
“Wow ! It’s beautiful ! So many tropical fish !”

“Yeah, they’re so beautiful. And so cute.”

“Y-Yukito kun.  Why don’t you look at mr. fish instead of me?”

“The way you call the fish is too cute. My love is overflowing.”

Nanami and I had come to the aquarium. I was thinking about going out…and this was the first thing that came to mind.

I thought it might be too common, but…I guess I made the right choice by choosing an aquarium.

“Yukito kun, do you read these kinds of explanations? I read them all.”

“I’m a reader too. I read all the rules and regulations.”

“I guess we’re on different paths……but I see, you always follow the terms and conditions.”

I love it when she looks like she’s having fun. It doesn’t hurt my eyes. I’d like to praise myself for choosing the aquarium.

“I heard they have starfish and sea cucumbers here ! Let’s take a look !”

Yeah, yeah, cute personified, huh? I’m about to fall in love all over again. 

I want her to have more fun and smile.

Also, she’s really well behaved and not running even though she’s in a hurry…we walk while being aware of the surroundings, so what can I say about this kind of thing, it’s great.

…… But she never lets go of my hand, no matter how fast she’s in a hurry.

“It’s fun, Yukito kun. I’ve never seen so many sea creatures before.”

“Yeah, it’s so much fun. Nana……ahem. Kushime, is this your first time coming to the aquarium?”

“Yeah, it’s my first time. I’ve been busy with various things. What about Yukito kun?”

“I’ve been to the aquarium only once when I was little. I don’t remember much about it.”

I should have come once. I don’t remember though.

When I answered that, Nanami smiled happily.

“Then I’m sure you’ll have a lot of memories today !”

“With those words, I fell in love about five more times.”

I’ve already got lots of memories, but I need to make more.


“D-deep sea fish are a bit creepy. I’d be surprised if I saw one at night.”


I’m sorry, Nanami san. I know it’s scary.  I also used to use oniden after watching horror movies. I want the warmth of people.

But that’s not the same thing as this.

“……K-Kushime san. I’d like to say that you’re a little close.”

“N-no. I don’t wanna leave.”

“I’d like to record it and use it as white noise for sleep.”

That’s right. I can’t say what. Um. Something that I shouldn’t be thinking about is happening.

–That thought didn’t reach me. The force of my arms tightening around me became stronger.

“Kushime san !?”

“N-no. Don’t let go…”

“I won’t ! I won’t let go !”

Why is this girl so cute? And the softness and warmth I feel in my arms grows stronger and….my reason is stirred to a mess.

“L-let’s go to the next corner !”

“O-okay. I understand, so Kushime san, relax.”


If you say that with teary eyes, I won’t be able to do anything. …For a while after that, I was hugged by Nanami.


“That big aquarium is really impressive.”

“It’s amazing, really.”

She’s really cute. The way she was surprised, the way she was scared, and the way her eyes sparkled. I love all of them.

“Bad Yukito kun. You have to look not only at me but also at the fishes.”

“I want six eyes to see Kushime.”

“You’ll have the same number of eyes as the spider.”

There are not enough eyes by far. I mean, I want another me to look at and talk to her. 

“But I want to see it with Yukito kun.”

“I want to gouge out this foolish brain and knotty eyes now.”

“No one wants it that badly.”

I have to reflect on that for a moment. No matter how pretty my idol is, I must weigh myself.

“Look, it’s beautiful. Like that fish.”

“Ah, hey.”

Nanami leans into my shoulder, and a different, elegant citrus scent tickles my nose. It must be the smell of the perfume that Kifune san gave her.

…Also, my arms feel kind of soft, but I don’t mind.

“That’s amazing too. Hehe, they’re swimming in a group.”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

It’s great that they are swimming so well together, but. Nanami san, aren’t you a bit closer than usual today?

” Let’s go see, Yukito kun.”

“As you wish.”

So we enjoyed the aquarium with Nanami leading the way.

…Huh? Isn’t it me who should be the one to lead the way? Even though I thought so, Nanami seemed to be having fun, so I’d like to leave it at that.

……Yes. I will reflect on this. I’ll do my best next time.


Nanami’s eyes light up as she fills her little mouth with the hamburger. It’s so cute.

“Delicious !”

“I’m glad it’s good. ……Well, you’re happy? In here.”

“Yeah ! I don’t come to places like this very often. There are a lot of people, and I’m nutritionally and calorically balanced.”

We were at a certain famous hamburger place for lunch.  Nanami said she wanted to eat lunch here, so we decided to eat here.

“Ah, did you have any other places you wanted to go or were planning to……?”

“No, I don’t have anything like that, or rather, it’s just a place I’ll go to if I’m told I can do anything for lunch. Originally, I was planning to go wherever Kushime wanted to go.”

“Ah, there’s a place I’d like to go to after lunch…I wonder if the time will be okay.”

“Of course it’ll be fine.”

“Sorry, I won’t take up too much of your time.”

–And when she said that.

“……Hm? Yukito?”

The air suddenly froze. My body stopped moving as if my heart had stopped too.

Sweat broke out all over my body, and when I forced my motionless body to turn around, I saw a familiar figure.

“–K-Kaname? Why are you here?”

“Why, that’s my line…, who’s that girl over there?”

Kaname’s eyes turned from me to Nanami.

This is bad. In short, he’s strangely intuitive…no, is it okay in this disguised state?

For now, I’ll fool him—

“I-I’m Yukito kun’s lover.”

“………Kushime san?”

I found out that Nanami had come right next to me, and she said that while holding my hand.

“……Heh? Lover?”

Kaname let out a stupid voice as if he had been stabbed.

–Eh, I don’t know what to do.

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