
Next morning.
I wake up in the morning and hear a noise coming from the …… kitchen.
There was Saara cutting carrots on the cutting board.

“Ah, good morning~!”
“…..ah, good morning”

I respond to Saara’s greeting, sleepily.
My head is still spinning from sleep.

“What time is it?”
“It’s 6:30. I thought you might be getting up soon.”
“Thank you. Well, I’m going to go get dressed. ……”
“Yes yes~!”

I went into the washroom with Saara’s voice at my back.
I changed my clothes as it was and shouted to …… surprise.

“O-Oioi!Why are you here!?”
“What!? You said yesterday that I could come here in the morning.”
“I did say that! That was to make breakfast!

Saara tilts her head slightly with a puzzled look on her face.
What’s with that ‘what’s the problem?’ The look……

“Yesterday, while we were eating, you told me to come over in the morning”
“Well, yes.”

I was the one who prepared the matcha kurikinton (green tea with sweetened chestnuts) and told Saara to eat it in the morning.
It’s high in caffeine, so I’d rather not eat it in the evening.

“That time, Sora kun said [I’ll give you the key and you can use it as you see fit.]”
“Did I say that, ……?”
“I’m getting the key because you told me so …… ah, maybe you’re the disagree type of person? Should I give it back to you?”

I look at Saara, who says anxiously, and think.

It’s not that I don’t want to.
After all, I can’t imagine Saara doing anything wrong at all.
That’s probably due in large part to the fact that this person and I have been playing together at home since we were kids.

First of all, it pains me to make her look so anxious.
I told her and gave it to her in the first place, so it’s only natural that she’d be disappointed if I took it away from her or something.

But still, …… why the ‘disagree type person’ or some other strangely excessive fear?

“No, that’s not what I meant. That’s not what I meant. I was just a little surprised. Can I ask you to prepare breakfast?”

I told her to calm her down, and she immediately reassured me.

“Yes, I’ll take care of it!”
“…… By the way, why the apron?”

I asked her what she was wondering, and she laughed happily.

“D-Do I look good?”
“Let’s be honest.”
“It’s so….so, so good.”
“Yay! Let’s see you in an apron next time.”
“Where’s the demand for a guy in an apron?”
“Here! It’s here!”

Well, we had a cheerful conversation in the morning.

I thought to myself, Saara is about 50% more energetic than usual at our house.
At school she is a little more restrained.

“I’m going to go make breakfast, then!”

Saara returned to the kitchen humming a tune.
…..She’s in a really good mood.

Thus, I had breakfast with Saara, who was strangely high-spirited from the morning.
I should mention that Saara’s tension increased by 50% after eating green tea and chestnut-flavored sweetened red bean paste.
I wondered if I was disturbing the neighbors with my breakfast, but it turned out that the room next to this walled room was the princess in front of me.

We had breakfast and went to school separately.

“One of these days, I’d like to go to school with you”

She said something like that, but as expected, it would stand out half a dozen times.
I hope that’s not the case now.

And when I entered the classroom, I heard a voice whispering while looking at …… me.
I’m sure I didn’t act …… conspicuous, did I?

“Good morning, Iida kun”
“Ah, good morning, Ayado san.”

I returned the greeting lightly, and when I took my seat with a questioning look, I saw a letter in the …… desk.
Ayado san is talking with Sato san. It would be safe to read it now.
I wondered if it was a prank by someone and checked the contents.

[Come to the rooftop after school.]

This is…….

I’m not stupid either, I know what sort of thing this is.
I know, but …….

–I’m not too crazy about it.

That said, I can guess who the sender of this letter is.
Probably …….

Lunch break. I take out my lunch box to eat lunch alone.
Saara is indeed eating with her classmates since she can’t fool around after the first day.

She invited me to join her, but I declined.
I’m sorry to Saara, but I’d rather stay on the roof for lunch.
Besides, there are some reasons why I don’t feel like eating in the classroom.

After school.
Saara was invited to club activities again today. She wasn’t sure if she would go or not.

When I went to the rooftop

“You’re here.”

I knew it was him. ……

There was Yamamoto Saika, with his blonde hair swinging and a very bored look on his face.
I thought there might be boys who was always serving him, but apparently he was the only one.

“I’m not even gonna surprise you. You’re such a bore.”
“What, you still want something?”
“What’s the matter with you? You suddenly got all colorful.”
“What’s the matter with you? You’re my mother or something?”
“What? I’m not, by the way”

Yamamoto san approaches me, his loafers clanking.
He has a …… nice face, but his gala is the worst.
He’s also dressed down, and I think that’s okay with you. No, it’s not good for school rules, but not that, but in front of me.

“Iida, what are you up to these days? I’m looking at you.”
“I’m not on a roll, I’m just trying to change.”
“You’re trying to change? Don’t tell me you’ve got some kind of crazy mind? For example, ……”

Yamamoto left when he thought that he had gone any further.

“Well, I hope you’re right. The others are watching you, too. Don’t stand out too much.”
“I know.”
“Fine. You’re pretty big when I look….. up close.”

With that, he patted me on the shoulder and left from the rooftop.

…… It’s okay.
I can talk more than before.

Besides, the only reason I can stand tall when people say this is because I have support in my life.
The reason I decided to change.
It’s not because I’m colorful, it’s simply because I’m grateful and have a positive attitude.

But still, is he really that busy that he gets involved with me just because I cut my hair?

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