
“Elesia sama.”

Elesia continued to illuminate the cave with good visibility.

Serena, who was walking slowly, suddenly asked Elesia, who was standing beside her.

“How can I help you?”

“No, I’m the one who asked. Why did we go down?”

Elesia and her partner were still exploring in the dungeon after an hour had passed.

It was already all over the place. It is as if they were looking for an earring that had fallen out somewhere.

Once they found the entrance to the lower floor, they went through it and just kept walking around inside.

“Fufu, I thought I’d explore this rarely seen place.”

“Surprisingly, the girls who advertise themselves as ladylike are also children, wouldn’t you say?”

“Rather than a girl who is flawless, it is easier to be liked if you occasionally show your cute side. It’s called gap moe♪.”

That’s what it’s all about, isn’t it? Serena glanced back while crossing her arms.

There, she saw Cain, who had not opened his mouth once since entering the dungeon, silently following her at a distance.

(So he is doing nothing)

Nothing special has been done until this point.

She was expecting some kind of sabotage, but when she looked back, there was nothing.

It was as if someone had allowed them to take the exam as usual.

(I don’t know how other people are feeling, but it’s a little creepy…)

As she was thinking this, a huge rock suddenly rolled down from the front.

“This is the second time I’ve seen this rock, and I don’t like it.”

“Well, well, aren’t dungeon temples more enjoyable than you think?”

Serena stepped forward to protect Elesia.

Then, she pulled out her sword from the scabbard she was carrying in her pocket and swung it in all directions.

The huge rocks turned into rubble of a certain size and collapsed on the spot.

“Well done, As expected of third rank”

“It sounds ironic coming from the second-ranked one.”

When Serena sighed and put away her sword, Elesia suddenly stopped in her tracks.

She took out her watch from her pocket, checked the time, stood up tall and…

“Let’s go back …… well, the truth is that the reason I am walking like this is to look for master.”

─ She suddenly said something like that.

“Um, what …… does that mean?”

“I mean it as it is. Do you really think I enjoyed exploring the dungeon?”

To be honest, Serena thought it was strange, but she was convinced “I guess so.”

Her cheeks twitched involuntarily, and Elesia smiled ladylike at her.

“The reason I’m walking around the dungeon like this without aiming for the goal is in case something happens…and in case something happens.”

“…… Ah, I see.”

“There is no rule that says Don’t join up and finish together. If you are a member of a group, you should consider all the concerns you have.”

The problem of the environment surrounding Luna has not been resolved, and the source of the problem at hand is in contact.

In that light, it is definitely better to work together even though they are taking the examinations separately.

Because maybe something might have happened while looking for them in this way.

This exam will not affect your grade.

As long as you reach the goal, it is all right, then it is wise to search to the limit.

That is the reason why Elesia has not been aiming at the goal for a long time now.


“I see.”

Clank! and suddenly the sound of swords clashing with swords echoed through the dungeon.

When Elesia moves her gaze a little, she sees Serena and Cain clashing swords.

“……After all, they’re setting something up, aren’t they?”

“Good job, you’re well aware of it.”

“I wasn’t sure. However, I didn’t expect to be able to point my sword directly at you like this.”

Serena put her sword to the test.

She was probably trying to push, but it felt like she was being pushed back a little because of the difference in strength.

However, a straight line of light passes right next to the boy’s face, and Cain immediately jumps back.

“…Are you reluctant because you don’t want us to go?”

“I guess so… After all, you abandoned your duty as a test proctor and interfered.”

The two’s guard was raised at once.

There is no intention of retreating from this ……. There is no way they are going to call an instructor toward the finish line.

After all, the fact that they have pointed their swords in this way means that he intend to interfere.

They could harm her master

“Don’t worry, I don’t intend to do anything to your master.”

Instead, he said.

He carries the sword and speaks apologetically.

“My role is only to stop you. I’m sorry, but I can’t let you join us.”

“…Are you sure? If the proctor messes up, you’ll probably be expelled from school, right?”

“Don’t worry about that. There’s no way that prince will force his way without a plan. It’s too much to rely on others, but we have insurance.”

Cain looks up while carrying his sword.

Nothing, just a ceiling───

“Besides, even if she were to be expelled from school, I wouldn’t let her be the only one doing this.”

And then the three of them ran across the ground in unison.

The first real battle in the dungeon begins.

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