
“I mean, I’m gonna pay for your hospital stay and all that. Of course I’m not gonna ask you to give me your body.”


Kirara looked puzzled as if she didn’t understand what I meant when I said that.

“Well, to put it simply, it may sound like I’m bragging, but I have spare money, and I’m gonna pay for the hospitalization fee and surgeries on your behalf. But of course, I can’t do it for free, so I’d like to discuss what we should do about that now. What do you think, Kaoru?”

Of course I wouldn’t say it was for free, I said.

I don’t know if that makes sense, but I’m trying to make it a little easier for Kirara to accept.

“That’s right…if that’s what Kaito kun says, I think it’s a good idea. It’s not like I’m paying for it, but I would be really sad if Kirara chan would sell her body.”

“I agree. As expected, I can’t just leave my friend alone when she says she’s gonna sell her body, and if Kaoru agrees, then I’ll do it.  But what about the conditions? That’s the problem.”

 “In that case…..”

Kaoru was about to say something when Kirara interrupted her.

“Wait a minute….what does that mean? I have no idea…..though the two of you are talking as if it’s a matter of course…..”

Kirara tilted her head and asked.

“I’ve just told you,……well, I’m making a lot of money, or I can afford to make a living, so I’m just gonna pay for it instead of Kirara having to go that far……just like I said before.”

“Kirara chan. Kaito kun is really rich, and if Kaito kun says so, I also want Kirara chan to accept Kaito kun’s proposal…”

When Kaoru and I said this, Kirara was bewildered and teary-eyed.

“I know you’re rich…..but I still feel bad……for Kaito kun…….”

“But you know what?  I want you to think about it. Wouldn’t everyone be happy if we did that? I’m only doing it because I want to help Kirara, and Kirara doesn’t have to sell herself. Besides, I can help your grandfather. Above all, Kaoru will be happy.”

“That’s it, Kirara chan. Kaito kun is right !”

As Kaoru and I said this gently, Kirara started to cry.

“Ugh……thanks….y-you two….!”

She started crying again, and Kaoru started comforting Kirara as she said so.

If the situation were different, Kirara probably would not have accepted this proposal.

She was in a really tight spot right now, with her grandfather’s life at stake and her own personal problems.

If it were a situation where she wanted something and needed money urgently, she would probably refuse……well, that’s just a guess.

I was waiting for Kirara to calm down while I was thinking about that.

–A while later, again.

“I’m fine now, Kaoru chan !:

“I see. I’m glad.”

Kirara, who had cried a lot, was now smiling and saying so.

I think her heart must have eased up a lot because of my suggestion.

“So……what should I do…..Kaito kun……?”

Kirara asked me that with a relaxed smile.

“Hmm…now that I think about it, wasn’t Kaoru saying something earlier?”

“If that’s the case, I thought I’d make a suggestion.”

“Suggestion? What is that? Tell me.”

“Yeah. I don’t have a particular image in mind. Kaito kun, you said you like cleanliness, but it’s hard to clean, right? And you can’t even cook that well yourself.”

“Well, I want my house to be clean, and I can’t cook much at all. Is there something wrong with that?”

“So, Kirara chan, we talked a little before, but you’re good at housework, right?”

I understood what Kaoru was trying to say.

To be honest, I knew from my knowledge of the game that Kirara was good at housework, so I was thinking the same thing, but I wondered if that was okay. I had crossed it off in my mind.

“Right…I didn’t even tell you about my home situation before, but I lived with my grandpa and grandma, so I did a lot of the housework myself.”

“I knew it. In that case, I think it would be a good idea for Kaito kun to hire Kirara chan like a housekeeper.”

Just as I thought, Kaoru said that with a smile.

I thought that even if I were to bring her into my house as a housekeeper, I would feel bad for Kaoru just even though we’re just classmates, but it seems that she doesn’t feel that way.

While I was thinking that, Kirara asked Kaoru.

“Eh……but will Kaoru be at Kaito’s house at that time too?”

“No, I won’t be here. Of course, I’m sure there are times when I’m here, but it has nothing to do with me being here.”

“I think I asked you before, but Kaito kun lives alone, right?”

“That’s right. Kaito kun lives alone. That’s why he needs a housekeeper.”

It’s not like I really need it, I just think it’s convenient to have.

I just didn’t feel comfortable with strangers coming in and out of my house. In that respect, if it was Kirara, I’d be happy to have her if Kaoru would allow it.

“That means…Kaito kun and I will be alone at home…is that okay with you?…Of course it’s not like I’m thinking anything weird ! !”

Kirara hurriedly said so after asking.

Well, but that’s the same opinion I have with Kirara.

“It’s okay. I don’t think the two of you are gonna do anything strange. Also, I’m gonna say this on this occasion, I don’t know why, but when I think of Kaito flirting with another girl, I get a really bad feeling, but when I think of that person being Kirara chan…for some reason, I feel happy…..maybe it’s because I like both of them? I basically wanted the two of you to get along well, so I said we should have study sessions together.”

Kaoru says so…..but does this mean that she is also influenced by the game after all? Even in the harem end of the game, the three of them would never have been jealous of each other.

And yet, when it is with women other than the three of them, they get jealous……it’s exactly the same development as in the game.

With this feeling, it doesn’t seem like she’s lying just because she wants to make Kirara feel safe.

“I-is that so?”

“Yeah ! And from now on, if I come to Kaito’s house, it means the three of us can play together.”

“Well, even for me, if Kaoru says it’s okay, then I guess it’s okay.”

“I’m good at cleaning, doing laundry and cooking! I’m good at it, so leave it to me, Kaito kun !”

“Yeah, please. I’ll pay the money in advance, so I’ll give it to you all at once, but is that okay? Also, is there anything I should explain to Kirara’s grandmother?”

“That’s right…I’ll explain it to grandma, and if she needs an explanation from Kaito kun, I’ll ask you.”

“Okay, then.”

“How often can you come as a housekeeper?”

“Well……I have other part-time jobs……”

Part-time job……honestly, I think it would be a good idea for her to stop working and I pay her a little more as salary…I continued talking with that in mind.

Then me, Kirara and Kaoru talked it over, and Kirara ended up getting a housekeeper job five times a week, except Tuesdays and Sundays.

And I set a very generous salary, but of course Kirara was against it, saying it was too much ! Well, she was right, it was quite a lot compared to the salary of a normal working person, but in the end she agreed… was a lot of work, though.

Well, for my part, I wanted her to stop working part-time and live like a student.

I knew Kirara well from the game, but she had not had a proper youth since elementary school, so I wanted her to enjoy her high school life.

I wanted her to enjoy her high school life, which would give her more time to play with Kaoru, which would also make Kaoru happy.

After we finished our discussion, I decided to take Kirara home with Kaoru.

By the way, I heard that Kaoru was going to stay at my place.

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