
“Yes! Hiroto kun, you’re getting better!”

“It’s thanks to you, Onee chan.”

“That’s not true. I am not the one who is good, it’s Hiroto-kun. Let’s take a break for now.”

That day, the day after I was there when Shoma saved Hiroto kun life in the park.

When I casually headed to the park, I found Hiroto kun practicing basketball by himself, and after talking to him, we started playing basketball together.

I bought two drinks from a nearby vending machine and gave one to Hiroto-kun, who was sitting on the bench, and we sat down next to each other and talked for a while.

“Onee chan, why did you start playing basketball?”

Hiroto-kun then casually asked me that question.

“Hiroto-kun, Do you remember Shouma, the guy with glasses we played basketball with here the other day? ”

“Yes, I remember him. He was really good at it, so I started practicing here because I wanted to be like him. ”

“I see. The reason I started playing basketball, too, is because of him.”

—That was in the eighth grade.

I happened to be at a basketball game at my junior high school.

It was the final of the prefectural tournament.

The remaining time was running out, and the score difference was more than 10 points.

In such a situation, I was moved by the way one of the guys on the losing team fought through to the end without giving up, and I was captivated by his play.

He accumulated points through extraordinary individual play, unlike his teammates who had been working together up to that point. It was truly fascinating, and I was glued to his play until the end of the game.

Then, at the buzzer, his shot drew a beautiful parabolic line and was sucked into the goal. His smile after the game was as beautiful as a star shining in the sky, and I fell in love with him and his game at first sight.

When the game was over and I saw him going home, I couldn’t help but call out to him,

“Congratulations on your victory! That was a great game!”

In response to my words, he simply replied, “Yes, thank you.”

I also started playing basketball after that, and the next year I went to the same tournament.

However, I couldn’t find him on the junior high school team I saw last year.

I didn’t know his name, contact information, or where he lived, and I graduated from junior high school without ever seeing him again.

Time passed, and it was the day of the entrance ceremony for high school.

I found out the basketball player, was attending the same school.

His name is Kakuta SHoma.

I felt my heart pounding with excitement at this fateful coincidence.

Later, however, I found out that Shoma did not play basketball and that he had a girlfriend right after he entered the school. Along with my surprise, I had mixed feelings inside.

So when I learned that she and he had broken up.

When we exchanged contact information and became friends to spend time together.

When I heard that he was going to participate in a class match basketball game.

When I saw him playing basketball.

I can’t tell you how happy I was.

At first it was love at first sight, but as we spent time together, my feelings for him grew deeper and deeper. I was also attracted to his smile and kindness.

—This is the reason why I started playing basketball.

“You like Onii chan don’t you?”

“Yes, I do. I love him.”

“I see.”

A little long silence ensued.

“I’m sorry, I’ve talked too long. Mother will be worried, so I have to go home now.”

“Yes. I hope onee chan’s feelings will be conveyed”

“I’m trying to tell him. He’s a simpleton though~”


Hiroto-kun repeats my words back to me.

“Being slow. You’re not going to be that kind of guy, Hiroto-kun.”

“I understand. Bye bye.”

“See you later~”

As I sat up to leave, I heard a voice calling my name from the side, ” Sakahara-san?” I heard a voice calling my name from the side.

I turned my head to see a bespectacled Matsuura Sera.

“Matsura-san! No way, what I just said …….”

“I just happened to hear it. I didn’t know that Sakahara-san liked Shoma that much~”

“Please. I don’t want you to tell anyone. Especially for Shouma himself.”

I asked her to do so by clasping my hands together.

“It’s fine. I won’t tell anyone. Hnn~ I’ll tell you my secret as proof.”

“A secret?”

I thought that she was a kind person, not only did she promise easily, but she also tried to tell me her secrets.

Then, I approached her as she beckoned me, and put my ear to her mouth.

“I still haven’t given up on Shouma.”


“Don’t tell anyone. We are rivals, aren’t we?”

After saying that, she quickly walked out of the park.

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