Oh no. She’s even worse than Misaki sensei. I might have gone about it the wrong way by praising Misaki sensei so highly while Saki was watching. She’s too broken, and her inner voice is extremely scary.
I was going to pretend not to notice Saki’s presence, but if I leave it like this, I’m afraid she’ll stab someone to death. I’m so worried that I can’t get a good look at what Misaka san and Misaki sensei have to say.
“….What’s wrong? You seem a little restless, don’t you?”
“Oh? Did you find some naughty book that you are interested in?”
Misaka san and Misaki sensei asked. I don’t have time to respond to that.
[Don’t talk to Onii chan, don’t talk to Onii chan, don’t talk to Onii chan, don’t talk to Onii chan, don’t talk to Onii chan, don’t talk to Onii chan, don’t talk to Onii chan,don’t talk to Onii chan, don’t talk to Onii chan,d on’t talk to Onii chan, don’t talk to Onii chan, don’t talk to Onii chan, don’t talk to Onii chan, don’t talk to Onii chan, don’t talk to Onii chan, don’t talk to Onii chan, don’t talk to Onii chan, don’t talk to Onii chan, I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you……]
Whoa ! I was about to start screaming. It’s such a scary thing to hear an inner voice. It would be fine if they were just expressing their favors, but if this kind of madness keeps pouring in directly, I’m going to lose my mind.
Oh shoot, oh shoot, oh shoot. This is really bad. This is not the time to be wondering what to do.
I looked at Saki who was standing there. Her eyes were wide open, and she didn’t look sane.
Above her head is the number [102]. This morning it should have been [94] but for some reason the number has suddenly exceeded one hundred. Does the number go up when one goes crazy with jealousy? I don’t understand. At any rate, does this mean that the likeability has grown so much that it has turned into an uncontrollable madness? My hunch is that when this number exceeds a hundred, people may go insane.
“……What’s really wrong with you? Your face is pale, you know?”
“Are you sick?”
“…..Ah, erm…….um…….sorry. I was just wondering about that girl.”
“Eh? What girl?”
“Hm? Fujisaki-kun, did you want to hit on her?”
I knew that pretending I didn’t know her was not a good idea, so I looked at Saki squarely in the eye. Then, I spoke to Saki, who gave off a stagnant aura, as casually as possible.
“Hey, it’s Saki, right? What are you doing here?”
“Saki chan?”
[I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you,I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you……hm? Did Onii chan just call me……? Eh, no way, hm? P-perhaps, I’ve been found out !?]
Ah…..thank goodness. The insanity loop has been broken and she’s back to her old self. Although it wasn’t normal, it wasn’t so much that my words couldn’t reach her.
Saki scurried around, dismayed, and tried to hide her face with her hat for the time being.
“N-no I’m not !”
“No, it’s exactly Saki’s voice. What are you doing–“
I went up to her and looked into her face.
“I felt like that ever since you came in. So, are you changing your impression with makeup and fashion? ‘m amazed, Saki, you could do such a thing.”
“Hey, don’t look at me too closely. I-I’m so embarrassed.
[Onii chan noticed me ! It’s frustrating, but I’m really happy ! Even if I change my appearance, you’ll still notice me ! The bond between me and him is stronger than anyone else !]
The number above her head increases to [103]. Oh no. This is probably a number that shouldn’t be increased.
Let’s….scold her a little bit. If this makes her like me less,……then.
[I don’t think you came here by chance, so were you following me? I mean, really, were you that curious about who I was going to meet?
Just because we’re siblings doesn’t mean I have to tell Saki everything anymore. I have my own private life too, you know? Instead, I respect Saki’s private life and alone time. You don’t have to tell me everything. That’s how it is, right?
Well, I think you were just following me just for fun, but it doesn’t feel good to be followed, you know? Saki, you’re not a child anymore, you know that, right?”
“Ah, w-well, I-I’m sorry…….”
[No ! Onii chan hated me !? Of course he wouldn’t like it if I did something like this, right !? But, but, I just couldn’t help it! I don’t want Onii chan to be stolen by another woman ! I like you ! I do this because I like you ! That’s all there is to it !]
Perhaps depressed, Saki’s number drops to [101]. Hm-hm. At any rate, let’s keep going like this and aim for the hundredth number.
Or rather, I’m saying too much. Because it affects her too much, it makes me nervous. Even though it’s my sister…….
“I didn’t realize that Saki chan was following me……”
Misaka san blurted out with a mixture of admiration and concern.
[That means we were being followed, right? This kind of thing is something that I don’t really notice……… Certainly, I didn’t dare to look back or anything, and even if I had been followed all the way, I wouldn’t have known at all…… I’m glad it was Saki chan this time, but I’d be scared if it was a suspicious person…… I have to be careful…….
I thought that Saki chan ended the pursuit halfway through and pulled out easily, but I guess it’s because she was ready to follow. Love is heavy……. I can’t speak for others either, but……
For the time being, Fujisaki kun doesn’t seem to be aware of Saki chan’s feelings. But I don’t know what Saki chan will do if she continues like this. Isn’t she going to attack Fujisaki kun tonight? I can’t wait and see. I have no choice but to win today !]
“……Even Saki chan, I didn’t realize.”
Misaki sensei also muttered meaningfully.
[I don’t know the details, but the fact that she went to the trouble of following Fujisaki kun means that she likes him, right? It’s quite out of the ordinary for her to like her brother even though she is his younger sister. Aren’t you a good match for me? I see. Two enemies, huh? I won’t let you have Fujisaki kun.]
I’m terrified because I can feel their determination.
I’m glad they like me. But I feel like a small animal being hunted by a ravenous beast.
“Saki, are you done playing the tail game now? Why don’t you go home?”
“No, but, um……”
[No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no ! I don’t want to go home ! If I go home like this, Onii chan will be taken away by one of these two ! I don’t want that ! I mean, why did you say that, Onii chan !? If I came all this way, you could have asked me to play with you or something ! Isn’t it strange that you just let me go home by myself? It’s not like Onii chan at all !?]
Saki’s number drops to [100]. It’s going well. But I can also feel her sadness, which is extremely painful.
“Saki, you can’t be stuck on me forever, okay? I mean, is this you playing with me? You have bad taste. You should learn to play more wholesome games. You won’t even get a boyfriend if you have weird hobbies, you know?”
Saki fell silent Then, tears slowly pooled in her eyes and she began to cry gingerly.
Ah, am I doing it too much…..?
[No, it’s not like that……. It’s not like I’m playing with Onii chan….. I just like Onii chan too much……. I just don’t want to leave Onii chan…… Why don’t you understand? If I appeal to you this much, you should at least notice me a little……. I don’t want a boyfriend other than Onii chan, I don’t want anyone other than Onii chan to like me, and I don’t need anyone other than Onii chan in the world……. It’s wrong to live in a world where you shouldn’t fall in love with your older brother just because you were born as siblings. That’s definitely strange……. Why do you have to be my brother? Why am I your sister? Why, why……]
The number dropped to [99]. ……Anyway, mission accomplished. I’ll have to hold it up now.
“W-wait, Saki ! I-I’m sorry. I was a little out of line.My bad !”
[Ah. He made Saki chan cry. Why doesn’t Fujisaki kun notice that she’s showing him that she like him so much? Maybe it’s because they’re siblings and that kind of thing is too unexpected, but shouldn’t he notice a little more?]
Seeing me fidgeting, Misaka san was taken aback.
[Fujisaki kun, that’s a little bit terrible. Didn’t you understand that Saki followed you here because she loves you? It’s just one girl who’s madly in love, but you’re totally misguided…….
…… Hmm? But what if Fujisaki kun is aware of all of Saki chan’s feelings? He can’t accept Saki’s feelings, so he dares to pretend to be insensitive and tries to shun her……? Am I overthinking this?]
Aren’t you a little too sharp, Misaki sensei? Are you the third great detective?
[Well, Saki, for now, why don’t we go around together today? Since you’ve come all the way here.”
“…..I’ll go. Hiks.”
[Thank goodness…… I’m happy……. But given the situation, I felt sad that he had no choice but to invite me……. Stupid……]
Saki’s tears pierce my heart. But what I did was probably not wrong. It would be a problem if people became too fond of someone and turned to crime. I have to protect Saki even if it means hurting her.
“Misaka san, Misaki sensei. I’m sorry. Is that okay? I mean, if it’s not okay…..I apologized. I’m going home with Saki today.”
Misaka san and Misaki sensei looked at each other in response to my question.
[……Hm? Fujisaki kun seems to have unusually very determined eyes,……? This is an atmosphere that won’t waver no matter what I say.]
[Right……. He’s not used to girls or love, but he can instantly feel strong feelings for his sister. I wonder if it’s a strength as an older brother……. It’s kind of frustrating…… If I complain here, I’ll make a bad impression, and he’ll actually go home…….]
“It can’t be helped. It’s okay.”
“Well, it can’t be helped. Let’s go around.”
“Thank you very much.”
I bowed to both of them. Even for me, I feel like my heart was at peace for Saki. As an older brother, I wonder if I can become a slightly better person…..
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