
–The following Friday, the week after I started dating Kaoru.

It’s been a week since we started dating, but my life at school hasn’t changed.

Basically, I go to class alone, eat lunch alone, and that’s how I spend my time at school.

Of course, I don’t hate it or feel sad about it, so I don’t have any problem with it.

Because at this high school, we are allowed to use our phones during break, so Kaoru calls me every break and we talk, and after school we meet up on the way home together. 

We came to the conclusion that if we were to be found out, it can’t be helped. Kaoru said she wanted to go home with me, so we did.

Well, I wasn’t wearing a mask or anything when I went to pick her up from cram school.

Speaking of other changes, did Kaoru become even closer to Kirara?

I feel like they are always together during breaks……well, it’s good for me too because Kaoru seems to be having a lot of fun.

And I’m not sure about Yamazaki.

I thought he was going to go straight down the Kirara route, but recently I get the deep impression that he is getting closer to Hitomi.

Of course there are times when he talks with Kirara and Kaoru, but I don’t see Kirara and Yamazaki growing closer at all.

No……maybe it’s because Kaoru is getting too close to Kirara? Well, I don’t know.

So from my point of view, I have no idea who Yamazaki likes.

It could be all of them…..I’m thinking that it’s more likely.

Unfortunately, Kaoru is my girlfriend, so Yamazaki’s harem end is already impossible.

I know I’m saying that, but looking at Yamazaki now, I don’t think a harem end is possible.

Because Yamazaki in the harem end route is manly and not indecisive……

Well, I guess there’s no point in thinking about it.

–That night, I was picking up Kaoru from cram school.

“Kaito kun ! Thanks for coming today.”

As soon as Kaoru spotted me, she ran up to me with a smile on her face.

“Of course. Since we’ve become lovers, I’ll come running to you anywhere.”

“Ehehe. Thanks. I’m glad to be your girlfriend, Kaito kun.”

Kaoru was hugging my arm saying that.

After becoming my girlfriend, Kaoru becomes really spoiled, just like in the game.

I think that’s what makes Kaoru even more adorable.

“I’m happy to be Kaoru’s boyfriend too.”

“I see. Well then, Kaito kun, let’s go home.”

“I guess so.”

Then we started walking hand in hand.

“Speaking of which, it’s almost time for the mid-term exams.”

“The test is next Thursday and Friday, and there are seven subjects.”

“Right. Kaito kun, have you studied well?”

Of course Ohgo Kaito is smart, and he masters all of the subjects.

I mean, he was first in the entrance exam test……according to my memory, he turned down the representative speech for new students.

Instead, it was Minamikawa Hitomi, who came in second on the entrance exam test, who gave the representative speech.

Well, I know this because of my knowledge of the game, not because the results of the entrance exam test were made public.

“Right. I came in first place in the entrance exam.”

I thought there was no need to lie to Kaoru, so I told her honestly.

“Eh !? Is that so !? But Hitomi chan was the one who gave the freshman representative speech, right?”

Kaoru said with a surprised and curious look on her face.

“Yeah, that’s right….I declined because I didn’t think it was a good idea for me to make a speech on behalf of the new students.”

Naturally, Ohgo Kaito’s reason was that it would be too much trouble, but I said so because that’s what I would have done if I had been the one asked to do it.

This is just a white lie……

“I see…..I’m surprised. Does that mean Hitomi chan came in second place?”

“Well, I guess so.”

Come to think of it, Kaoru was also in the top 10 or so in every test.

As I was thinking about this, Kaoru said, looking a little sullen.

“Even though I was gonna help you study…….”

Well, no one would think I’m smart……

Even the teacher was surprised.

“I’m sorry about that. Maybe I should be the one teaching you.”

“That would be nice…….”

I said this in a slightly teasing way, and Kaoru said so in a small voice.

“If you like, could we study together?”

“I think so too ! I don’t have any plans for cram school from tomorrow until the test is over.”

Kaoru said happily.

“I see. Let’s do that then.”

“Yeah ! Then can we do it tomorrow as soon as possible? On Saturday !”

“Of course it’s fine ! Where would you like to meet?”

“Erm…..we can meet at Kaito kun’s house? …..Ah ! But we’re only gonna study, okay? We can do a lot of that after the test is over……”

I didn’t say anything, but Kaoru seemed embarrassed as she spoke.

Of course, I didn’t intend to do anything but study…but I’m generally happy to hear her say that.

“I see. Then let’s have lots of fun after the test is over.”

Well, of course, in moderation.

When I said that, Kaoru nodded, her face turning red.

I don’t know what it’s like for couples who have been dating for a week, but I guess it’s okay.

It doesn’t matter if it’s normal or not, we are who we are, so we can do whatever we want.

–Then, when we had been talking for a while.

“Hey? Kaito kun.”

“What is it?”

“Since it’s a study group……can I invite Kirara chan too if you don’t mind?”

“Eh? Kirara too?”

“Yeah. Kirara chan is working part-time, right?”


“So, you know. I’m thinking that she has to study hard now, too… Kirara chan’s gonna take a day off from her part-time job from today until the end of her test…….”

This development was also in the game……

I’m not talking about the time of the midterms, but the end of the semester. Of course, at that time, it was Yamazaki who was there, not me……Yamazaki was also there to help Kaoru with her studies.

This is the real world, so it might not be a good idea to think based on game knowledge, but that’s why Kaoru and Kirara are getting along so well.

“So you wanna teach her?”

“Yeah….I haven’t told Kirara chan yet, but I wanna help her because she’s working really hard……Kirara chan is my dear best friend and I love her very much.”

“I see…….”

Kaoru’s character is the type of person who values her friends a lot, so I guess she really thinks so.

Personally, I can’t give up on a study session with Kaoru, but I don’t see any reason to say no.

Besides, I have no intention of refusing Kaoru’s requests and opinions.

While I was thinking about that, Kaoru said.

“Ah ! Of course, if you don’t like it, you can just tell me, okay?”

“No, that’s not true. I don’t have anything against it. I was just thinking that Kaoru and Kirara have become really good friends. Of course I’m fine with Kirara being with Kaoru if that’s what you want.”

Besides, I think Kirara got a red mark in all her subjects, so it would be a bit difficult for Kaoru to do it alone……

I’m sure Kaoru has to study too, and if that’s the case, it would be better for her if I’m there.

“I see……thank you.”

Kaoru looked relieved as she said that.

“But I haven’t told Kirara that I’m dating you…is it okay if we study together?”

“About that………would it be okay if I told Kirara chan? I’m sure Kirara chan will keep it a secret.”

Well, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being honest about it.

I’m well aware that Kirara is not the type of person who would tell a secret, and more importantly, Kirara is probably the person who is closest to Kaoru right now, so she’s going to find out eventually. Kirara is the only one who knows that Kaoru and I are good friends.



“Yeah, if Kaoru trusts her, then I guess it’s okay. Besides, I haven’t talked to her that much either, but I don’t think Kirara will tell on us.”

“I see. Okay. Thanks !”

When I said that, Kaoru smiled and said so.

“But, anyway, are you really gonna invite Kirara to a boy’s house? And tomorrow is just too sudden.”

“I wonder……..I’ll let you know after.”

“Well, I guess so.”

Afterwards, Kaoru and I continued to have fun talking as we headed home.

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