
▼ Matsumura Hina’s Point of View▼

The summer vacation was over in a flash, and school started again today.

I was able to spend the summer vacation with Hikaru at summer festivals and swimming pools, which made it a very satisfying vacation for me personally.

However, human beings are needy creatures, and I feel that my desire to get to know him better and to get together with him is increasing day by day these days.

I went to school as usual with these thoughts in my mind, and found that some of my friends had already arrived at the school.

“Good morning!~”

I greeted them, and they all came up to me at once, as if they had been waiting for me.

“Hina, good morning!”

“Hey, I want to ask you something!”

I wondered what she was talking about, but the subject immediately jumped out at me.

“Was that the guy, the one I heard about the other day?”

The sudden direct question reminded me.

I remembered that I had told them I knew him and left the place.

I had no idea that such a rumor had spread, and moreover, there was no way I was going to tell anyone here about Hikaru.

He’s not just my friend, and I should be the only one who knows how good he is.

“Eh, no, he’s not my boyfriend. Well, it’s not like that. ……”

I tried to talk while somehow finding an excuse, but my friend didn’t miss it.

“Eh~? But he was cool, wasn’t he?~”

‘”Yeah, yeah. I wish there was a cool boy like that at our school.”

“I think he’d be a good match for Hina.”

“No, no, no, it’s not like that!”

I was left behind by my friends who were getting excited, but I tried my best to deny it.

“Then, please introduce me. I guess I’ll have a shot~”

One of them muttered something like that with a wry smile on her face, and I quickly said “No!”

As if they had been waiting for my line, they started questioning me.


“Why no~?”

“It’s just, that person is …… very important to me. Yes, he is very important to me……”

As soon as I said that, my friends started screaming and making a lot of noise.

“Eh~? I knew there was something there! What do you mean by someone important?”

“Doesn’t that mean he’s almost your boyfriend already? What kind of person is he?”

My friends were curious and brought their faces close to mine. To be honest, it was difficult to answer them, choosing my words carefully.

But I wasn’t going to tell anyone about Hikaru yet, and I didn’t know how he himself would react to such a topic.

So I decided to blur my words as much as possible.

“Well, I won’t tell you the details. But I think he’s a very kind person, someone I can rely on, someone I can feel at ease when I’m around him.”

“So you already like him, do you~?”

“No, no, that’s not …… “

“But it’s rare to hear Hina talk like that. I kind of admire her a little bit~.”

My friend’s words made me realize a feeling I hadn’t even realized I had.

Yes, being with Hikaru really puts me at ease and makes me smile naturally.

My friend is right, perhaps my feelings are changing into something a little more special.

“Well, I don’t know what he thinks ……”


I looked at the girls to see if they were all silent at my words, and when I looked at them I realized that their eyes were not on me, but on the back of me, around the entrance to the classroom, and I turned my attention in that direction.

I was stunned to see a figure standing there.

The person standing at the entrance of the classroom, where I turned my gaze, was – to my surprise – Hikaru.


I couldn’t help but let out a voice.

I was surprised to see him.

Before the summer vacation, he had seemed rather careless at school.

The hair was long and hung over his eyes, and he looked natural or even a little shabby.

But now, he changed to a short, crisp haircut, and there he was, the man I had always known only as the outsider.


“No way. ……”

My friends also looked surprised and held their mouths.

In the midst of all this, Hikaru lightly raised his hand and smiled at us.

“Good morning.”

“G-good morning …….”

I managed to reply, but my friends and I still couldn’t follow his transformation.

The classmates around us also noticed his change and began to murmur.

“Eh, that’s Tahara-kun, isn’t it? Didn’t he change his look a lot?”

“His hair is shorter and he looks so cool!”

“Oh, that Hikaru-kun!” The voices of the students spread throughout the classroom.

The girls, in particular, could not help but pay attention to him.

“Oh, was he that cool?”

“I mean, that was …… the other day.”

“I didn’t pay much attention to him before, but he looks totally different with a haircut!”

He didn’t seem to care about everyone’s reaction and took his seat with an indifferent look on his face.

I couldn’t hide my bewilderment at the change, and felt my heart fluttering.

My friend overheard me.

“Hey, Hina! That guy you were talking to earlier, could it be ……?”

“Eh? No…..!”

At that moment, I felt my whole body become hot. Until just now, I had been casually dodging it with my friends, but now I’m starting to get nervous, thinking that I won’t be able to hide it. Moreover, the girls in the class were now looking at him. It’s like everyone is starting to take an interest in him, which makes me feel uncomfortable.

I hear a voice behind me say, “Hey, isn’t he really cool?” and my heart suddenly began to race in my chest.

“It’s Tahara-kun, tell me!~”

“But maybe the girls in our class will start aiming for him, Hina?”

My friend said with a grin, and I couldn’t help but be miffed.

“Of course not! …… he’s just a friend.”

Even as I said this, impatience grew and grew in my heart. It wouldn’t have occurred to me a short while ago that Hikaru would be the focus of another girl’s attention. But he is now – such a thing could happen.

For a short time before class began, I was puzzled by Hikaru’s new appearance, but also felt a slight mixture of anxiety and anticipation in my heart. And I was realizing that he was more important to me than ever before.

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