
He had a dream again. It was a dream of his previous life.

Satoru’s mother and his mother were talking in front of Yuto’s house. Yuto was watching them from above.

He did not hear any conversation.

Satoru’s mother gave something like a letter to Yuto’s mother. After a while, Yuto’s mother opened the letter-like object and somehow covered her face and crouched down.

Was this really a dream? Dreams, are stories created by forcing together memories from the past.

But it was so realistic. But was this also something created by his past memories?

He felt as if he was enveloped by something warm. It was so comfortable that Sol let himself be enveloped by the warmth.

But when the warmth began to feel real, Sol woke up with a start. Then he jumped up in a panic.

“I’m sorry! I was completely asleep!”

Carla was already gone, and he was alone in the room with Celes. He felt a little embarrassed thinking that Carla had seen him with Celes on her knees.

“Don’t worry about it. You were tired, weren’t you?”

Celes smiled gently at Sol. When Sol saw that Celes did not make a single disapproving face, he wondered if he should have pretended to be asleep and enjoyed her thighs a little more.

But, not wanting Celes to catch him in such an evil frame of mind, he tried his best to maintain his composure.

“Haha, you’re probably right. I didn’t get much more sleep than usual. I’m really sorry!

“Is that the only reason why you were so tired ……?”

“Hee? Oh, well,……, maybe?”

As expected, Sol can’t say that he’s tired of playing Sol, and he gives an ambiguous reply. For some reason, Celes lowered her eyes at Sol’s response.

“I see. ……Well, that’s okay. Anyway, Sol.. Are you hungry? let’s eat–…. ”

Celes tried to stand up, but couldn’t and winced.

“What’s wrong?!”

“Well, ……. I think my legs are numb.”

Celes said this with a slightly embarrassed look on her cheeks. Her leg was shaking as she tried to stand up, but it was halfway up and was shaking with a pull.

The moment Sol saw this, the desire to poke Celes’ leg took over his head. If he poked her, would she let out a cute cry and then glare at him with tears in her eyes with a slightly angry look on her face?

No, in reality, Celes would hate him if I did that. Sol desperately drowned out the fantasy that had crossed his mind for a moment and sat down next to Celes.

“I’m sorry I fell asleep.”

“Don’t worry about it. I made you do it.”

His heart beat loudly as he wondered if Celes had dared to rest her head on his leg.

No. He was too happy that Celes had put him on her lap, and he was too busy fantasizing about the things that were good. He need to change the subject somehow.

With that thought, he frantically fish around in my head. And when he remembered yesterday, Sol looked at Celes with a huff.

“Yes! I haven’t thanked you for yesterday! Thank you for coming to save me! If Celes hadn’t come along, it would have been pretty tough on my own. ……”

Actually, He wanted to be strong enough to protect Celes. Against the Four Kings, he knew that it would be easier to win if he put Celes in front, so he used that strategy, but he wanted to protect Celes in a cool way if possible.

Even if it’s not incompatible, it should posible if one could master it. But he had the feeling that there was probably something in the way of experience, even though he couldn’t see it.

Among them, Sol was the only one who had no experience in defeating the Demon King. So, Sol thinks that he is the weakest of the four of them.

“If you …… know that, don’t do anything dangerous by yourself too much. If something happens, at least talk to me”

“Haha, sorry. The letter said he needed advice, so I thought it would be better if I went alone. ……”

Come to think of it, Sol thought. He was completely preoccupied with Odie, but why did Behe ​​call him? he was also curious about what Behe ​​said during the battle.

“Sol, what’s wrong?”

“Oh, um, I was wondering if I could talk to you about something. ……”

“What? Anything!”

Sol flinched for a moment as the words sounded a bit harsh. However, he opened my mouth saying that there would be no point in thinking about this all by himself.

“No, the reason why he called me up doesn’t make sense either. During the battle, Behe told me that I would not be weaker than before, that my movements would not change, and so on. Do you know what that means, Celes?”

At these words, Celes froze for a moment, then her eyes went down.

“I’m sorry, ……. I don’t understand.”

“I know. The fight was more defensive, as if the other side was watching me attack.”

Sol looked blankly into the distance, trying to make sense of it. Come to think of it, Behe ​​also said that things that he doesn’t know. But since Celes came, he couldn’t hear it.

In the first place, Behe’s behavior was also out of the scenario. There was no event to attack Sol alone like this time. He wondered if something different from the scenario had happened while he had not woken up.

Celes, who was standing next to him, squeezed Sol’s hand.

“Please. Stay with me as long as you can.”

Celes said this with a face that looked as if she was about to cry.

“I really don’t want to take you to the tower, but I can’t protect you if I leave you.
That’s why ……”

That reminds, she had come looking for him at night in Pasiona when he was gone. He is sure that this time, too, she noticed that I was missing and came after me.

It’s pathetic. That’s what Sol thinks. She was worried because he was weak.

“I need to train harder like Carla and Odie.”

“Eh? ……?”

“If I were stronger, Celes wouldn’t worry about me like that, would she?”

When Sol said this, Celes squeezed the hand holding Sol’s even tighter.

“You don’t have to try so hard. Sol has already saved my life many times, you know. I’m sure he’s been encouraging me in his own way.”

In her own way, she was probably trying to cheer me up. he had no memory of ever having been able to protect her

“I’m glad you said that. Can you stand up now?”


Celes nodded and stood up. After watching her, Sol walked out to leave the room.

“You know how many times …… your kindness has saved my life, don’t you? Really”

Celes muttered in a small whisper.

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