
To be honest, it was not often that I went up to the roof on the first day of high school, but the classrooms and hallways that I passed through for the first time were interesting in their own way.

My high school has two five-story buildings, divided into a classroom wing and a special wing. There are two gymnasiums, the first and second, and outside there are tennis courts, a track, and a soccer and baseball field.

Well, it is not surprising since the number of students is less than 1,000 and the number of classes is eight for first-year students alone, but it is also quite favorable for a public school, which is probably the reason for the school’s popularity.

It is often said on the Internet that this stupid school should exchange its building with a high school that has a higher deviation score. I want to tell them to shut up.

I don’t have the courage to do so, though.

A little further down the hallway from the student council room, there was a staircase, and when you climbed it, a large iron door stood tall and tall.

“—It looks like the boss’s room,”

“The boss’s room?”

Hinami-senpai’s beautiful face was staring straight at me. I didn’t mean to say it with the intention of trying to catch people’s attention, but now that I’ve gotten to this point, I find it rather refreshing.

The reason for this is because she is not interested in the world, or because she was not allowed to play games due to her family background. It is not my place to go into that kind of thing, but it doesn’t mean I don’t care.

“Boss rooms are boss rooms, you know. You know, for games and stuff.”

“game ……?”

She mumbled in a very normal – that kind of tone, and then dropped her gaze a little

“I don’t know what that …… game is.”

“You’ve never played it before?”

“Yes. My parents disciplined me not to play games,…….”

“You don’t read comics or anything like that? I don’t know about …… women, but maybe some Light novels?”

“Manga as well,…… I don’t know. And ……, well, what’s a Light novel?”

“Oh,……, well, you don’t have to know what a light is.”

She scratched her head as she slipped away, puffed out her cheeks, and took a step closer, staring at me.


There was already a distance of about two steps between us, so my left foot took a step back as she entered my personal space.

“Oh, eh–“

“Um, …… why don’t you tell me?”

Straight eyes.

The eyes that are cold-heartedness becomes a lie, look at me.

“Why…… you don’t need to know about it right There are some works that girls are a little reluctant to read it”

When I said this, she clenched her hands and said something to me.

“–Why did you say that?!”


It was the first time I had ever heard her yell at me.

Although it can’t be called a yell, it goes without saying that it is mixed with anger.

It was so sudden that I was surprised and took a step back.

senpai seemed surprised to see such a figure, and pursed her lips and muttered.

“I’m sorry, …….”

“Is everything alright ……?”

I could tell that something was wrong by looking at her, so I asked her, but she shook her head.

“……please do not worry”



The atmosphere was getting nasty, but Hinami-senpai inserted the key in her hand into the hole and opened the door. Then, the breeze rushes toward the door as if to escape.


When I step into the door, the wind is between my school uniform and I feel a chill. However, it is somehow familiar and soothing.

After hearing the words that came out of my mouth, senpai smiled a little.

The emotion is completely opposite from before, and I was scared and found myself apologizing.

“Um, ……, it’s nothing.”

“I’m not mad at you. When I noticed it, it just popped out of my head……, so don’t worry about it.”

“Well, well, ……, yes. It happens.”

“Yes,……, I have had that happen to me, too. Of course.”

There is something lurking in the shadows of the words.

“I’m not perfect you know,…….”

She is the president of the student council, but she is also ranked first in her grade in the regular exams.

She is not only good at academics, but also at athletics, actively participating in relays and competing with the track and field team.

Not to mention her appearance. She has long silver hair, beautiful blue eyes, and moist lips. And a beautiful style.

She is a beautiful girl who would be perfectly beautiful in a fight against dolls, anime, manga, or any of them.

She can do it all.

At least, that’s what it looks like to me.

That is Hinami Fuyuka’s profile.

But now she didn’t look like such an amazing person at all.

“I …… always think here. Whenever I don’t understand something or when I have a problem. I like this place because no one is allowed in, so it’s easy for me to think alone.”


Beyond the fence are mountains, forests, and residential areas. On the other side is a flowing river.

If you look closely, you can see cars driving on the road and people walking on the sidewalk. The flow of the river was so gentle and relaxing that I couldn’t help but watch it without saying a word.

“Did you like it?”

“Eh–ah. I don’t know if I can say I liked it, but I think it’s a good place …….”

“Please be honest and tell me you like it.”

“No It’s …….”

“Well. I’m bragging about it, but I inherited this place from my senpai.”

“Your senpai?”

“Yes. The senpai who graduated last year taught it only to me. I am the only one who can use the key. It was abuse of authority.”

“You knew that, didn’t you?”

“Of course I did. But isn’t it a nice place?”

If you ask me if it is a nice place, it is indeed a nice place.

Just a couple of chairs in the arts and crafts room, if you call it comfortable, it’s not, but it’s a place where you can relax.

Usually, I am alone most of the time, so there is no doubt that I feel that way.

I think it would be great to forget the hustle and bustle and take a nap while listening to music.

“……Yes, that’s right. Something like this is already great enough for me to say and be told.”

“….. Oh, that’s right. I also forgot to …… thank you, didn’t I?”

“That’s it, right? There’s no need to worry about it, right? ”

Even though I try to deny it by reflex, she doesn’t give up.

Senpai retorted immediately.

“I don’t mind. I just want to return the favor. So I want to make sure I repay you.”

“But …… there’s nothing else I want you to do for me. No matter how grateful I am, if you really want to do it, I’ll accept it. It’s not something I’m going to force you to do.”

When I said that, she asked me worriedly with a slightly thoughtful look on her face.

“–Maybe it’s what you call ‘minding your own business’?”


“I’m sorry. Um……… I don’t really know how to get along with people. If I’m really forcing you to do something, should I not do it after all?”

“…… T-That’s not what I meant! I don’t think it’s any of my business. I’m a little selfless, so I just can’t imagine what it would be like.”

“Just like You”

“Me? I don’t see it that way… but it’s a beautiful girl and an ordinary person.”

“I’m an ordinary person too! We are the same.”

Senpai comes to the front. A bitter smile breaks out.

“Don’t brag about your …… mediocrity.”

“What? it’s fine right. It’s easier to be ordinary.”

As if it were a matter of course, I was speechless.

But well, you can think about whether the normal is enviable from this kind of person’s point of view.

She doesn’t know games. Don’t know manga. Don’t even watch anime.

I suppose that someone like that would see my boring day that way.

That’s why they call her cold-hearted.

Something …… hurts my heart, I thought to myself.

The head suddenly brightens and a quick answer comes to me.

I look at senpai and mutter.

“Well, then, I’ve made up my mind.”


There is nothing I want to be done to me.

I don’t have anything that I want to be done to me.

And I’m not busy …….

Then I’ll tell you what I’ll do.

“——, senpai, will you go out with me for one day?”


I’ll show you what fun it is to play with comic books, games, and all that.

(TL/N : I think something is not properly said there my bro)

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