
~Father’s Perspective~.

My son Tohru was innocent.

He had committed no sexual crimes.

I was relieved from the bottom of my heart when I found out this fact on the morning news.

My education had not been wrong after all.

At one point, I had thought about kicking Tohru out of the house, but if he was not a sex offender, there would be no need to do so.

Now I no longer have to worry about my neighbors giving me the white eye every time I pass by them, or about rumors spreading at work that my son is a criminal.

My wife’s bullying in the PTA will also be resolved.

“Hey, Tohru. Why are you ignoring me? Why don’t you answer me?”


However, even though I thought that our family had returned to normalcy now that his innocence was known to the world, Tohru was not in a good mood.

When I, his father, tried to talk to him, he would ignore me or give me a curt response.

I was angry at Toru.

What is this attitude toward his father?

Was he angry because we had treated him a little coldly?

Who in the world would be mad at their own parents just for that?

Has he forgotten the debt of gratitude he owed us for raising him?

Why don’t he put himself in our shoes for a minute and think about it?

Under the circumstances, anyone would treat Tohru badly.

What kind of parent would treat their son, who has become a criminal, the same as before?

As it turned out, Tohru was innocent, but we didn’t know that.

The ones who are to blame are those who spread rumors without knowing the facts to the point where they cannot be taken back.

It was obvious that, just like Tohru, our family members were also victims in this case.

“I’m sure he’ll be in a better mood if I treat him to a nice meal.”

I was unwilling to do this despite the fact that I was the mainstay of the family, but I took pride in being a model father, so I bought expensive ingredients and had my wife cook a delicious lunch in order to put Tohru in a good mood.

Then, in order to improve his mood, I tried to serve Toru on his day off.

“Look, Tohru. It’s lunch. It was extremely expensive, you know…?”

“Don’t need it.”


But, as if out of the blue, Tohru had taken advantage of our kindness.

He didn’t even look at the lunch we had prepared with fine ingredients, and tried to leave the house because he had a meal with a friend.

“Hey, don’t be like that, Tohru ! Your mother worked so hard to make this ! For you !”

“Hmm? Why did you suddenly start cooking for me today? Until recently, you didn’t make me dinner, lunch, or breakfast, right? So I thought maybe you wouldn’t cook for me today either, so I made a promise to go out to eat with my friends.”


Toru said in a cryptic tone.

I was angry at Toru’s attitude.

I had done this for the sake of my son, who was too stubborn to let bygones be bygones but what the hell was this guy doing?

“Wait, Tohru !”

Tohru was about to leave, but I thought it was time to make him change his attitude, even if it meant raising my hand a little.

At that moment, the intercom rang and a stranger came to visit me.

“My name is Saito from the 00 Newspaper.”

The man claimed to be a reporter for a major newspaper.

He said he wanted to interview us about the incident we were involved in.

“I can’t have you visiting me out of the blue ! Please leave !”

I had a bad feeling about this and tried to get him to leave immediately.

However, Saito had a hunch and refused to leave.

And, to my surprise, Tohru seemed to be interested in being interviewed by Saito.

After all, Saito, who had Tohru on his side, came inside the house and began to interview Tohru.

Tohru told the reporter everything he knew about the case.

I listened to their exchange without saying a word.

Tohru didn’t seem to know that newspaper reporters are a bunch of random people who don’t know what to write in their articles, whether it is true or false, so he was really polite and told the reporter every detail.

The reporter eventually asked Tohru about the incident and the accusation he was falsely accused of after it became public knowledge.

“How did the people around you react at that time? How did your family and close friends react?”

“I had almost no allies. Even my family members were suspicious of me and treated me like a criminal.”


Tohru blurted out things he didn’t have to say in front of the reporters

He told him everything, even the fact that we did not serve food to Tohru, whom we thought was a criminal.

The reporter looked at us with a reproachful gaze, as if he were looking at us as if we were disqualified parents.

The reporter was rude.

Anyone would have done the same thing we did in that situation.

I thought he was a really tactless reporter who didn’t even know what was going on.

However, I kept my mouth shut because I knew that if I incurred a grudge, he would write an article about what happened or not in retaliation.

After the reporter finished listening to what I had to say, he handed Tohru his business card and left.

Soon after the reporter left, Toru also left the house, saying that he had a dinner appointment with a friend.

In my room, which was quiet after they disappeared, I looked at my wife.

“W-what should we do, dear…..if that reporter publishes what we did to Tohru….”

“No problem. Anyone would have done that in that situation. After all, at that point everyone believed Tohru was a sex offender. We had no way of finding out what happened. As parents, we took the natural course of action.”

“…But the world doesn’t think so…?”

“Even if they did, it wouldn’t matter. In the vastness of Japan, violent crimes occur somewhere every day. Even if they were to write an article about it, it would only appear in the corner. It will be treated as part of a common false accusation.”

“I hope so, but……”

My worried wife was concerned that our attitude toward Tohru after the incident might cause a ripple effect, but I thought it was a non-issue.

An incident like this, which could have happened anywhere, would be forgotten three days later, even if it made the news.

That was my optimistic view.

But the reality was different.

[This is the worst, treating their own son like a criminal even though he’s innocent.]

[Toxic parents.]

[A picture-perfect loser parent.]

[Parents who are a mess.]

[Such a lousy parent.]

[They’re trash parents who won’t stand up for their son when he’s having the hardest time.]

[I’m glad I wasn’t born into this family.]

[How dare you attack your falsely accused son with everyone?]

[Typical toxic parents who care more about society than their own family.]

[I really feel sorry for this poor guy, Shinonome Tohru. I feel sorry for him.]

[Even if the world doesn’t believe in him, at least his family should believe in him…]

[Being betrayed by someone close to you is the most heartbreaking thing.]

“No way…why…”

[Oh…I knew it…it’s become important. What should we do, dear…..?”

“I don’t understand. Why is this happening…?”

A few days later, a detailed article on this case appeared in the newspaper, as well as an electronic article on the Internet.

And the story of [Parents who joined the public in attacking their falsely accused son, rather than protecting him] quickly spread across the Internet and caused a huge firestorm.

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9 months ago

Sad to say, the father is right. In reality, people are shameless and can wash their hands of nearly any wrongdoing. The primary argument condoning false accusations is how rare they (supposedly) are.

9 months ago
Reply to  Anon

So true about that. Such shameless people aren’t worth being respected. They should be ignored completely.

9 months ago

Thanks for the chapter. Tohru-San incredibly stupid Parents got Their just desserts courtesy by Saito-San OO Newspaper and The Internet Electronic Article. Why is happening all of that to Them? That is quite simple: It’s because They’re freaking self-deluded douchebags who won’t admit Their mistakes since Their overinflated egos and excessive social pride won’t allow them to proper reason. Hope Tohru leave the house and find another place to live.

Strawberry Milkshake
Strawberry Milkshake
9 months ago


9 months ago

Get shit on you scum parents, i see parents who already know their kid is a bastard but still protect him nonetheless, but imagine being someone who lived most of his life being good and doing good and then get betrayed by those closest to you based on rumors with no solid evidence and backed by only emotions. you should already be aware of your son’s temperament and personality, even his best friends who aren’t living with him 24/7 have a clear understanding of him and know he wouldn’t do that instead of being swept by group pressure. the first thing his parents thought of wasn’t their child but their own selves and what the neighbors and people would think of them and not how their child will be bullied by them.