
Hazuki said so and pointed towards me. It seems that she is pointing at the delicious-looking cake behind me, which looks very tasty.

Is that a new product? At least I’ve never seen it before. No, but from the way Hazuki was talking, it must be something different.

“It looks delicious. It sure looks delicious.”

“Yes, it’s very delicious. It’s so delicious that I can’t let go of it.”

I’ve never heard this expression before, but it seems that Hazuki’s love for that cake is quite great because I feel a tremendous pressure. I’m getting a little curious too.

I’ll come and buy some personally next time.

“I can’t wait to eat it… I can’t stand it anymore…”

Hazuki’s face turned ecstatic as she stared at me. I don’t want you to stare at me like that. It hasn’t even been a day since we broke up. If I continue to see Hazuki’s image in my eyes, I’m afraid I’ll develop unnecessary feelings.

I might as well leave this place as soon as possible.

“I see. Then buy it quickly and go home. Everyone at school is worried about you.”

“…I guess so. See you later.”

After that, I somehow managed to pick up the new product and returned home safely. According to the clerk, the one I bought was the last one, so I was lucky.

Although I am not boasting to Mai, I feel good about it.

I wonder if she will be pleased.

“I’m home.”

“Welcome home, onii san. What’s in the bag?”

Mai, who has good intuition, immediately shows interest in the sweet store bag hanging on my left arm.

“You’re so quick to notice.”

“It’s no surprise. I’m more sensitive to sweets than anyone else.”

“I know. I bought a new product and we’re going to eat it together.”

“Yay, I love you, Onii san”.

Mai hugged me with a cute smile on her face. She’s in good shape at times like this, so I can’t blame her.

To begin with, she is a cute and adorable little sister, so there is absolutely no way I could ever dislike her.

Just to be clear, I am not a siscon. I am not a siscon, I assure you. I love her as a family member, though.

I put the plates on the table and cut the cake into pieces. The mellow aroma of the cake fills the room, whetting my appetite.

While I’m cutting the cake, Mai pours me a cup of coffee.

“Wow, it looks delicious. How did you know about this, oni san?”

“Oh, I heard a girl in my class talking about it.”

“Hee. I didn’t know you had a girl friend.”

“No, I just overheard the girls talking about it.”

“I see, well, that’s okay.”


I’m not sure if it’s my imagination or not, but I felt something strange from Mai. I glanced at Mai with a sideways glance, but she was just staring at the cake with a twinkle in her eye.

I must have been thinking too much.

“Can I eat it now?”

“It’s fine. Tell me what you think.”


Mai clasped her hands together in front of her chest. Then she put the cake in her mouth.

“It’s great~, it’s delicious, onii san.”

Mai really looks like she’s enjoying the cake. I put my hands together like Mai and put the cake in my mouth.

It was delicious, very delicious indeed. It’s probably the best cake I’ve ever eaten. I think coffee would go well with this.

“Coffee tastes, my body…”

“I’m sorry, onii san.”

(TL/N : Always this pattern huh?)

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