—- [Hayato’s perspective]
After school, I had to to report back to Natasha for watering, so I had Terumi go home first, but it looks like I made the right choice.
The weather forecast was unusually accurate, with rain in the forecast for the evening.
When I charged Natasha for watering, she proclaimed something stupid like paying with her body. I was about to say, “That’s eroticism!” but I held back.
I see, Yuichi had implied in “Pure Kiss” that he had slept with Hayato’s friend Natasha, but was that what he meant?
I told Natasha that I didn’t want to be with a BBA (Old woman) and asked for a change, but I was the one who wanted to go from her because she harassed me with messages like that morning.
Walking home with an umbrella and bad footing. If this were a romantic comedy, I would have picked up a beautiful girl on a rainy day, but alas, no beautiful girls fell.
But …….
Nyaa! Nyaa! Nyaa!
As I approached the park, I heard a mewling sound, so I went inside and looked around to see a kitten being dumped in a cardboard box.
“Oh, you poor thing. You were abandoned, weren’t you? Wow, it’s just born! There’s no parent cat somewhere ……, is there?
Well, I guess there aren’t any parent cats around.”
You’re a sweetheart!
The kitten mewed in reply and was so cute that I couldn’t help but kiss it, even though it was wet, but I was worried because its body was surprisingly cold.
The black-furred kitten had just been born and was much smaller than my hand. It had been meowing mewling a while ago, but its mewling was getting weaker and weaker.
I moved to a bench with a modest roof over it.
I wrapped the kitten’s tiny little body in a towel and wiped off the moisture. ……
Nyaa! Nyaa! Nyaa!
The kitten was mewling as if to thank me, even though its eyes had not even opened yet.
I wanted to put the kitten’s body in my breast pocket to keep it warm, but a towel would be too bulky. I wrapped it in a handkerchief instead of a towel, and it looked like a hand-rolled sushi.
“Okay, your name is Temaki.”
I stroked Temaki’s head with my index finger, and she squeaked as if in reply.
“Temaki is so cute, isn’t she?~”
I couldn’t help but say baby talk in front of Temaki’s loveliness. If someone were to see me like this, I would be so embarrassed that I would commit seppuku.
I carefully tucked Temaki into my breast pocket and headed home, taking care not to bump into anyone.
“Onii san!”
I opened the front door and Terumi came running out of the living room, surprised to see me soaking wet, even though I had an umbrella.
I was surprised too.
She came out of the living room wearing an apron and her school uniform.
A real JK in a school uniform apron!
I was burning the image of Terumi in her school uniform apron like a camera in my mind when I saw …….
Nyaa! Nyaa!
Temaki was purring as Terumi tried to ask me why I was soaking wet.
“Did you, by any chance, pick up a cat?”
“Yeah, I couldn’t resist the poor thing. ……”
I wanted to keep it, but the apartment is pet-prohibited, and I thought Terumi would scold me. ……
“I’m going to go prepare some towels and a bath. You can wait here for a little while.”
“Thank you, Terumi.”
Instead of getting angry, the corners of her mouth turned up and she giggled and went to get a towel for me.
I took off my wet uniform in the changing room and went to the bathroom where Terumi had boiled the water for me.
She filled the basin with hot water so that Temaki would not drown.
“If it were true, the mother cat would lick you and brush your fur. I’ll spoil you for that, Temaki.”
I thought Temaki might not like it, but instead, she moved her arms and legs slowly and seemed to be enjoying the hot water. When I poured lukewarm water on her belly, she mewed, which was unbearably cute.
I was already thinking that I didn’t want to get out of the bathtub to take care of Temaki all by myself.
“That cat is called Temaki-chan, isn’t it?”
“Yeah I wrapped her in a handkerchief so she looks like a hand-rolled sushi roll.”
Terumi came to the changing room and talked to me through the door, as if she was curious about Temaki.
As expected, if I had been taking a bath for a long time, it would be natural for Terumi to become worried and come to check on me
“It’s time for us to get up there too.”
I sat up, and that’s when Temaki, who was in a basin floating in the bathtub to avoid drowning, mewed.
“Onii san, I’m getting cold too.”
The door separating the bathroom from the changing room rattled as Terumi entered.
I sat down in the bathtub. Terumi was hiding her important parts with a towel just large enough to cover the tops of her breasts and her crotch.
I thought to myself, “Even Terumi is not naked, she must be wearing at least a bathing suit, right?”
I thought, and checked the strings that should be on the body side, but …….
“Don’t worry, Onii san, I’m not wearing any. I’m not wearing any.”
“No, Terumi! You can’t be naked! You should at least wear a bathing suit or something. ……”
“Why? Both onii san and Temaki-chan are naked. Are you leaving me alone?”
I can’t say anything as Terumi replies with a straight face.
Bathing naked with JK step sister …….
“Besides, we went together when we were little, so it’s strange that you’re so shy now.”
Terumi’s face is red as she says this, so maybe she’s trying to knock me down? No, that’s not true.
Terumi was just curious about Temaki. That’s what I told myself.
“Temaki chan, you’re so cute.”
“Right, right! I don’t understand why anyone would abandon such a cute little cat.
I’d think they should at least try to find a new foster home for her”
When Terumi reached out her finger to Temaki in the washbasin, Temaki clung to Terumi’s finger and sucked on it as if she wanted a pair of boobs
“My nipples are too big for you, aren’t they?”
It seems that she is not joking as Terumi is looking at her own breasts.
“Oh, yeah,…… they’re probably too big.”
“Would you like to try drinking it instead of Temaki chan …… onii chan?”
“If onii chan stimulates Terumi’s boobs, it might produce mother’s milk,…… ahnn, onii chan…….”
Terumi was rubbing her ample breasts in front of me.
T-Terumi, please don’t stimulate my groin with your words and gestures. …… If you make any more slutty gestures, I’m going to spurt milk not from her tits, but from between my legs.
Terumi seemed to be getting excited or delirious as she continued to make echi gestures.
“If onii chan and I do it, will we have a …… cute baby?”
Nyaa! Nyaa!
she who was holding Temaki with great care, couldn’t help but notice Temaki’s paws.
Oh, you …… where are you touching?
Perhaps it was a cat’s instinct, but Temaki was trying to peel off the bath towel that Terumi had wrapped around her body, and her front were flapping around, even though she couldn’t see.
Oh …….
I saw it. ……
Not through the monitor, but the raw boobs of my stepsister, Terumi …….
Terumi was fixing her bath towel very naturally, as if she didn’t realize I was watching her, but Terumi’s gesture was too erotic, just like fixing a swimsuit that was digging into her buttocks. ……
“What’s wrong, Onii chan?”
“Nothing, it’s nothing. ……”
Somehow, I managed to stay rational and got out of the bath without touching Terumi. If I try to touch Terumi, destruction may befall me…
I had soy milk in the fridge, so I sucked it up with a dropper. Hold Temaki in my left hand, bring it to her mouth withmy right hand, press the dropper, and Temaki will suck the soy milk.
“Wow, she’s drinking it.”
“I was so glad! That’s a relief”
“It’s still raining today, so tomorrow after school we’ll stop by the supermarket and pick up some skim milk.”
“That’s right.”
Temaki fell asleep as I checked to make sure she wasn’t choking or anything. I put a towel on the tray to keep her body cool and put her on the bed
I heard a noise from the balcony, and out of a sense of alarm, I called out to Terumi.
“Onii chan!”
“Terumi, go into your room with Temaki and hide. I’m going to check the balcony.”
“Y-yeah…… be careful.”
When I went to the balcony, a black shadow ran away at a great speed. It was hard to see because it was dark, but illuminated by the streetlight, I could see for a moment the back of someone running away.
That long, beautiful black hair was the only thing I could think of. ……
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