
“I’ll go get something to drink then, you two wait here…..but all I have is tea, is that okay?”

I asked Kaoru and Kirara as I took them to my room and sat them down.

“I’m fine Kaito kun, what about you, Kirara chan?”

Kaoru said and Kirara just nodded silently.

“I see. Well then, wait here for a bit.”

–And then I went to get some tea.

“Kirara seemed pretty cornered…….”

It was obvious from Kirara’s appearance.

Kaoru also looked quite worried…..or rather, it was natural since she was about to do something like that……

Her grandfather collapsed and was hospitalized, and that alone must be very worrisome for Kirara, but there was also the issue of money.

She had been living in a tight budget to begin with, but she needed a large sum of money to pay for her grandfather’s hospitalization and surgery, so it’s understandable that Kirara was driven into a corner.

“It’s easy for me to give her money…..”

It’s not difficult for me to raise money for Kirara.

I think I could get by with a million or two, but I don’t think Kirara would take it.

But if that’s the case, I think Kirara will accept it, but then she’ll definitely try to force it back…

Well, anyway, let’s think about it after listening to Kirara’s story with Kaoru.

“Sorry to keep you waiting, you two.”

“Thank you, Kaito kun.”

“T-thank you. ……

Kirara has calmed down a lot compared to before, but of course she’s not as energetic as usual.

I sat down, and Kaoru immediately started talking.

“So……Kirara chan……what happened? Can you tell us?”

Kaoru asked in a gentle voice and Kirara gave a small nod.

“Then, try to talk to slowly.”

“Y-yeah…..a-actually, m-my granpda is…..”

Kirara started crying again after saying that.

“Kirara chan !? Are you okay?”

“……! M-my grandpa is…..”

“Let’s calm down, okay? Take your time, it’ll be fine……”

Kaoru gently hugs Kirara, who is crying and unable to speak properly.

When I saw Kirara, I thought to myself.

I think it was probably the first time she cried properly since her grandfather collapsed……

I think that Kirara, as she did in the game, felt that she had to do something about it even after her grandfather collapsed ! And when she saw her grandma crying, she thought to herself, [I shouldn’t cry !] So she forced herself not to cry.

It had only been three days, but she must have been pushing herself too hard.

She has dark circles in her eyes and doesn’t seem to be sleeping properly.

I watched in silence as Kirara cried as hard as she had been trying not to cry and Kaoru comforted her.

–After a while, Kirara stopped crying. 

But of course she was not in good spirits, but she was able to talk.

“Are you okay? Kirara chan.”

“Yeah……I’m sorry. Both Kaoru and Kirara chan….must’ve been annoyed.”

Kirara turned her head and said this to Kaoru and me.

“We’re fine.”

“Yeah. I’m glad you’ve calmed down.”

“So don’t worry about it, Kirara chan !”


–After a few moments of silence, Kaoru began to speak.

“Kirara chan? That old man at that time……is he an acquaintance of yours?”


When Kaoru asked that, Kirara shook her head in response.

“Then……that means…….”

“No, it’s not like that… was the first time…..for me…..”

Kirara probably misunderstood that Kaoru thought she was that kind of person, so she said that in a flustered but weak voice.

“Well, that’s all right. Kaoru knows Kirara would never do such a thing. Besides, it ended in an attempt.”

“That’s right, Kirara chan. It’s fine.”


“So Kirara, can you tell us what happened? Kaoru and I are here to help you.”

I said, and Kirara took a few moments before speaking in a small voice.

“I’ve lived with my grandma and grandpa since I was little,……and that’s why we were so poor and that’s why I worked so hard at my part-time job……”

“Really? You must’ve worked very hard……”

“Well, you always worked hard. I guess there was a reason for that.”

“Yeah…I’m sorry for keeping quiet until now…”

“That’s okay. I’m sure there was a reason why you couldn’t tell us.”

“If you’re a person, it wouldn’t be strange if you had one or two things you didn’t want to say.”

“Thank you……both of you…..and then……on Thursday night, Grandpa suddenly collapsed……”

Kirara looked extremely sad as she said that.

“Eh !? Is he okay !?”

“Is that why you took Friday off?”

“Yeah. I had to do a lot of things because grandpa was gonna be hospitalized…..I didn’t want to tell Kaoru chan and Hitomi chan because I didn’t want them to worry about me……”

“I see…….”

Kaoru looked at Kirara worriedly and said so.

“And you know…..grandpa is in need of surgery….the surgery itself is not that complicated, but because of his age, they want to do it as soon as possible……so I really needed the money…….”

“So you needed the money, even if it meant using your own body…..there were surgery fees, hospitalization fees, and living expenses, so from what I heard from Kirara right now, I guess you were really in a desperate situation.”

“That’s true……”  

When I said that, Kirara smiled and said.

“That’s why… I’m sorry, both of you, but…I still have to try my best, so don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine. But I wanna continue to be friends with you two… ”

Kirara is smiling, but you can tell that she is clearly straining.

Her hands are shaking really bad.

Kaoru looks very confused, not knowing what to do. 

Of course, Kaoru isn’t rich either, so it’s impossible for her to pay for her.

She knows I’m rich, but it is my money and there is no way she can ask me to pay for me.

This is something I should tell her……but how should I tell her?

If she sells her body, her grandparents will be sad, and if I tell Kirara to stop selling her body, it will only make her suffer even more……Kirara herself is probably the one who understands this the most.

Well, it’s fine……I can’t suggest any details, but for now, let’s just say it clearly. I have a few suggestions, but I’m sure Kaoru will give her opinion if I do.

That way, I can help Kirara and at the same time, I can give her money so that she doesn’t feel guilt……and we can somehow get it down to that place.

Looking at Kirara, she is so shaded and listless that I can’t help but think she hasn’t slept properly since her grandfather collapsed. And she must have been working part-time in such a situation, so we need to reassure her soon.

I felt that Kirara would collapse if things continue as they were.

So I decided to speak to her directly and clearly.

“Okay, Kirara. I’ll pay for it.”

“Eh……but Kaito kun has Kaoru chan…..”

I didn’t say it right……it certainly sounds like I’m buying Kirara’s body in the context of the conversation.

I thought I had made a slight mistake, but when I looked at Kaoru, she was smiling, and it seemed like she understood what I wanted to say.

I returned my gaze to Kirara and reiterated.

“I mean, I’m gonna pay for your hospitalization and all that. Of course, I’m not gonna ask you to allow me to use your body.”


When I said that, Kirara looked puzzled, as if she didn’t understand what I meant.

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