
[Alicia’s point of view]

“We’re almost there. ……!”

Sid san nodded his head.

We were near the dungeon’s boss floor.

While hunting down goblin zombies, we gradually leveled up.

This increased our magical power and extended the duration of our warding magic.

But what I’m more interested in is…

(Did he saw my breasts? ……?)

I thought I could hold hands and get away with it.

…. No, that might have been a little intentional.

(I’ll never lose to Farnese-sama……!)

Farnese is interested in Sid san.

I am 100% sure of it.

She makes it seem like she hates Sid-san, but in fact, she’s interested in Sid-san–

This is a maiden’s intuition.

Perhaps Farnese sama had special feelings for Sid san who stood up to her.

That’s why she wants him for herself.

(Sid san is …… mine.)

The place where I have an advantage over Farnese sama is “here.”

I touch my breasts.

I am confident that I am winning here.

This is a girl’s battle.

I need to get my breasts closer to Sid san

And …… I have to appeal to him more and more!

Also, if Sid san wins the bet, I’ll have Farnese-sama “get down on her knees”.

For that, I have to close the moat from Farnese-sama.

(I won’t let her get away with it. ……!)

In order to make sure that Farnese-sama can’t break her pledge ……

We can make the cost of the pledge very large.

Yes, Sid san is right, the pledge can be broken.

But then you have to pay the price.

And the price can be set by us (Sid).

I secretly tampered with the price that I imposed on Farnese-sama.

I made the price something that you cannot afford to lose.

It was the title.

For Farnese-sama, the most important thing is the status of “Duchess”.

Sid-san paid 1 million gold as the price, but Farnese sama values the dukedom.

Until now, she has bullied people by wielding her position as a marquise duchess.

But if she loses her marquise status, her cronies will leave her.

(I’m definitely going to have her dance naked ……!)

No matter what happens, I’ll make Sid san win over Farnese sama.

And I will win in love, too. ……!

(Is there a girl he likes right now? ……Sid san?)

I want to ask him so badly, but I’m too scared to ask. ……

Even if Sid san likes someone else, I’ll be fine.

It’s very, very painful, but ……

I don’t care if I’m second.

Only Sid san saved me.

So I want to stay close to him and protect him…

[Sid’s point of view]

“That’s the Undead King ……!”

In a word, it’s a big zombie.

He carries a big sword on his back.

We (Sid and Alicia) stepped onto the boss floor to check on the Undead King.

The Undead King was still unaware of our presence.

On a pedestal behind me, I see a holy staff.

“All right. I’ll put the wand on.”

“Yes! Let’s do it!”

Alicia is very motivated.

It was supposed to be a fight I was going to lose, but with Alicia around, I felt like I could win.

“Fufufu……… you foolish mortal. I am already aware of you.”


The Undead King jumped up and came right in front of us.

“Kyaaa! Sid san help me ……!”

Alicia hugs me.


(I felt something soft on my back ……!)

I mean, the Undead King can talk.

In the game, the battle started without any particular conversation, so I was a little surprised to see the Undead King talking.

“Mumu…… you guys are too low level. Are you too small fry to fight me?”

Yes. He was right.

It is a dungeon in the latter half of the scenario.

Unless you clear the dungeon at a low level or play with a bind, he won’t come in at our level.

(Besides, no one would play a game like that in an Otome game. ……)

However, this game is an Otome game, but the battle system is quite serious.

You have to level up and equip yourself properly to beat the bosses.

So, it is the right attitude for the undead king to be surprised by the game.

“Fududu! Feed me, ……!”

The Undead King laughs like a villain and raises his big sword.

“Death! Death Wolf Sword ……!”

The Undead King swings down with his great sword.

The Death Wolf Sword is the special move of the Undead King.

If we were to take a bite from it, we would die instantly.


“G…… Gahaa!

The Undead King’s leg collapses.

“W-Wha ……? What the hell happened ……?”

The Undead King is upset.

His face is zombie, so we can’t see his expression.

“You did it! Sid san!”

Alicia is so happy.

“Yeah. I’m glad I pulled through.”

“What did you …… do?”

Alicia’s scream was an act.

I took advantage of the opportunity and sprinkled holy water on her feet.

The holy water melted the legs of the undead king.

Now, from a short distance away–

“Throwing holy water all over the place!”


(Bad. …… It’s kinda fun.)

We are throwing holy water all over the undead king, who is unarmed.

I can’t tell which one of us is the villain in this one. ……


The Undead King collapsed.

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

The sound of the level up sound.

(It feels soooo good ……!)

“We did it! It’s going up so many levels. ……!”

Alicia hugs me again.

Munyon! Munyon!

Alicia’s breasts hit me harder than before. ……

(Alicia’s breasts are huge.)

I realized just how ample Alicia’s breasts were.

“We’ve improved a lot, haven’t we?”

I defeated a dungeon boss in the latter half of the game, even though I was still in the early stages of defeating slimes.

I got an unbelievable amount of experience, so I became much stronger.

“All right. Now we just need to get the holy staff.”


We approach the pedestal where the holy staff is located.

The holy staff is a special item for the hero.

When equipped, it greatly strengthens the magic of all allies.

“With this, we can beat up Prince Claude to a pulp. ……”

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