I tried to imagine the old Shiori-nee in my brain and think of her as a childhood friend, not just a woman, but a friend, but to no avail.
Shiori-ne had become a very attractive woman ……, a mature woman in every sense of the word.
“…… Yui kun, what’s wrong? You’ve been quiet,……, is there something wrong?”
Shiori-ne put one hand on my cheek with a worried look on her face.
Shiori nee’s behavior was natural, as if it was natural for her to do so.
Then, I didn’t know what she was thinking, but she just brought her face closer to me…
“Yeah, …… it’s okay, …… you don’t seem to have a fever.”
And then she put her own forehead on mine.
I was speechless at Shiori-nee’s out-of-the-ordinary behavior.
For a while, I had the feeling that time was frozen.
It seemed so long, but that was probably because my heart was pounding so hard.
I couldn’t say anything, and I couldn’t shake Shiori nee off.
I didn’t know what kind of expression Shiori-nee had on her face.
Shiori nee’s face was so close to mine that I could even hear her breath on her lips.
But I could not look at her face properly.
Soon after, Shiori-nee moved her face closer to my mouth without saying a word.
And suddenly, there was a sound of the door opening.
The homeroom teacher from earlier seems to have returned.
Shiori nee stood up quickly, with a speed that was not even noticeable at the moment.
When the homeroom teacher looked up, I was the only one left on the ground.
I don’t remember Shiori nee being this …… athletic.
She used to be very frail,…….
No, one time …….
When Shiori nee was alone and the guys in her class were teasing her as usual,…….
Shiori nee quickly got the guys and werstle them to the ground …….
But when …… I showed up, Shiori nee hugged me in a very frightened way. ……
No,……, there was no way Shiori-nee could do that.
It was simply my mistake.
But …… that was …… just now.
My thoughts were cut off there.
The homeroom teacher looked at me suspiciously,
“Saeki-kun, what’s wrong? you fell on your butt all by yourself.”
She said
“Yui kun seems to have been a little anemic and got dizzy.”
Shiori-nee blurted out as if nothing had happened.
For a moment, I thought I saw a very scary look on her face as she glared at the homeroom teacher,…… but I was probably mistaken.
No matter how much she has grown, there’s no way the kind Shiori-nee would look like that…
“Eh? Is that so! That can’t be good. You have to go to the infirmary.”
“…… teacher, I’ll go with Yui-kun.”
“Oh, really? That would be great.”
Before I knew it, the conversation was proceeding on its own without me.
As for me, all I could do was still sit on my butt and stare at Shiori-nee in shock.
Shiori-nee winks her eyes and flashes a mysterious smile for a moment.
If this is the case,……, it’s not good.
No, no,…… but if I stay with Shiori nee, we can continue what we were talking about earlier,…….
Wait, What were I thinking?
It’s obviously a trap.
I managed to reason with myself,
“I-I’m fine now. Well, excuse me then.”
I half-way forcefully end the conversation and get up.
Then I hurry out of the room.
If I see Shiori-nee one more time, there is a good chance that my rational mind will be totally defeated by my instincts.
So I dash out without looking back.
“H-hey,…… Saeki-kun,…… I haven’t talked to you yet,…….”
I hear my homeroom teacher’s voice calling out to me, but I ignore it.
If I come to this point, it will be alright.
As I turned the corner of the hallway, I couldn’t help but look back.
Shiori-nee was waving her hands again with a big smile on her face.
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