
After leaving the family restaurant and parting with Daiki, I came to a bookstore.

I had come to buy a new book by Kiuyu sensei, a mystery writer I had recently become addicted to. His works have a unique view of the world and have the power to draw the reader in, and I had fallen right into that power.

I entered the bookstore and immediately found the book I was looking for stacked flat on the new releases shelf.

As I was about to pick up the book, my hand overlapped with someone else’s who was reaching for the same book.

“Excuse me.”

I quickly apologize and retract my hand.

I am surprised to see the other person.


Yes, it was Masuda Ayaka, one of the three most beautiful girls at school and the one who had spoken to me only once today.

I raised my voice and Ayaka put her index finger to her mouth in a gesture of “be quiet”. I remembered that we were in a bookstore, so I hurriedly held my mouth.

There was something very sexy about Ayaka’s gesture.

We each bought a copy of the same book and sat down in a nearby park.

“Masuda-san, you read Kiuya sensei’s books too, don’t you?”



“Call me Ayaka. I’ll call you Shoma, too.”



Then there was a moment of awkwardness, but Ayaka soon opened her mouth.

“I’m a fan of all of his books.”

“I’ve been hooked on them lately. It’s different from the mysteries I’ve read before.”

“Yes. I’m drawn in. I’m glad someone else understands me.”

“But I can’t find any of his older works, no matter how hard I look for them. I’d like to read the others.”

“Well, I’ll lend you the one I have. I recommend it.”

“Really!? Tha—-nks…..”

“Yes. I’ll give it to you tomorrow at school. Then, I’m going home.”

Ayaka put on her headphones and left.

I was watching her back and trying to clear my mind.

I was thinking about the numbers she had written on her forehead while talking to Ayaka.

“As expected, I must have seen it wrong.”

I went home thinking that.

The next day, I went to school with Sakahara Hinano.

“Kakuta-san, why don’t you have lunch with me today? You don’t have a girlfriend, so she won’t be mad at you, right?”

“That’s right. I’m fine with that.”

“Thank you!”

After that, I was able to talk happily with Hinano without interruption.

As usual, the high level of sensitivity remained unchanged at 100.

When I arrived at school, Ayaka was already there.

“Ayaka, good morning. You are early today.”

“Good morning. I wanted to give you this.”

She handed me the book we talked about yesterday.

Then, I checked her number.

“I knew it. …….”


“No, it’s nothing. The Akutagawa Family Murder Case?”

“Yes. It’s my favorite book of all his works.”

“I see. I’m looking forward to reading it. I’ll let you know what I think of it when I read it.”

“Yes. I’ll be waiting.”

She said this with a smile and returned to her seat.

I knew I had not misjudged yesterday.

After talking with her and seeing her, I was convinced.

The numbers on her forehead were


“Kakuta-san was good friends with Ayaka, huh? Moreover, first name …….”

“Yes. We ran into each other at a bookstore yesterday, and we happen to like the same authors. Would you like to read it, Sakahara-san?”

“No, I’ll pass.”

“Really? It’s interesting though.”

At that time, Yonano’s number dropped to 99.

I didn’t know why.

Did I just say something offensive?

“Well, I’ll see you at lunch.”

I didn’t know why, so I parted from her and took my seat, and immediately began reading “The Akutagawa Murder,” which I had borrowed from Ayaka.

When I talked to Hinano after that until lunch, the number had dropped even further to 98.

I knew I had to deal with this as soon as possible, but time went by without knowing the cause, and it was time for lunch.


I said in unison with Hinano and began to eat my lunch.

“Sakahara-san, are you mad at me?”

“I’m not angry!”

Hinano turned her face away while puffing up her mouth.

“That’s a lie. I apologize if I did something wrong.”

“No, it’s fine!”

“Sakahara-san. Sakahara-san~~”

I called out to her several times, but she just turned away and ate her bento.

There was no point in eating together if I kept calling her.

That’s what I thought.

“Sakahara-san, did you make that bento yourself? It looks so delicious.”


“Yes. I always buy my bento at a convenience store, so I think it’s great that you made it yourself.”

“Then, shall I make one for you tomorrow?”


“Yes, I would like to. In exchange, I have two requests.”

“What is it?”

“I want you to have lunch with me from now on.”

“Of course! I’d like to ask you to do the same for me!”

At this point, the number on Hinano’s forehead returned to 99.

“A-And also, name …….”


“I want to call each other by name.”


“Since Masuda-san and you called each other by name, I’d like to call each other by name, too.”

At this point, I finally understood why my sensitivity had dropped.

I finally understood why my likability was dropping at this point.

She was jealous of my relationship with Ayaka.

“I understand. ……Hinano….”

When I called her that, she blushed and said

“Y-yes. Shoma, kun.”

After that, Hinano’s mood was cured, the number returned to 100, and we had an enjoyable lunch.

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1 year ago

If only a little bit of jealousy like that made the affection point drop by 1 point, then they’re emotionally unstable and can easily drop points, which leads to break up or even NTR

1 year ago

What happened with sera?