It was a Saturday when I decided to become Ari san’s tutor.
At 10 a.m., I was waiting for Ari san at the entrance of the city library.
“Kingo, good morning ! Did you wait?”
“No, I just arrived just now.”
Ari san rushed to me with a flutter.
She was wearing a Yankees cap and an oversized hoodie in street style.
Cute. Very cute. The hoodie is like a super mini skirt, drawing my eyes in. Even though I know she’s wearing shorts or something underneath, I’m hoping I can catch a glimpse of it.
But in the library, she stood out. No one else is dressed like this.
Also… I don’t know, I remember seeing a girl like this at a live house.
“Huh !? Are you the one who was at the concert !?”
“After all this time !?”
I shouldn’t. I’ve been stimulated by my old memories and asked something weird.
This is no time to joke around.
“I-I’m sorry ! I had a flashback to my old memories……. You look great.”
“Ehehe, thank you ! I’ve been so fired up because I’m going to study with Kingo !”
Ari san spun around on the spot and showed me every inch of her fashion. I knew she was cute.
But while her enthusiasm is great, I feel like I’m in the wrong place to get into it. But it’s OK because she’s cute.
“Shall we go inside then?”
“Yes !”
We proceeded from the entrance to the reading room and secured a comfortable seat.
The reading room is filled with middle and high school students studying hard. The atmosphere was tense, as it was the time of year when high school and university entrance exams were about to be finalized.
I chose the library for the lesson because I thought the atmosphere would be stimulating.
“Then, Ari san, can you show me?”
“Y-yeah. I’m embarrassed to be seen by Kingo.”
She blushed and fidgeted when I asked her who sat next to me.
“Don’t worry, it’s nothing to be ashamed of showing. It is embarrassing, but only at first.”
“Okay. P-please don’t laugh….”
Ari san timidly complied with my request.
“Hmm, I see…….. This is Ari san’s…….”
“Awawa……you’re watching. Kingo is looking at mine……. I’m so embarrassed……”
At that time, the students behind Kingo stopped running their hands over their pens and listened.
(What the hell are you showing them?)
(No way, exhibition plays in a public place !?)
(There’s a couple of perverts here !?)
(What in the world are you showing them?) (What in the world are you showing them?)
“I see, I understand perfectly. Ari san’s academic ability.”
I muttered to myself as I looked at Ari san’s most recent mock exam score sheet.
At that moment, some students fell down behind me.
What’s going on?
“Ah……it’s still embarrassing……. Do you think I’m stupid?”
“I don’t think so ! I think you study well. I’m just concerned that you’re good at one thing and bad at the other.”
“I’m not good at science and Japanese, and they are a burden for me in the common examinations……. The Japanese language is also holding me back in the second exam.”
“On the contrary, that’s the goal. It’s more effective to overcome your weaknesses than to strengthen your strengths. It’s difficult to go from 90 points to 100 points, but from 40 points to 70 points. It’s pretty easy to do.”
“I know what you mean !”
“The science electives are basic biology and basic chemistry, right? I can teach them because they are the same combination as mine. I’m good at Japanese, so I can teach that too.”
“Ehehe, that’s reassuring.”
Ari san gave a gentle smile. I feel relieved because I feel like I can help too.
“Well, let’s start by resolving the previous mock exam. You have the question paper, right?”
“Yeag, I brought it with me as you said.”
“Then, let’s start with the first question of Basic Biology.”
“Okay. Ah, that’s right, Kingo. May I ask you one thing?”
Ari san fidgets as she intertwines her fingers.
What exactly is it?
“Erm, if I get all the questions right, I want a reward, okay?”
“R-reward? What would it be? Lunch?”
I was a little nervous when I heard the word reward. I have a part-time job, but I’m not that wealthy. If it was something too expensive, I would not accept it.
But my fears were unfounded.
“I-it’s not that. I want you to pat me on the head and say [good job] when I get a lot of answers right.”
Snap !
The pencil broke in the hand of the boy sitting in front of me.
What happened? Maybe it was a difficult problem?
I’m curious, but I’m in the middle of a conversation with Ari san. I have to answer her.
“Sure, I’ll do that much for you.”
“Really? I’ll do my best !”
I was full of enthusiasm. Ari san took a deep breath and began solving the problem.
Within the time limit of 10 minutes, Ari san had finished answering the questions. I could see the seriousness in her eyes.
After receiving the answers, I checked the answers.
“Wow……Ari san, you got a perfect score !”
“Really !? Yay !”
I was honestly surprised. Even though she had solved the problem once, it was unexpected that she could solve a subject she was weak at so easily.
“T-then, Kingo. Can you give me…..what you promised?”
Ari san asked me with her eyes glistening and looking me up and down.
Yes. I have to reward her for her hard work.
“Okay, then……. Good job, Ari san. It’s amazing that you got a perfect score.”
Pat pat.
I patted her head over her shiny hair. Ari san’s body stiffens as if she’s being tickled, but she seems to be very pleased .
“Hawaawa, I’m so happy…… I’ve never had so much fun studying…… I’m glad I’m a student. I wish these days could last forever……”
“Are you going to be an exam student forever?”
“If Kingo is my teacher, I will always take exams〜. I’m going to have Kingo teach me all the time〜”
I knew it, Ari san, you are a bit of a strange girl.
Snap snap snap snap !
Countless sounds like a broken pen rang out from our vicinity. Then things started to get a little tense.
[(Don’t be flirt around.)]
[(Don’t take the test, just fertilize.)]
[(Drop, drop, drop, drop.)]
It was exam season. The library is filled with students preparing for exams. Perhaps, because Ari san got a perfect score in the past mock examinations, her rivals may be feeling impatient.
In Japan, exams are a war.
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