
After that, the police arrived unexpectedly quickly, probably because someone else had already called the police.

When the police left and Nanahoshi and I were no longer the center of attention, we finally decided to play in the ocean.

“Cold~! But it’s good on this hot day, isn’t it!~”

“Yes, it is.”

Then, without pausing, Nanahoshi pointed to the far end of the ocean and said

“I really like the horizon, the special feeling that you can only see in the ocean, and the pure beauty of it~! How about you, Toiro-san?”

“I think it’s good for me too, because it calms me down.”

“I understand!”

Nanahoshi said in a bright voice and stopped pointing towards the back of the sea.

Then she continues and says happily.

“Toiro san! Since it’s the ocean, let’s go a little deeper and swim!”

“Swim…. I think I’ll be fine, but are you okay with it?”

“Of course I am! I’ve never swum in the ocean, but I can swim quite well in a pool!”

“…. swimming pools and oceans are different, so it might be better to swim while holding on to something at first to get a feel for it.”

“I see. ……When you say hold on to something, do you mean a board or something?”

Certainly, a beat board is the best thing to hold on to when swimming,……, but a beat board could put her in danger if the current is too strong.

Therefore, it is good for swimming pools, but it might be better not to use it in the ocean.

I thought a little about how Nanahoshi could safely hold onto something other than a beat board,……, and I came up with a method, so I told Nanahoshi with the idea in my head.

“I have a better idea, if it means swimming now, let’s go deeper.”

“I understand!”

And when Nanahoshi and I came to a place deep enough to bury most of our bodies, I held out my hands to her

“….. Toiro san?”

I said to Nanahoshi as she looked at me curiously, perhaps not understanding my sudden action.
“Take my hands here.”

“…… Eh? …… Eeeh!?”

These words were said to clear up Nanahoshi’s confusion, but Nanahoshi seemed to be even more confused and sounded very surprised.

“I’m not just asking you to grip it, in other words, I’m replacing the role of beat board.”

“T-Toiro san would take the place of the beat board …….”

“Yeah, unlike a beat board, even if a wave comes, I won’t be washed away so easily, and depending on the situation, I can even hold you and swim to the beach…Also, this is just you. Just until you get used to the feeling of swimming in the ocean.”

I explained specifically what I meant and she nodded and then said

“I,…… I understand, then I’ll hold both of your hands,……Toiro-san.”


When I said that, Nanahoshi slowly grasped my hands …… with her cheeks reddening and looking shy, but the strength of her grip was a little weak.

If the grip on my hands is weak, there is a possibility that we might fall apart, so I put more strength into the hand that is holding Nanahoshi’s hand.


This time, her cheeks became more flushed, but this time she firmly squeezed my hand back, so now my hand and her hand will never be separated.

“Then Nanahoshi, try swimming for a test.”

“I-I understand!”

Nanahoshi, looking shy as ever, said so and immediately began to swim.

I backed up as she swam.

“What do you think? You think you can swim?”

“Y-yeah! It looks fine! …but, can I stay like this for a little while longer ……?”


If this is your first time swimming in the ocean, even if you’ve got a good feel for it, you may still have some concerns.

◇Nanahoshi side◇

It’s been about 5 minutes since Nanahoshi started swimming while holding hands with Kirima.

────What should I do…I’m definitely fine with swimming, but…I can’t stop because I hate letting go of my hand with Toiro-san!

Nanahoshi concentrates on her own hand that she is holding with Kirima while swimming.

—-I know it’s wrong to think like this when Toiro san is seriously doing this for me, but his hand is big and sturdy, and I feel so safe holding his hand… Mouu~! So, if I think about it like that, it’s no good! !

Nanahoshi flaps her legs as if to express her emotions.

“Nanahoshi. What’s wrong?”

When Kirima, who seemed to be questioning that sudden change in swimming style, asked that, Nanahoshi hurriedly said.

”I-It’s nothing!”

“I see.”

Nanahoshi thinks as she and Kirima swim hand in hand afterwards.

────I’m happy with the time I have now, but …… I want to do more, many things with Toiro-san! Today is the day to take that first step, so it’s no good if I’m taking advantage of Toiro-san’s kindness here!

Nanahoshi told herself that, but for the next few minutes, she swam while continuing to hold both of Kirima’s hands.

Then, as the two of them spent time swimming and splashing each other in the sea, the time ──── was dusk before they knew it, and a very bright sunset was illuminating the sea where they were, from beyond the horizon.

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