
One week passed, two weeks she waited, three weeks…….

In the end, time passed without a reply from Kagamiya.

For the first week, Mio was optimistic about the lack of reply.

“(Haha. He was  probably surprised by the sudden message that he couldn’t reply ! I guess it can’t be helped)”

Even though Kagamiya was Kagami, he had confessed to her before.

She was certain that he was still in love with her,

Ah, what will I do if he replies and we become lovers?

First of all, I would brag on social media that I’m going out with Kagami kun, and then Kagami kun would write a song just for me on my birthday or something.

Also, if you are as popular as Kagami, you must make a lot of money, right?

If that’s the case, I’d like him to get me a present or something.

Such are her usual fantasies. Mio was enjoying it as something closer to her than usual, and her heart was much more exciting and thrilled than usual.

The second week.

“(Huh? Why haven’t I received a reply even though so much time has passed?)”

As expected, Mio was starting to think something was wrong.

She was beginning to think that maybe he was sulking because of the confession. No, maybe he disliked me.

Bad imaginations are growing.

Actually, Kagamiya does not hate Mio.

He just changed from [someone I like] to [an acquaintance I don’t want to be my girlfriend] on the day of that confession.

He may be evasive about the e-mail, but if you ask Kagamiya, [Are you Kagami?] Kagamiya would say, [Yes, I am. Didn’t you notice?] He would at least answer in a normal way.

But they are in the same class at school, so something might change if she talk to him directly.

Not receiving any email replies.

That Kagamiya was Kagami.

That she regrets dumping him without knowing it.

These things were poking at her mind, and she couldn’t talk to him. Mio thought so at this time.

The third week.

“(What’s with that guy? Even though he’s a prisoner. Even though he’s Kagamiya…why is he suddenly so cool !?)”

The same old messy hair. A slightly shabby uniform. Deep dark circles.

In the classroom, Kagamiya is scorned as a [gloomy character] by those who don’t care for him, and most people don’t seem to have any particular impression of him.

However, after learning that Kagamiya is Kagami, she felt that he had a different aura.

Could this be called the halo effect?

Before, she used to think that Kagamiya’s silent attitude was weird because she didn’t know what he was thinking, but now that she knows he is Kagami, she thinks of him as a cool mysterious,

She changed her impression of [Deep Gloomy] from [he can’t even take care of himself] to [he must be working hard every day]

Even his clothes are lame, but she came to think it’s cute that he’s usually a bit goofy.

Such a change in Mio.

This is partly because her image of Kagamiya has changed, but more importantly, Kagamiya himself has changed as well.

He used to be a bit of a quiet guy, but now he is a [devoted fan of Kagami] and his classmates sometimes talk to him, and he smiles when they do.

In the past, Kagamiya always said, [I couldn’t write lyrics as I wanted yesterday] [What should I do? What if they’re disappointed with the new song?] [What do the fans want from me?] He was thinking negatively, and it showed in his expression.

Therefore, his physiognomy, coupled with his deep shades, gave a bad impression, but now, 

[Ah, I received an email from Momo. I’m looking forward to composing with you next week.]

[Hekireki no Ao script is ready. I’m going to read it out with BIg Sis next time.]

[Ah, Yanagi says the script is really good ! I’m looking forward to it.]

His way of thinking became more positive, which made Kagamiya’s expression brighter.

It is often said that looks make 90% of a person, but this is not about whether a person’s face is well formed or ugly, but probably about what kind of expression he has and what kind of stature he has.

A person who looks gloomy, has a hunched back, and complains all the time is not considered handsome even if his face is well formed.

On the other hand, if a person has a strong sense of self-esteem and smiles happily every day, even if he or she is a little bit ugly, it seems that they’re happiness is contagious, and it is difficult to dislike them.

Kagamiya, who has changed a little since Mio rejected him, has become a little brighter and is really enjoying every day.

Kagamiya, who is enjoying his days in a happy mood, has become a little more attractive than before.

In the end, the changed Kagamiya is unexpectedly good looking.

Mio has now realized how attractive Kagamiya is.

“(I can’t believe it. There is no way that Kagamiya is this good looking !)”

She had looked down on him and even despised him until now.

However, she suddenly became aware of him. Just being in the same classroom makes her nervous, and his casual gestures are endearing.

Is it because I know Kagamiya is Kagami kun?

No, when Kagamiya called himself Kagami, I was so angry that I wanted to punch him.

And yet……

At a time like this.

Now, Kagamiya. Kagami had moved away from Mio’s reach.

Mio liked Kagamiya to the point of sadness.

She had fallen in love—.

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