
Sixty-one years old.

I’m now a good old man, and I’m very sick.

Apparently, I have only a month to live.

My wife’s hand was trembling as she listened to the doctor next to me.

Gently, I held her hand.

I had been dating Rena since Christmas during the winter break of my high school yearl (after I graduated from a fake boyfriend).

Thinking back, most of my firsts were with Rena.

To be told that someone other than myself “loves” me.

And going out with her.

We exchanged headbands at the sports festival, went around the exhibitions together at the cultural festival, talked until late at night on the school trip, and suffered through studying for the entrance examinations.

It was Rena who gave such a sweet and sour youth to such a mob.

And then–it was with you that I became an adult.

[I don’t need anything as long as I have you, okay?]

In the morning light, your blond hair, more beautiful than the light–tickling my arm, you smile with a gentle face.

How did you feel, Rena–how did you choose those words that day?

Come to think of it–the only date, if you want to call it a date, then Rena wasn’t the only person I went on my first date with.

Other than that, it was just you.

After graduating from high school, Rena and I continued our relationship, even though we went to different universities.

Two years after I started working, I married Rena.

The next year I became a father and I was happy.

Things didn’t always go well at work, but it seems that happiness came back to my family.

That’s why,

“I’ve been thinking about those days a lot lately.”

I had forgotten until you whispered it in my ear just now.

No, I was trying to forget.

“My life was happy with you and the kids.”

It was true.

I closed my eyes–.

But why?

–A hospital waiting room in April.

The bouquets of sympathy flowers have been replaced by brightly colored ones, and you are reading the same book amidst the people who are somewhat busily passing by.

–I gathered up my courage and called out to you.

[You read that book all the time, is it interesting? That’s……Goethe [The Sorrows of Young Werther] isn’t it?’

You roll your beautiful, clear eyes.


Ah, this makes it sound like I’m saying I’ve always watched her.

Well, I guess so.

I’m such a stalker, aren’t I?


A hand scratched my head.

[Oh, I’m surprised… know this book.]

[Well, it’s well-known. I only know the title. So is it interesting?]

[You should read it. Seeing is believing.]

[Well….I’ve been having a hard time with the assignments I’ve been skipping, so I thought I’d just use your thoughts in my book report.”]



[Fufu, it’s a book that makes you sleepy.]

Your smile, a very soft smile.

At that time—a spring breeze comes in through the open entrance of the hospital.

It was covered with a gentle smell.

In my clouded consciousness, I–.

I just remembered it.

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1 year ago

If that okey i wanted to recommend novel for translation .

1 year ago
Reply to  DasuiTL

I see . I will check it out !

11 months ago

Man this is sad. This is why I prefer harem ending….