
(*Yuzuha’s point of view)

I — Minase Yuzuha live in a town where there was a big incident a long time ago.

A fire broke out in a shopping mall, neither big nor small.

The fire was so big that it was almost certain to burn down the whole building. The fire was caused by oil from a restaurant in the building that caught fire.

The building has been torn down and a new mall is under construction, but at the time it was a big deal.

And I was unlucky enough to be in …… that mall.

“Uuuu …… mother, where are you?”

I was about second grade at the time.

My whole family had just come shopping and I had just lost my mom and others.

Rather than being lost ……, I was just looking at the grocery store a little bit away from my mom

At that point, something started to happen and I was scared of the many confused people and hid in the shadows of the rest area waiting for them to go away.

The fire had started and everyone was in a panic.

It goes without saying what will happen if you miss the wave and leave a child out of the public eye.

“Ah …….”

Walking ahead of me was a red light.

All around me was the smell of burning and the sound of crackling and burning.

At that moment, I was instinctively and deliberately heading toward the noisy area, just to see my mother and others.

But —-.

(Ah, Huh?)

There was no way I, as a child, could have known.

The most common causes of death in a fire are carbon monoxide poisoning and asphyxiation, rather than burns.

As I was just walking around looking for my mother, there was no way I would think to keep my body low…….

I also breathed in the smoke, was hit by the heat, and gradually became dazed and …… finally collapsed.

(Oh no. ……)

Even though I don’t know the cause of death by fire, I know the fear of fire.

That is why, in my fading consciousness,…… I was terrified of death.

I didn’t want to die, I was afraid.

But my body was not moving as I wanted it to. I couldn’t even stay conscious.

(Please, someone …… help me.)

That’s when it happened.

[Ah, Damn! This is going to be the cool hero’s turn!]

Suddenly, I heard a voice from somewhere.

The moment the voice appeared, and then, Thump!. The burning hanger hanging that was inside the store fell down on me.

The voice quickly covered me.


A wordless cry.

I knew by the feeling of being enveloped. The boy was about the same size as me, and he was a boy. So, that his back had been burned by the act of covering me just now.

Still, suddenly my body was held in a piggyback position and a handkerchief-like touch was placed over my mouth.

[I’m going to save …… you, I promise!]

I don’t know what he is saying.

At this point, I didn’t even know if I could stay conscious anymore.

[That’s because I’m a cool …… hero!]

—He saved my life in the end.

According to the story, the boy was also saved, but no one …… told me which boy saved me. They said it was his choice.

He was kind, and even though he himself would have wanted to escape as soon as possible, he took a stand and protected me.

This was the first time that I…
“I met my Hero~!”

A few years later.

I was safely in my second year of high school, in a new classroom where some of my classmates had changed.

Inside the classroom, I could hear students waiting for morning homeroom and chatting happily.

And in my face—.

“…… that story I’ve heard so much that I already have to borrow someone’s fingers, not just both hands, but both toes, right?”

He is my childhood friend Irie Tsukasa. Also known as Tsukkun.

I’ve been friends with his family for most of my life.

I’ve been in the same class with him for a while now and we talk all the time.

But I think he’s more like a younger brother than the opposite gender.

“Tsukkun, my feelings for him will not fade away just because we’ve talked once or twice.”

“My ears are already faded and monochrome.”

Tsukkun has slightly fuzzy hair.

His face is …… normal? I think it’s not ugly, and I think it’s rather well put-together.

However, I don’t think it’s good that he doesn’t listen to me properly like this.

Well, his test scores are always top of the grade, he is athletic enough to play a more active role in the sports festival than in the sports club, and he is well-liked by the boys in his class,……. Is Tsukkun surprisingly high-spec?

But I still can’t see him as a member of the opposite gender?

He’s kind and fun to talk to, but we spend so much time together that I feel like he’s my little brother.

Besides, in my mind, my hero is inevitably the best.

“I’m definitely going to thank that boy when I see him! And I’m going to tell him how I feel about him!”

I say with a twinkle in my eye.

Then, Tsukkun turned his gaze slightly in the other direction…

“I-I hope you will be able to say it properly someday. ……”

I remember that Tsukkun always breaks out in a cold sweat and acts suspiciously when we talk about this.

Is it because he imagines a fire and gets scared? When I ask him about it, he always says, “Nothing like that”

But no matter how I look at it, he acts strange. I think he’s really scared, but he’s trying to be strong. It’s kind of cute.

“I wonder where he is?”

“I-I wonder?”

“He’s about my age, and I know he’s a boy, though…”


“Ah, Also, he should have a big burn on his back!”


It’s funny that Tsukkun has been bouncing around like that since a while ago.

(But I think I’ll leave it at that…)

I really want to talk to him some more, but I feel sorry for Tsukkun who is scared.

I stand up and show Tsukkun the V-sign.

“I’m going to go talk to Ku-chan and Shi-chan!”

Relieved. Tsukkun patted his chest.

You must have been really scare…this cute thing. I’ll want to do it again.

“I mean, you’re still good friends…What, is there a sense of camaraderie among the beautiful girls?”

“No, it’s because we’re in the same saved alliance!”

Both Kuu-chan, who I was in the same class with in the first year, and Shii-chan, who I met while helping out at the student council, were both saved by a boy in the past.

I was surprised when I heard about it for the first time when we happened to be talking about it. I had no idea that there was someone with a similar past to mine.

I think it’s because we were in the same situation that we were able to become friends during our freshman year.

“I mean, if that’s the case, Tsukkun has a great sense of camaraderie, doesn’t he? It seems like almost every day after school, the boys are doing something together.”

“That’s just an obscene talk session.”

“Oh, worst.”

Haa…why are adolescent boys such perverts?

“Anyway, if the three beautiful girls from different grades get along so well, the boys around them will really be happy about it.”

“Muu, I don’t like that way of saying it.”

For some reason, people around me have been calling me that since I was in first grade.

It’s true that I am aware that I am a good-looking person, but I don’t like how people only look at my appearance. Many of the confessions I’ve received many times are just because of how I look or how I’ve talked to them for a while.

I wish they would learn from my hero, who ignores my appearance and directs his kindness and courage toward me.

(Ah, by the way…)

I remember when Tsukkun used to be a hero. I remember he used to play hero all the time and come home injured.

I remember that kid saying something like that too—

(……No, he said he was playing at a different place that day.)

I shake my head and shake off the thoughts that come to mind.

(But I really want to meet him.)

What will happen to me if I do?

This is a feeling I’ve had for a long time. Maybe something will happen.


(My first love is still going on.)

…… Ah, I have to go talk to Ku-chan and Shii chan

If I don’t go soon, homeroom will start.

“So I’m going, Tsukkun!”

I waved to Tsukkun and quickly walked out of the classroom.

“…As always, I’m scared that they’ll actually find out.”

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8 months ago

no secrets hidden in lifetime

6 months ago

It’s not a bad prologue!
I only hate how childhood friend little-bro zoned him, if it was the normal childhood friend id be cool with it but I never liked heroines who look at MC as little brother unless they’re the big sister older type heroine