Was it my imagination that the place seemed to freeze for a moment?
Did the air conditioner turn off? It was warm earlier, but now it feels a little cold. I don’t think it’s just my imagination. There must be some reason.
Well, I finally broke up with her. There’s no turning back now, so let’s move on.
“I’m sorry for the suddenness of it. But there’s a good reason for this.”
Why am I talking like I’m making excuses? It’s not an excuse.
Hazuki has been lying face down and not looking at me since I started talking about our breakup. Is she angry? Or is she unable to contain her joy?
I hope it’s not the latter, but since I’m the one who broke up with her, I don’t have the right to tell her what to think.
“Can you tell me why?”
After a moment of silence between the two of us, Hazuki suddenly opens her mouth.
“Right…okay. I’ll tell you.”
Then I told her what I had thought yesterday, that is, that I was not a good match for Hazuki.
Strangely enough, I was surprisingly calm when I told her what had happened. I think I must have gotten over my grief. Maybe I was more prepared than I thought.
“That’s why. It may be selfish, but it is the result I arrived at after much deliberation. I’m sure Hazuki will understand, right?”
She didn’t reply.
This is awkward. From today on, I have no connection with Hazuki. It’s not often that two former lovers can remain friends after a breakup.
I don’t think I can be friends with Hazuki from now on, without exception of course. Today would be the last time I would talk to her.
I take silence as an affirmation. Hazuki seems to have understood. I don’t know why she is silent, but she must be having mixed feelings.
Since I was feeling the same way, there was no reason why Hazuki should not be feeling the same way.
“Well, I’m going home.”
With that, I pull my wallet out of my pocket and put the bill for the two of us on the desk. Hazuki didn’t even raise her downcast face when I left the store.
I, Shuha Hazuki, For me, my boyfriend, Manato, is more important than life.
When I had just moved here, I was being bullied by the girls in my class, and the one who saved me was a simple young man in my class, Manato.
When I saw him for the first time, I had a terrible thought, “What a plain guy” His face was not particularly good, his hair was not well-groomed, and he did not have any outstanding talent.
To be honest, I didn’t find him attractive.
But the day he saved me from being bullied, my feelings for him changed 180 degrees.
Since I became involved with him, every day has been a rainbow of colors. Strangely enough, I never ran out of things to talk about with him, and at the same time, he never stopped smiling.
After a while of getting to know each other, he confessed his feelings for me. Apparently, he had liked me from the first moment he saw me.
That made me so happy that I accepted his confession without hesitation. After we became lovers, we began to enjoy each other’s company more and more, and I thought that we would continue to spend our days together….
“Hazuki, let’s break up.”
I didn’t understand what he meant.
Because I am in love with him, Manato, to the point of sick
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