
“So, to change the subject a bit, are you going to take this as an opportunity to get back in?”
“Yes, you’re right”

Yes, she’s plainly saying, [Yes, you’re right.]

…… Maybe this is what you call top secret?

“I don’t mean to ask, but is that something you’re allowed to talk to me about?”
“Fufu. it’s fine. Perhaps you are worried?”
“No, it’s not like that. That Harushita Suzune is back, and isn’t that the kind of thing that would be the number one trending topic on Twitter?”

She doesn’t seem to realize how big a news story it is.

–Speaking of big news, I think this situation of being alone in the same room with Harushita Suzune is also a pretty bad situation.

She is still laughing while I am in a panic. She’s a happy-go-lucky person.

“Oh! Of course I won’t talk about it or anything!”
“I know what you’re talking about. Please calm down.”
“And while you’re at it, I’d appreciate it if you’d keep my name out of your mouth too!”
“Yesyes, Kazashiro san”

I say this to add something I forgot to mention when we first met. I’m sure she’s okay with it because she’s been through the entertainment industry before, but just in case.

If I say I’m forgetting something, it’s like I’m forgetting something.


“You diverted me, but what did you come here for in the end!?”
“No, so, what was it, you see, I came to give you a CD.”
“Don’t give me the same reason as if it’s a joke!…..You really had something to do with it, didn’t you?”

I couldn’t help but shout out loud. And it’s bad because the honorifics are about to come off.

Fortunately, Harushita san is just smiling.

“Well, indeed, you are right, Nagishiro san. I’ve got plans.”
“Please say so from the beginning……”

When she finally confessed, she was smiling and covering it up. She has a wide variety of smiles, both good and bad. For better or worse.

“So what are your plans?”

I ask when she has calmed down a bit.

“Yes, For one thing, I wanted to get direct feedback on the song. ……”

Hmmm…I nod my head because there are a lot of people like that who are in the music business. I think it is a truth that there are things that can only be conveyed directly rather than through literal impressions.

As I listen to her story, thinking seriously, she suddenly chuckles.

As if to say, now that’s not good.

“Hey, Nagishiro san.”

The alarm bells in my heart are still ringing. Stop, say no more.

“Let’s go on a date now.”

I see. I knew it was not a good thing.

Mid-July. In the middle of summer.

Me and Harushita san were at a cell phone store in Akihabara.


“Why am I here?”
“It’s to buy Nagishiro san’s cell phone.”
“No, I don’t need it.”
“Come on, let’s get in.”

Harushita san walked into the store without listening to me. I could not stay outside alone in this hot weather, so I had no choice but to follow her.

“Welcome~. Are you changing models?”
“No, I’m here to buy new.”
“What? Really? That’s very unusual!”

Harushita san lightly communicates with a female waitress. Harushita san smiles amiably and the clerk responds in a friendly manner.

“So, are you happy with what you have?”
“No, it belongs to this person.”

I bow my head respectfully as Harushita san introduces me to her. I have to be polite, just because my face is scary, or I would be reported immediately.

But the clerk, I don’t know how she took it, suddenly starts grinning.

“Araa~, I see. Then, let me show you around~”
“Y-yes, I’m in your care”

What is this person? I don’t know, but she seems to be enjoying himself.

And Harushita san, who had been standing next to me earlier, was looking at the color of my cell phone before I knew it.

“Hey, sir?”

And as I look around, the clerk, who has been approaching me rapidly before I know it, asks me, lowering her volume with her hand.

“Is that, your G I R L F R I E N D ~?”
“Eh, Eeee!?”
“She’s very beautiful~! How did you get her?”
“Did I get her? No, I mean, it wasn’t her.”
“What’s wrong, Nagishiro san?”

Harushita san, who had approached me suddenly, entered the conversation, presumably in response to my loud voice. What the heck, have they all mastered shrinkage⁉

“No, no, it’s nothing~. I will show you around, so please feel free to look around the store with your companion.~”
“Well, please do.”

Harushita san bowed her head with a bow and went back again. Wait a minute, you made me lose my timing to clear up the misunderstanding. ……

“Then, please sit down over here~.”

No longer in control, I maturely listened to the clerk.

(Muu, How do I say no….)

As I listened to the clerk’s explanation, I was thinking about it.

Buying a new cell phone and registering all sorts of things was cheaper than I thought it would be. Hmmm, I sometimes thought this would be a good idea.

But the monthly charge for data communication was still a problem for me, a poor man. I had no one with whom I would need a cell phone in the first place, and when I asked myself if I could use what I had paid for, I concluded that I should not sign up for a cell phone contract.

However, it was hard for me to say no to Harushita san after all, since she had brought me here. I felt sorry for the waiter who was enthusiastically explaining everything to me.

(Well, if I tell them honestly that I don’t have any money, I can go for it.)

After the explanation, it’s time to talk to the clerk.

“Um, I’m terribly sorry.”
“Then I’ll go with this plan. I think this is the color I want.”

Harushita san interrupts me again and points to the material the clerk is holding.

“Wait, Harushita san! Wait, Harushita san! I don’t have any money.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll pay for it.”

Harushita san says something so out of the blue that I can’t help but yell out.

“What, trouble?”
“Hey, there’s a cute little girl being blackmailed.”

Some of the customers around us tried to call the police, but that was managed by the clerk who explained the situation to them.

That’s it.

“What are you suddenly talking about, Harushita san?”
“No, so I’ll pay for it.”
“You forgot, Harushita san? I said I wouldn’t get paid!”

Harushita san tries to play dumb, but I nail her to the wall. I told her that it was not my job and I would not get paid.

But she looks like she knows that.

“Yes, I remember. You said you never get paid.”
“But this time I’m giving Nagishiro san a cell phone, not money, right?”
”What a cliche!”

Harushita san is somewhat boastful, but it is a complete cliché. It is a ton of nonsense, like something a swindler would say.

“How can that be acceptable!”

Harushita san is in a good mood. What could possibly put her in such a good mood?

……I mean

“Didn’t Harushita san say you didn’t have much money?”

If I remember correctly, I think she said something like that. I guess I shouldn’t say too much, but I can’t pretend to be.

However, Harushita san immediately returns it as if to say that she has already included it in the mix.

“I’ve taken out all my savings. It’s hard right now, as you can imagine, but it looks like the money will come in soon. And I hear it’s going to sell, no doubt about it?”

The pace is completely pushed by Harushita san. I have to say something back.

–-but mercilessly, she will give me a no-no.

“Please give up. I don’t care how much you don’t like it. Even if you say you won’t buy it right now, I will buy it and send it to your room.”

Apparently, there are no more moves to be made. It’s a total losing battle.

“The money should be used for advancement in the ministry.”

At least it’s a loser’s howl.

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2 years ago

I mean, he’s being ridiculous. I don’t even understand what he has against getting a phone.

1 year ago

I’m losing brain cells. All of the translations on this site are great, so I have to assume this is just written to be dumb as shit. Sorry dasui! This one is really frustrating to read.
This dude writes songs for top talents but is broke and doesn’t own a cell phone. Whyyyyyyy