
“Don’t you listen to other idols?”

“What’s wrong, all of a sudden?”

In the morning, while I was doing my usual thing, Kaname came to me and suddenly asked me such a thing. I looked around, but Kusunoki was not here.

“Well, my junior recommended it to me recently. [Sies]…uhm. [Silent Spell], I think.”

“Ah, it’s an idol group that’s almost the same age as [Suh].”

“Oh.  You knew about them?”

“These two groups get along well. They sometimes collaborate on live broadcasts.”

They are the same age and have the same number of members. They debuted at about the same time, so they are also intertwined on social media. When Kusunoki went on hiatus, I remember they sent a comment saying, [We’re waiting for you.]

“Heh. So you like them then?”

“….If you ask me if I like them, I’ll say I do. Although [Suh] and [Kusunoki Nanami] are my favorites.”

“Hmmm. I see.”

Suddenly, the reply has become a bit more crude. No, this guy is being considerate. ….That means.

“Is it gaining a lot of momentum lately?”

“…I heard it seems like it.”

“Good for them.”

I said that, and Kaname widened his eyes.

“Don’t you have mixed feelings?”

“It’s a good thing. The idol world is getting lively.”

If [Sies] gets recognized, people might naturally start watching [Suh] and other idols as well. If that happens, the community will become more vibrant.

“I haven’t fallen so far as to wish others misfortune. Kusunoki from [Suh] is inactive, but they have Kasumi and Tsumiki, so they’ll be fine.”

I think the agency probably understood that…..

“Heh. If you say so, I guess it’s really okay.”

“Of course. After all, this is the group that saved me.”

“……Well, that’s true.”

Hmm. So [Suh] is definitely fine.

The morning ended with this conversation.


“[Sies] is very popular these days, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, I guess so. I hear their new song is getting a lot of buzz.”

At my part-time job, I talked to the manager who seemed to be bored while stocking up on [Sies] related goods.

I had never been interested in anything other than [Suh] before, but it’s true that the number of goods related to [Sies] was increasing quite quickly.

“It seems the new song’s chorus is very versatile. It was used for dancing and video ops and stuff. From there, famous influencers picked up on it, and [Sies]’s popularity grew.”

“I see.”

The only thing that remains to be seen is how many fans [Sies] can continue to attract, but I’m sure that group will be fine.


“Are you still interested in them?”

“Hm? Yeah, well. I was wondering if [Suh] would get a lot of buzz like that.”

“I-I see, you like [Suh] after all….so, how’s the POP thing coming along? I hope it’ll be ready by the end of this week.”

“Ah, it’s almost done. I can turn it in tomorrow.”

I’ve already finished it, but I’d like to check it five more times just to be sure.

“I’m very confident about it this time. It’s full of little details that you couldn’t find even after searching.”

“……I’m afraid that’s a roundabout way of saying…”

“Don’t worry. It’s a reliable little detail.

“No, it’s not that you put something dangerous, it’s that you’re so scary because you’re full of small details that no one could find.”

Haha. Please don’t underestimate the oldest fans. Even with this, I have been very selective. There are still many small details that have not come to light.

…I mean, it’s amazing how [Suh] manages to sneak in such small details. I don’t know if Kifune san or someone else is planning it.

“Well, I don’t even know if this will get the buzz going.”

“It’ll be fine.”

“It will almost certainly get buzz.”

“Social media isn’t that easy, you know?”

Since I started making POPs, I’m almost sure they’ve gotten buzz almost every time, but that doesn’t mean they’ll get buzz the next time.

But the manager smiled inappropriately.  This kind of thing suits her.

“Don’t worry. If this doesn’t create buzz, then who will?”

“If you say so…I mean, I don’t have the right to say anything like that.”

“Oh, that’s right. Can you be here this Saturday at 6:00 a.m.?”

“Six o’clock? That’s very sudden again. The store is not open at that time, is it?”

I was suddenly told such a thing. I wondered why.

“Hm. I’d like to keep it a secret. It’ll be over in about 30 minutes, and you don’t have to work that day.”

“Haa. I have free time anyway, and I’m good at getting up early, so it’s all good.”

I always go to the merchandise sales first thing in the morning, so getting up early is a special skill of mine.

“Then, please do that.”

“Right. I understand.”

What on earth is this business for?

Suddenly, a ridiculous idea popped into my head and I shook my head, thinking, [No, it’s probably not true.]


“……It’s been a long time since I’ve been outside at this hour.”

There are still few people on the street. It was still a little dark outside.

I don’t have that much time to spare, so I head out at a quick pace. As I do so, I sort out my plans for the day.

I’ll go home after I finish my business at the store today. I will meet up with Kusunoki in the evening.

I could go home and sleep, but you know what. I could go through some of the archives of [Suh]’s live-streaming.

I was thinking about that, and soon I was at my part-time job. And there was an unfamiliar car in the parking lot.


It wasn’t open yet, but why? There didn’t seem to be anyone inside.

Could it be related to the manager’s business? Don’t tell me. No way, yeah. No, I don’t think so.

I would report it to the manager later, so I went in through the employee entrance. Naturally, it was open, and the manager was in the waiting room. ……Hmm? I heard something from the store.

“Hey, you’re here. Kanna kun.”

“Yes, I’m here. Who’s there?”

“Wait a minute. I’m sorry ! The person herself is here, please come this way !”

The manager called out to the store. Then, I heard footsteps coming from the back—


“I’m sorry, I had to take a look at all this stuff.”

“I don’t get to come to places like this very often. I’m always surrounded.”

“I’m having so much fun buying all kinds of stuff !”

“Hey, hey, don’t make too much noise. Tsumiki chan.”

Four people came this way.

–Hm, That’s strange. Two of them look very familiar. The same goes for the other two.

“It’s strange. It’s a dream. Manager, please hit me once.”

“I don’t want to. There’s gonna be a murder in this store.”

“What kind of grudge do you have against me?”

I pinched my own arm to try it out and it hurt!

…..Eh? It hurts?


Hm ?????

“So, let me introduce you. This is  Kanna Yukito kun, who made the POP for [Suh].”

“Heh, so, yukito kun……eh? Yukito kun?

“That’s funny ! Isn’t that Nanami chan’s…oh, I shouldn’t say this !”



Hm? Isn’t this a dream? That’s strange.

Anyway, is now a good time to pass out?

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