
A week has passed in the blink of an eye since the start of the second semester supplementary classes. With the opening ceremony and summer vacation assignment tests over, today marks the start of a full-fledged preparation period.

“The atmosphere on school is already festive, isn’t it?”

“It’s only a week away from the big day, so it’s only natural that the campus will be buzzing with excitement.”

Everyone was getting ready for the festival, and everyone seemed to be in the mood for it. We headed to the gymnasium while having such a conversation. We are going to practice the play for a while.

We have already prepared costumes and props, so today we will practice wearing them all.

“It’s really too embarrassing to wear a costume to play a prince, isn’t it?”

“Eh, really? I think it’s cool.”

“No, no, no, you have to be really good-looking to look good in those fancy costumes.”

The combination of a white jacket with flashy gold decorations and red pants would definitely make me feel like I was wearing clothes. To put it bluntly, I felt like I was being publicly executed.

“Don’t worry, even if everyone says it doesn’t look good on you, I’m the only one who will say it does.”

“That makes me feel sad, so please quit.”

As we were walking along, we arrived at the gymnasium. I received my costume and props and went backstage to change, then went straight to reading the script and going over today’s rehearsals.

I had already memorized most of the lines, but the timing of the lighting changes was a bit fuzzy, so I focused on that area. While I’m doing that, Alice comes in.

“Takuma, how do you like my costume?”

“Yes, you look like a real Cinderella. I really feel like you could have stepped out of a storybook.”

“Thanks, everyone in the class said I looked great in it.”

I thought it would look good on the blonde-haired, green-eyed Alice, but when she puts on the costume, she looks like a real Cinderella.

“You look good too, Prince Charming.”

“Really? everyone got a really subtle look on their face.”

If I actually looked in the mirror myself, it would look a little weird, so I’m sure it would look even worse to someone else. Well, Alice had said earlier that she would tell me that I looked good on her, so she must have been considerate and carried out her word.

“Alice, have you got your lines and stuff down?”

“Of course, who do you think I am?”

“That’s very encouraging. Then [You are the woman of my dreams…]. What’s the next line….?”

“[Bad, it’s almost twelve o’clock. I have to go home. I’m sorry, my prince. ……] right”

Alice spoke her lines smoothly without any stuttering. Yes, I think everything is going to be fine. After a while, it was time to start practicing, so we played for the full hour.

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“Director …… is as determined and spartan as ever, right?”

“Yeah, it felt like time was passing really slowly.”

After practice was over, Alice and I were talking with our classmates while putting things away in the gym.

The director of our class, who belongs to the drama club, is very strict in giving acting coaching to all the performers, so all the performers are exhausted. I, in particular, tend to read my lines in a barbed voice, and for the past week I had been under intense pressure from the acting coach.

“I feel like going to bed as soon as I get home.”

“Unfortunately, that’s not going to work, because we’ve got a lot of rehearsal work waiting when I get home.”

“Right, ……”

“We’ll work together.”

The two of us, the main actors, are under strict orders from the director to practice on our own even after we go home, so Alice and I have to practice alone even after we get home.

And since we were even instructed to take video of our practice sessions and send it to LIME, we couldn’t cut corners.

“This is the last of the stuff we’re going to carry, right?”

“Yes, we’ve done the last of it.”

Finally, I can go home. Just as I was thinking that, I heard a slamming sound and a rattling sound coming from the entrance.

“Hey, is it my imagination that I heard a sound like a lock closing?”

“No, I definitely heard it too.”

“Are you saying we’re locked in ……?”

“Let’s just find out.”

We tried to open the door, but no matter how hard we both tried, it didn’t budge.

“……, come on, are you serious?”

“It looks like they locked the door without checking to see if we were inside at all.”

Apparently, Alice and I were locked in the gym because of our classmates’ lack of confirmation. The two of us checked for a while to see if there was any way to get out, but there didn’t seem to be any.

“I hope someone noticed our presence.”

“If you pull the cord on the fire alarm, the information should go to the staff room, so I’m pretty sure they’ll notice us, but that’s a last resort.”

Giving up on futile resistance, I sat down on a nearby mat. Alice, who was watching me, sat down next to me in the same way.

“A man and a woman in a small, closed room is kind of erotic, isn’t it?”

“What is Alice suddenly starting to say?”

“You see, there was an erotic manga that Takuma had that had this situation in it.”

Please stop teasing me about the erotic comics I have hidden under my bed. I’m so embarrassed that I seriously feel like I’m going to die.

“Do you want to try crossing the line with me here?”

“No, no, no, at home is still okay, but if we do that at school, we’ll get in trouble.”

“You’re acting like it wouldn’t be a problem if we were at home.”

“That was just a figure of speech.”

Alice was in great spirits despite her situation. Hey, I’m a healthy guy too, so I want her to be a little more careful. If I am tempted too much, I might push her down.

“I think I told you this before, but I’d be willing to give Takuma my first.”

Alice smiled bewitchingly as she said that. So quit trying to kill my reason with all your might.

In the end we were discovered thirty minutes later and made it out safely, but it goes without saying that I was fighting against my reason because of Alice’s seduction.

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