
In the original story, Celes and her friends learn about the cost of the purification of the miasma early in the book. In order to obtain information about the miasma, they visit a village said to be steeped in tradition, where they meet an old woman named Lore.

There, she tells them about the cost of core purification, as well as the lore about the demon king and the miasma. The player is then asked if he or she is prepared to do so, and if the player chooses “yes,” he or she is told how to purify the core.

Of course, in the game, if the player does not choose “Yes,” the story does not begin. However, this world was not necessarily a world of “yes” or “no” answers.

So, the night before entering the village, Sol sneaked out and went to see Lore alone.

He knew how to purify the miasma, and he knew the cost. So he did not want to tell Celes and the others who were coming about the cost. Instead, he would like them to assume that he, with his high magical power, is the best suited to purify the four cores, and that he alone can teach them how to do it.

When Sol said this to Lore, Lore looked at him as if he were insane.

[Do you understand? As long as you live, you will be shunned by everyone.
It will be harder and more painful than you know.]

[I understand. I know, but I don’t want the other three to be hated by the people they care about. I want them to be happy. I’m ready for that.]

It was probably not like Sol to say those words. Sol was not the type to have a strong will of his own. That is why he was a mood-maker who could get into the mood of everyone.

So, this was a resolve of Yuto own. And Lore accepted Yuto’s resolve.

[I want you to tell me one thing. What is the basis of your determination?]

[I can’t tell you in detail. But I have been saved by this world. So I want to return the favor. I want to make this world happy.]

It was a fact that Yuto had been saved by “Lian’s.” No matter what despair awaited him, he would always look forward to the future. No matter what despair awaits, the world is a place that looks forward and moves forward. A world where there is a bond that cannot be broken no matter what. Sol was saved by the hero, Celes, who believed in her friends, faced them, and tried to reach out to them even when that bond was about to be broken.

Yuto even thinks that without “Lian’s,” he might have chosen to die on his own. In the end, he died in a car accident, but he could not give up on the world like “Lian’s” and the existence of Celes until the very end.

Then, Yuto was reborn in this world as Sol. Of course, there was an option to enjoy the ideal world that he wanted in the body of Sol. However, he knew what was going to happen. Then, he wanted to create the world he really wanted. And he wanted to see a real happy ending.

Lore looked into Sol’s eyes and opened her mouth.

[I understand what you want. Someone has to do it one way or another. Then I will do as you wish, since you are prepared to go that far.]

And so, his wish was granted. Sol had no doubt that Celes and the others would live happily ever after without ever knowing about it.

Sol’s big miscalculation was that the dislike that Celes and the others had for Sol disappeared in an instant, influenced by the different development from the original story after the fourth miasma was sealed. It was only natural that they would want to know the cause of this sudden change.

They came to the conclusion that they had gone crazy after Sol began to purify the miasma. Celes and her colleagues immediately visited Lore.

After hearing from Celes and the others, Lore also learned the true meaning of Sol’s resolve. Lore regretted her rash decision, but wanted to at least leave Sol’s thoughts and feelings behind, so she told Celes and the others the whole story.

Celes and the others did not know where to channel the regret and anger that overflowed when they learned the truth.

If they had known the cost of core purification, they would not have spoken such terrible words to Sol. In the first place, they would not have let him carry the burden alone. If Sol had gone alone to a dangerous place, they would have followed him without hesitation.

Why did Sol decide to carry the burden by himself? Why didn’t he even tell them about the cost of carrying the burden alone? Celes and the others did not understand the meaning of “repaying a favor to this world” or the reason why Sol was willing to bear the burden alone for them, who had only just met each other. However, the fact that there was a possibility that the situation would not have ended so tragically messed up their hearts with regret and anger.

But now they had Sol in front of them. If anyone could have asked them where they wanted to vent their anger, it would have been Sol. They wanted him to understand that they did not want it to end like that, and that they did not want it to happen again.

“We were prepared to be hated, too! But you decided on your own without consulting us! Do you know how shocked we were when we found out?!”

The first to confront Sol was Carla. In response to Carla’s words, Sol smiled as if he was troubled.

“I’m really sorry! I didn’t think the effects of the miasma would suddenly disappear!”

“It’s not a question of disappearing or not disappearing!”

Sol’s answer was a little off, and Lepios also pressed him.

“We are angry that you didn’t tell us anything! Had you told us even a little bit, you wouldn’t be in such danger …….”

Lepios held his eyes as he said this. Seeing Lepios like this, the man inside Sol thought to himself, “That’s just the way Sol is”

In the game, when he separated from his girlfriend, he didn’t raise his voice so much. Yet, he is so emotional just because Sol, with whom he had a short time of intimacy, almost died. It was a new feeling for Yuto, who had been shunned in his previous life.

For now, let’s try to keep the topic on a positive note, just like Sol. With that in mind, he opened his mouth.

“Well, well, well! I’m alive and well! And the effects of the miasma have disappeared, so I guess I’m lucky! I’m sorry I couldn’t help you defeat the demon king, but I knew the three of you would be fine without me!”

However, upon hearing these words, the three of them fell silent. Sol wondered if he had chosen the wrong words.

“…… Hey, Sol. What was Sol’s plan?”

Celes, who had been silently listening to the conversation for a long time, opened her mouth.

“What? No, as everyone imagined, I would normally purify the four cores by myself, and then Behe would probably come to me at the last tower. ……”

Sol held his mouth as he was about to say that. He had not even told Lore that he was going to die. In other words, the three people in front of him also knew nothing about it,…….


The three people in front of him had angry expressions on their faces, and Sol could do nothing but look away.

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25 days ago

Doubt they’ll accept any excuse he makes, so he might as well own up to it.

Especially since it all worked out for the best, they all got the “good” ending and they wouldn’t have even known anything was wrong if the miasma didn’t disappear.

though he should probably not act like he’d do it again, they might tie him up and really lock him in a basement so he can’t lmao

8 days ago

Its kinda piasing me off he’s treating the world as a video game and himself as Sol instead of himself. Like really annoying to read that he KNOWS there is a ressurect spell with a cost but somehow hasnt put 2 and 2 together.