
I could not make progress in my studies.
Although the plan was to impose the problem of teaching Fujibayashi to study on Asagiri and to have Asagiri teach me, I found myself left on my own.

I was able to borrow a notebook from Asagiri, but I still felt uneasy.

In the end, I studied alone for a while, but as soon as I came across a problem I didn’t understand, I would get stuck, so I decided to leave.
Then another line came to me.

Who in the world is this time ……? Surely Fujibayashi didn’t send it to tease me again?

I rarely receive LINE messages on my phone. Sadly. So I’m sensitive every time a message arrives.

“Ha …….”

Sighing, I opened the LINE and there, as expected, was a message from Fujibayashi with another picture pasted there.

Fujibayashi is pictured there with a crepe. With Asagiri.
Asagiri was shyly covering her face with her hand so that it wouldn’t show in the picture.

“You’re having so much fun”

I was confused when she was taken away from me, but I am glad to see that Asagiri is enjoying herself too. She really has changed, hasn’t she?

I don’t know who’s point of view I’m looking at it from, but I’m chewing on it.

I wonder if there is a place that sells crepes in this countryside.
Anyway, Fujibayashi doesn’t have to study?
I’m sure Asagiri will be fine, but that’s what worries me. I don’t have time to worry about other people.

But it seems my worries were unfounded.

“Yuri is going to teach me how to study after this. Isn’t that nice?”

It looks like you guys are getting along very well ……. It looks like you’re having a good time. …… Is this a kind of incentive act too?
I was like …… who in the world is going to watch my study? I wanted to yell out.


Again, I sighed and headed home.
Then immediately my phone shook.

“What is it ……?”

It’s probably just another image I’m having fun with or something. I opened the line without any expectations at all.

“I’m sorry I turned down your study today. If you’d like, we can study together on your day off.”

Heaven had not given up on me.
I was gut-punched by Kurase’s line.

Happy or sad…… to be happy or anxious about a little thing, such as a change in circumstances.

Yes. That’s exactly how I feel right now.

I think about that on the way to Kurase’s house.

I was simply happy when I got the call. It was because I had found a ray of hope.
I had been in the depths of darkness, and now a ray of light was shining through. That’s what I thought.

I responded to the call with an enthusiastic “by all means.”
But I didn’t think it would be at Kurase’s house where I would study.

….. depressing.
I’m basically the type of person who is shy. If it were a normal male friend, I might not feel this bad, but I can’t stand to meet Kurase’s family, who are my friends of the opposite gender.

…… friends, right?
Be that as it may, it might have been different if there had been more than one other person, but on second thought, it was just the two of us.
The fact that it was just the two of us made me nervous, and the possibility of encountering the other’s parents also made me feel a little down.

Even though Kurase and I consider each other just friends, the parents might suspect that their daughter is studying with a friend of the opposite gender.

Kurase’s dad seems to be a detective,…… and at that point, it just smells disturbing.


I finally arrived at the address Kurase had given me and proceeded on foot.
I looked at the house in front of me, took in some air, and let out a big breath.


I prepared myself and rang the chime.

Ping, pong …… and I heard the simple doorbell ring.

And after a short wait, I hear footsteps from inside. And soon after, Kurase slid open the sliding door and greeted me with a smile.

“Ito-kun, welcome!”

Oh, Kurase’s smile is so soothing.

“No parents here today, so don’t worry, okay?”
“Uh, yes.”

Is that okay……?

It was as if a couple who had just started dating were secretly going on a date at home without telling their parents, and it was at that moment that my nervousness increased with that line.

I stepped into the Kurase family’s living room as Kurase led the way.
The house looked like an old-fashioned house, and I was filled with a kind of nostalgia.

It was the first time I had been in someone else’s house since I moved here.

“Kurase, here.”
“Just in case I’m interrupting anything.”

I held out the folded pastry in my hand with the whole paper bag.

“Eh, it’s fine!”
“Well, I bought it, so please take it.”
“….I’ll take it then. Ito-kun, you’re pretty disciplined, aren’t you?”
“Really? Isn’t that normal?”
“Thank you. I’ll serve it with tea when we study.”

Then, at a desk in the living room, the two of us spread out our reference books and began to study together.

Beside me, Ito-kun dexterously wrote letters in his notebook even with his left hand.
It seems that he still cannot use his right hand.

The injury on his right hand seems to have been caused when he was protecting Yuri-chan. At first, he explained that it was an accident, but I was worried and persisted, so he explained it to me.

I knew Ito-kun was too kind. He is willing to get hurt for the sake of others. I am sure that the reason he did not explain at first was because he did not want to worry me.

From that day on, I think Yuri-chan has changed.
She became …… much prettier.
I always knew Yuri chan was cute and had many good qualities, but the rest of the world did not.
Of course, there were many people who approached her because of her looks, but she gave off an air of unapproachability to everyone but me.

But then, Yuri-chan changed. Even to me, as a person of the same gender, I could see and feel that she had become very pretty, and perhaps even more so to the boys at school.

As a close friend of yuri chan’s, I felt pleased about it, but at the same time, a little frustration was growing inside me.

……I wonder what Ito-kun thinks about Yuri-chan like that?

Recently, they have been talking together more often than before.
Seeing her like that, I also began to want to get to know Ito-kun better.

The other day, when he asked me to help him study, I got in a rush and turned him down.
I immediately regretted it.

So I invited him again on this holiday to study with me!
The reason I invited him to my own house was, sort of. If it’s home ground, I have the upper hand! That’s what I thought.


But what exactly should we talk about? Oh, but it’s just a study group, so I should just study quietly, right?


…… but if that’s the case, it doesn’t really make sense for us to study together, does it?
If that’s the case, should I ask Ito-kun about the problems I don’t understand?
Hmmm, but there’s nothing I don’t understand by myself too much. ……

“otally frozen ……”


There’s no point in even thinking about it! Let’s just be prepared to answer immediately when Ito-kun asks me what he doesn’t understand.

First, memorize all the English words in Target 1900! That’s it!

“Wait, Hyaa!?”

I realized that Ito-kun’s face was so close to mine that I jumped back.

“Oh, my bad. ……”
“W-What’s wrong, suddenly?”
“No, no. I was wondering what was wrong because you were frozen ……I want to shake your shoulder.”
“Oh, what? Oh, I was just thinking ……”
“I-I see. When I called out to you, you didn’t move a muscle, so I wondered what was going on.”

We partitioned up and Ito-kun and I returned to our original positions.

“What’s so important? What are you thinking about?”
“Well, I was thinking about …… your hands! I was wondering if your hands are okay!”
“Oh, this. Yeah, it’s still a little bit. It’s getting better.”
“Oh, good, ……!
“Thank you. I was wondering if you could help me with my study.”
“Oh, I see. I’m sorry, I’m a little fuzzy. What do you want to ask? The 1765th word in Target 1900 is LIVER! By the way, it means liver!”
“…… sorry, I didn’t hear you. I’m working on chemistry right now.”
“I see. What part of it don’t you understand?”
“Well, this…”

We then concentrated on our studies, and before we knew it, it was almost dusk.

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1 year ago

It’s gonna take a lot to take down asagiri