almost enveloped in a feeling of uneasiness, wondering if I had been acting strangely after all.

But soon it didn’t matter.

I saw her running toward me.


She came to me waving her hand, and she was also wearing a yukata.

She was wearing a lovely pink yukata.

“Haaa haa, I’m so tired. I’m sorry, did I make you wait?”

“No, not at all. I just got here.”

To be honest, I came too early and had to wait, but it’s the template for guys not to tell the truth here. Moreover, Hinano in a yukata, which I usually don’t see, is very cute even when I look at her again.

As I was looking at her like that, “Ah!” She suddenly shouted out loud and started looking at me from top to bottom.

“What’s wrong?”

“I haven’t seen you wearing glasses in a while. And the yukata.”

“Did I look weird?”

“No, it looks good on you! I mean…”


“No, it’s nothing.”

When I saw the slightly blushing Hinano, I said what I was thinking.

“You look great in a yukata, too.”

“Really? Thanks!”

Hinano thanked me with a big smile on her face.

Just seeing that face was enough to make today’s summer festival worthwhile.

“Then, let’s go.”

“I guess so.”

With that, we went to the food stalls to enjoy the first day of the summer festival.

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