
“Hey, do you want to watch today’s M Star?”

“Of course I’m going to watch it. Because I heard Kagami is going to be on today.”

“Right ! I’m really looking forward to it !”

Hikage Kagamiya, who goes by the stage name Kagami and is active in music, is 17 years old. In other words, he is a student.

Lately, he’s been busy with work and tended to slack off, but today’s work meant that if he headed to the venue in the evening, he’d be able to make it to the M Star in time, and that’s why he went to school for the first time in two days.

“(It’s depressing.)”

This is all because of the girl sitting diagonally to Kagamiya’s right–Yotsuya Mio.

Yesterday, Kagamiya had misunderstood Yotsuya’s previous appeal to Kagami that he liked her, and the confession he thought would go well turned out to be a traumatic explosion.

Confession of love is a terrible thing; if it fails, it destroys the relationship, and even if it is solely successful, the relationship will still collapse at the time of breakup.

And it’s almost impossible for a high school romance to last long, so in short, confessing is a very difficult task, as it only gives you two choices: fail and immediately crash the relationship, or succeed and gradually crash the relationship. 

In short, he can no longer be involved with his childhood friend whom he has known for more than ten years, and with whom he went to school every time he could.

Of course Kagamiya didn’t think he would want to have anything to do with someone who thinks he’s a [creepy guy] in his back.

“(When I’m feeling down like this, I just want to hear Kagami’s love-love call)”

Haa~. I want to be praised as much as I can. I want to be pampered.

Thinking of such vulgar things, he let out a gloomy sigh.

“Hey, prisoner ! You’ll make me feel sick, so don’t let out that strange sigh in the morning.”

“Ah, sorry. Ah, um.. that’s right. Do you like Kagami?”

“Eh? Yeah. I kind of like him, but what? Do you like him too?”

Despite having a surname that is easy to mess around with, Kagamiya’s nickname is Prisoner because the civilian clothes he brought with him to the overnight study resembled black and white boater prison uniforms, Kagamiya thought…but when Mio heard that, she says [He’s creep, ain’t he?]

She whispered.

Anyway, Kagamiya was in the mood for praise, so when a girl happened to talk to him, he hesitantly brought up the topic of Kagami.

“Yeah. Well.”

“Well, how much did you listen?”

“Well, I listen to 10 to 20 songs every day……”

“That’s a lot !”

I’m worried that if I don’t listen to that many songs, I’ll forget the detailed notes and lyrics.

Some people may think that since I wrote the songs, I should remember them, but in reality, I even remember the rejected scores and lyrics that came up during the process of writing the songs, and I almost make mistakes if I’m careless.

So for the time being, I’m focusing on rotating songs that I can sing at work…

“H-heh. You’re good. I think I’m starting to think about you a little bit. Um….what was your name again?”

“Hikage Kagamiya.”

“Heh. Kagamiya. I’ll call you Kagamiya from now on. Hey listen, I heard that Kagamiya listens to 20 Kagami songs every day.”


“The prisoner.”

“Oh, really? I used to think he was filthy, but now I’m starting to think he’s a little bit better.”

“That’s amazing. Twenty songs every day. It is unexpected.”

“I’ll stop calling you “prisoner” from now on.”

…… Way to go, Kagami.

I can’t believe they treat you differently in this class just because you listen to Kagami’s music.

Human relationships are too easy.

Kagamiya felt a little better.


M Star.

It is a live broadcasting program in which musicians who are currently popular in this country sing and dance.

Kagamiya wasn’t the type to watch music shows very fondly, but since it was a live broadcast, he was quite nervous, even though it wasn’t his first time participating.

After all, it was a live broadcast……

“(Now then. What kind of eccentric appearance shall I make today?)”

When he first appeared, he tried to do a backflip while riding a skateboard, but the skateboard slipped through him and flew into the audience, almost causing a catastrophe.

Fortunately, a fan caught the skateboard very well, so it was only a little bit dangerous fan service…….

Maybe I should write a sign on the back of my jacket and throw it into the audience today?

“Kagami san. I don’t know what you are planning, but please don’t make the same mistake as your first appearance. That could be a big problem if you make a mistake.”

Oops, I’ve been noticed.

He is the manager, after all. He understands Kagamiya very well.

“Heh, I’m so glad Kagamin is here today. That’s unusual, he usually leaves so quickly.”

When the recording of any TV program is over, a launch party is usually held.

If you want to get a job, you need to show up frequently at these launches to get your name and face remembered, but until now Kagami had been leaving early to spend time on the phone with his childhood friend at night.

Now there is no reason to leave.

Besides, he thought it would be best to have a party like this to comfort the emptiness that had formed in his heart.

Kagamiya, who rarely came to the after party—now Kagami? The one who spoke to Kagamiya was a beautiful girl in a pink mini-skirt dress with brown hair in loose, fluffy waves.

It was Katsuki Momo, the leader of the idol group [The End of the Century Sisters] which is rapidly gaining popularity.

Katsuki Momo !? Why is she here? Or rather, who’s Kagamin !?

“…..Because that’s what I was in the mood for today.”

“So it’s more likely that we won’t be able to catch you again.”

“I don’t know about that.”

“Hey, we can’t drink alcohol anyway. Why don’t we leave here and talk alone?”

Just the two of us. Are you sure? You’re an idol, right?

If you meet with me alone and fall prey to some shitty weekly magazine…….

No, I don’t know how many people are illiterate who believe the information they get from there.


“No, I don’t mind. I’ve always wanted to talk to Katsuki san.”

“Momo is fine. It’s my stage name.”

“I understand. Momo.”

And so I ended up in a private conversation with the leader of a fast-growing idol group.

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9 months ago

… is …is 20 songs alot? i listen to music all day and with imagine dragons i can listen to like the same song 5 times over am i the weird one???