Source ──── second of time passes, and each time my heart beats a beat, I become deeply conscious of that shocking word, not senpai’s
Category: I’m Faking Being Ordinary, and I’m Going to Do Everything in My Power to Manage My Double Life So That It Doesn’t Come out That I’m Actually the Identity of the Person
Source …… charm as a woman? I don’t know how the subject suddenly came up, but Mizushiro-senpai’s tone of voice and mood were very
Source “────Iroto-kun is really smart! Thanks to Iroto-kun, I was able to make it this far!” I’ve solved a few riddles and made some
Source “I’m so glad you had a good time at the butler cafe, Iroto kun! You really worked hard to bring in the customers!~”
Source “All right! Then, Magiri! Go gather ten, a hundred, or a thousand people!” A classmate said cheerfully to me. I nodded my head,
Source ◇Magiri side◇ ────The second day of the festival. Unlike yesterday’s first day of the festival, I had to cooperate with the butler &
Source “Oh, is that you, Magiri-kun? I’ve never seen you without your butler’s uniform and with your hair up~” When I was gazing at
Source “────scary! I was seriously too scared, especially in the beginning, but thanks to Toiro-san’s kindness and the feeling of safety of genuinely holding
Source “……I was scared just now because of the atmosphere and the wind that was going by for a bit, but when I held
Source ◇Magiri side◇ On the morning of the day of the festival, I came to the front gate of Tokubetsu Bessei High School, where