
It was lunchtime the next day when the danger level of the student council as a group increased in my mind.

I chose to have lunch in the courtyard, although I still had one specified meal left to buy from Keiichi. I no longer remembered why Keiichi was supposed to buy me lunch, and I had even gone to the trouble of making a teru teru bozu to wish for sunshine – there was no other place than the courtyard.

As soon as fourth period ended, Kohinata, with her bag slung over her shoulder, came up to my seat and sniffed at me as if to say, “Let’s get going”. Is it a reaction to not eating together yesterday? Cute.

“I guess we should go get a place.”

I stood up with a wry smile on my face and felt a thud on my chest. I looked down and saw the back of a familiar head moving around there.

“Maybe we shouldn’t do it in ………… classroom.”

Giggling and giggling, Kohinata started head-butting me in the chest without regard to her surroundings.
She’s cute and I’m glad she’s letting me go. I want to get carried away and pat her head, but the smiling looks of “ara ara,” from almost all of my classmates prevent me from doing so.

Keiichi, perhaps because he had already seen it up close yesterday, joins Kohinata by saying something like, “Let’s do it a little harder”. I’ll headbutt you in the face myself.

“…… Do it as long as you feel like it. If your head gets too shaggy, you’ll have to fix it, okay?”

When I said that, Kohinata shook her head while continuing the headbutt. That’s pretty skillful of you.

I felt bad about avoiding the action Kohinata was taking with her father, so I decided not to pay attention to the lukewarm glances directed at my classmate.
And if I look at it objectively, I can easily see how futile an action is to excuse myself in this situation. I know from my past experiences that there are no bad feelings in their gazes.

It has been less than a month since I joined this class,…… and I wonder what is going to happen to me,…….

☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

Lunch break was spent in the courtyard with the sun shining, in the same friendly mood as usual. Thanks to the teru teru bozu, I would like to say, but as of yesterday, there was a zero percent chance of precipitation. Who knows.

As I was heading to the courtyard and then back to class after lunch – a strange third grade girl gave me a thumbs up as we passed each other in a way that only I could see her, but …… I’m pretty sure they were members of the “Kohinata Tan Chukichuki Club”. They had tissues stuffed up their noses.

Incidentally, during lunch I saw two girls being carried to the infirmary. I think they looked a lot like the perverts I talked about yesterday.

After school, I was cleaning the cafeteria with the three students waiting in the classroom.
Tomorrow is the start of the holidays, so there will be a lot of waste in the cafeteria, which means it’s my turn to clean. And it was decided that we would meet at my house after lunch to make plans for the holiday.

“Hey, today is hamburgers, fries, and salad. I’ve also put in a piece of shrimp tempura. Thanks for your hard work.”

Saying this, Ayane-san, the school cafeteria cook and my aunt, hands me a plastic bag of food. Ayane-san, who probably still had some work to do, sat down on a chair in front of the delivery counter, saying, “Take a break.”

“Tomoki, I heard you and Kohinata-chan have been getting along well lately?”

Ayane-san suddenly started talking about it.

“Where on earth did it come from–well, from the students, I suppose.”

This person is very close to people, for better or for worse. I mean, the older women I’m associated with are somewhat similar in character as Ayane-san, Shizuka-san, and the store manager.

“I mean, you remember the names of the students, don’t you, Ayane-san?”
“Well, I don’t remember most of them, but I just know Kohinata-chan because she’s famous and tiny and stands out.”
“Ah …… I see, so that’s it. Kohinata is in the same class as me, and I told you I talked to a girl in front of a vending machine at the end of first grade, remember? That was Kohinata. Since then, we’ve been slowly getting to know each other”

“Oh! It’s fate!”
“………… I don’t know if it’s fate or not, but if I hadn’t picked up that 500 yen there, we wouldn’t be in the relationship we’re in now.”

I don’t know if fate is a sparkling word to use, but it is a fact that that one incident connected me with Kohinata and Saejima. We had some fights, but now we have a relationship where we eat in the courtyard, play on weekends, and play games at home. I think it is safe to say that we are friends.

A lot has really happened in a month, hasn’t it?

Ayane-san nodded her head in interest when she heard my words.
Ayane-san seems to like to talk about romance. …… Unfortunately, Kohinata and I don’t have that kind of relationship, but more of a father-daughter relationship.
I’m sure Kohinata would want that, and I’m sure I’m not dissatisfied with it either.

“Okay, I’ll leave you to it.”

I said this to Keiichi and the others, thinking it was time for me to leave, but Ayane-san turned serious and called my name, ” Tomoki-kun”.

“If you are serious about getting involved with Kohinata-chan, I have a word of advice for you.”

Ayane-san said with a serious expression on her face, not her usual goofy one.
This atmosphere pressured me and I involuntarily swallowed with bated breath. What on earth is the advice ……? No, don’t tell me that Kohinata actually has a boyfriend or ……? No, no! I’ve never heard such a thing from her or from Saejima, who is a good friend of hers!

As I braced myself for the suddenly changed atmosphere of the place, Ayane-san took a deep breath and then opened her mouth. Then,

“Don’t get involved with the student council as much as possible.”

She said this in a grave tone of voice.

“It’s too late! It’s already too late!”

~Chapter 1: Kohinata san butts head Done~

(A/N : This is the end of the first chapter!
In the next chapter, there will be a lot of fun during Golden Week and study sessions because of the regular examinations.
And maybe there will be a sleepover with Kohinata-chan. ……?

Muzumuzu, Fusu~!

TL/N : The first chapter is done…how do you think? And yes I will continue translating the second one and so on…I think)

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