As a high school student, Manato has a girlfriend whom he loves and has been dating for about three months. She is called the “madonna” of the school year, and jealous glances are an everyday occurrence.
While his girlfriend is very popular, Manato is an ordinary student who does not excel in anything special.
One day, he comes to the conclusion that he is not a good match for her. So he decides to break up with her for her happiness.
Author: 湊近
Episode 1 – Nothing gives a person more energy for action than a broken heart
Episode 2 – Whoever dares to love will certainly have the courage to suffer
Episode 3 – When you break up, the next love has already begun
Episode 4 – If we do not part, we cannot meet
Episode 5 – People are driven into a corner without knowing it
Episode 6 – Love, that is eternal
Episode 7 – Everything that happens has meaning.
Episode 8 – Cooperation, like love and friendship, is a matter of giving
Side Story – The appearance of things is filled with deception
Episode 9 – Lies are not only untrue, they always have a struggle within them