
“Speaking of which, who is that person Alice has been talking about a few times since a while ago?”

I’m insanely curious as to who that person is who married me and even had a child with me.

Considering my current friendships, there is no one who seems to fit that description, so maybe I will meet her in the future.

“I’ll never talk about that one. I don’t want Takuma to fall in love with her.”

I looked at Alice, who looked as if she was about to burst into tears, and I regretted asking her just out of curiosity. If I were in the opposite position, I would never want her to ask me such a question.

“That was a real slip and I’m really sorry.”

“…… if you want me to forgive you, show me the proof.”

Saying that, Alice closed her eyes. I understood what she wanted me to do in an instant, and I pulled her into my arms. And as it was, I took Alice’s lips.

“Takuma kissed me on the lips for the first time, I’m very happy about it.”

“I like Alice a lot more than some stranger whose face I don’t even know.”

It’s true that I might not have chosen Alice in the future, but that doesn’t matter to me now.

“So will you go out with me on the premise of marriage?”

“Of course, with pleasure. I’ll never let you go again.”

Alice was shedding tears as she heard my words with a happy expression on her face. I chose Alice over that person. I made a choice that twisted the destiny that had been decided, but I have no regrets at all.

Because I really like Alice. The more time we spent together, the more I fell in love with Alice. So I didn’t mind at all that my heart was completely filled in the Best Couple Contest.

“Then let’s go home, it’s almost time to go home.”

“Really, it’s already that late?”

I looked out the window to see that it was starting to get dark, and realized we had been talking longer than I had expected. Well, it was a very intense conversation, so I guess it was to be expected.

When we went outside the school building, some of the decorations were still in place, but the food stalls had been taken down and the school was returning to its usual atmosphere. Unlike last year, this year’s school festival was a lot different, but it was still a lot of fun, which made me a little sad.

“These two days really flew by, didn’t they?”

“Yeah, thanks to Alice, it was a lot of fun. Thank you.”

“I should be the one to thank Takuma. Thank you for choosing me.”

Alice was crying tears of joy just like before. That’s probably why she was so happy.

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

“……It’s already morning.”

The night passed so quickly after the school festival that I realized it was morning. I slowly got up from the bed so as not to wake Alice and went to take a shower to wake up from sleep.

The warm water of the shower was comfortable, and my sleepy body began to wake up at once. Incidentally, today is Sunday, the day after the school festival, and I have the day off.

When I get out of the shower, I smell something good wafting from the kitchen. It seemed that Alice had woken up and started making breakfast.

“Good morning, Alice.”

“Takuma, good morning. Breakfast will be ready soon.”

We were talking like a married couple, which is not entirely wrong, as Alice and I became engaged yesterday.

Well, we will remain engaged for another year or more as we plan to sign the registry the day we graduate from high school. We signed and stamped our marriage certificate last night, so all we have to do now is to submit it to the city office on the day of our high school graduation.

“What are you doing today? I don’t think we had any particular plans at the moment.”

“I’m actually thinking of going somewhere.”

“Where do you want to go?”

“Well, that’s something we’ll have to wait and see when we get there.”

Alice didn’t tell me where she was going. Most of the time when this pattern happened, I was often forced to go out with her in some way, so it’s probably the same this time as well.

“I’ll give you all the directions to the destination, so let’s just get ready to go out.”

“Okay, I’ll go with you wherever you want to go.”

“Please dress as formally as possible.”

I don’t know the destination, but I have a plan to go out, so I finished breakfast and started to get ready as I was told. The place we’re going to might be a very important place, considering the fact that there is a dress code and Alice is wearing makeup very carefully.

After we had finished our preparations, we left home with our luggage. We took buses and trains for a while and arrived at a chapel.

“What in the world are we going to do at a chapel?”

“I’m going to participate in a mock wedding here today.”

“A mock wedding is, as I recall, where models play the roles of the bride and groom in a real wedding ceremony, and the participants play the roles of guests, right?”

“Yes, I thought I’d do a little preparation for the wedding while I’m at it.”

I see, Alice seems to be thinking about a lot of things. It is true that many couples come to participate in mock weddings to get a feel for the atmosphere. I’m sure there aren’t many high school couples like us who participate.

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10 months ago

I wonder what his reaction would be if he found out she was a yandere lol so far she’s still hiding it well from him and from what she said about her past life she and him were never close enough for her to know all about his life lol forsure she killed him or something