
The Saturday of my appointment with Hinano arrived.

Since our houses are next to each other, I thought we should head for the park together, but she told me that was not the right thing to do.

I reluctantly headed to “that” park where we were to meet, even though I thought it would be the same either way. I don’t have any good memories of that place.

Sera walking with a guy.

Sera smiling with a face she’s never shown me before.

Sera coming out of the hotel.

When we arrived at the park, I still had flashbacks of that time.

I’m breathing hard.

“Aww, what a waste of time.”

My vision begins to distort.

“No wonder she cheated on me.”

I was about to leave the park when..,

“Sho, Shoma, kun.”

I heard such a voice from behind me, and when I turned around, I saw Hinano standing there.

“I’m sorry I made you wait.”

“N-no. I just got here myself, so I’m fine.”

“Really? I feel like you look a little pale though…”

Saying that, Hinano approaches me.

“I-it’s okay.”

I answered while keeping my distance from Hinano, who was approaching me.

“That’s fine, though.”

“So, where are we going today?”

“That’s something to look forward to after we get there. Well then, let’s go!”

Saying that, she took my arm and started walking.

“We are here!”

It was in front of a certain store that Hinano raised her voice.

“Cat cafe Nyanta?”

“Yes! I’ve always wanted to go there.”

Looking back, the message icons were cats and many of the stamps seemed to be of cats. For some reason, I feel that Hinano herself also resembles a cat,

“Let’s hurry up and get in!”

The hurried Hinano led me into the store.

After completing the reception, Hinano immediately went to play with the cat.

“Hinano, it’s okay to be excited, but don’t stress the cat or anything…”

I almost said that and quit.

I had to quit.

When I looked at Hinano, I saw that the cats here were taking advantage of the opportunity to rub up against her.

After admiring this eye-pleasing sight for a while, I thought to myself

“Your girlfriend been taken by the cats, hasn’t she?”

“Yes it seems”

She was not my girlfriend, but I didn’t mind, so I replied without correcting.

“It is rare that cats like her so much.”

“Is that so? That girl also resembles a cat in some ways, so maybe she sensed that.”

“Shoma, come over here, too.”

Hinano called me, so I parted ways with the clerk and headed towards Hinano and the cats gathered together.

I sat down on the floor and called out to the cats.

“Neko chan~. Come here~”

The cats that had gathered around Hinano took one look at me, immediately turned their faces away from me, and started to rub up against her again.

I called out to them several times, but none of them even came close to me.

The waitress, seeing this, called out to me,

“The complete opposite, huh?”

“Yes, that’s right. What should I do?”

“In that case, it’s rice!”

She handed me what I thought was the cat’s rice.

I brought the rice in front of the cats and said,

“Here, here is your meal~ Come over here so you can eat your food.~”

Then, as if the neglect they had shown me earlier was a lie, they came over to the food I had placed in front of them.

“Boyfriend san! It’s now! This is your chance to touch the cat!”

With that being said, I fearfully reached out my hand to pet the cat that was engrossed in the meal and was able to pet it.

“I touched it!”


“Hinano, I touched it!”

With that, I turned my attention back to Hinano.


And she was in a daze, blushing.

I wondered what she was doing, but for now I decided to enjoy the time with the kitty I could finally touch.

I guess my stock soared after I fed them, and they started to come by me.

After a while of touching each other, I saw numbers on their heads.


Fifty is very subtle.

But how did I come to see the numbers on the cats’ heads as well?

I can’t and don’t talk to cats.

Is there any other condition to see them besides talking?

I have only touched the cats since I came here.


Does touching also make them visible?

Do I have to touch them for a few minutes because I couldn’t see them at first?

Another mystery of these glasses has been created.

“Neko-chan, come over here~.”

As I was thinking like this, I wondered if Hinano had regained consciousness, called out for the cat, and the cats around me went back to Hinano again.

Then, the numbers that I had been seeing disappeared.

After playing with the cats for a while, we ate dinner.

“Since it’s the first time today, let’s go home.”

“Is it okay already? It’s 2 o’clock.”

“Yes. I’m already full today.”

“If you say so, then fine.”

“Then come home with me.”


After that, I did the very unusual thing of seeing the resident of the next room home, and I went back to my own house too.

For the whole day today, Hinano’s number did not change from 100.

By the way, the clerk’s number was also 50, the same as the cats. She is, after all, a professional in customer service. No unnecessary feelings.

While I was sitting on the sofa at home, reflecting on the day, the intercom rang.

I sat up heavily and checked the camera to see Toda Daiki and a girl standing next to him.

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