
The clock read exactly 8:00.

Morning school hours are not until 8:30, but as usual, Yozakura Koharu had arrived early.

With her dark, elegant hair flowing, she reached the classroom door and opened it with a graceful motion, as if she had a special manner.

“Good morning! Koharu!”

“Good morning!”

Koharu returns the greeting with a gentle, overly kind smile.

“You look lovely today, Koharu.”

The classmate directed a genuine comment, neither ironic nor sarcastic, at Koharu.

Koharu’s appearance is perfect, with a look and feel that is truly “Japanese”.

Her too-neat face, well-proportioned style, and shiny black hair were so beautiful that it was as if a “doll” actually existed.

“No, no, it’s not like that.”

“You’re really cute!”

“Fufu, thank you.”

This personality is another point that adds to the atmosphere.

She has the kind of appearance that anyone would say is cute and beautiful, but her character and attitude of never being arrogant, never having a big attitude, and remaining humble only raises a favorable impression.

After a light conversation with her classmates, Koharu took her seat.

Her sitting posture is also perfect, a “role model” in itself.

About 15 minutes after Koharu arrived at school, students who had arrived at the school entered the classroom one after another.

“Koharu, good morning~”

“Koharu-chan, good morning~”

“Good morning, Koharu.”

Koharu is the most popular girl in the class, with her good looks and soft “Japanese” atmosphere.

Most of the girls greet her when they pass by her and talk to her whenever they have time.

It is not because they are forced or obliged to do so.

It is all due to Koharu’s likability and good listening skills.

–Except for one, a beautiful blonde girl with a ponytail.


Today, too, this beautiful girl takes her seat without paying attention to Koharu.

But there is nothing to be hurt.

The reason is that Koharu herself does not have a good impression of this beautiful girl, and would rather that she ignored her.

“Chika-chan, is teacher off today?”

Koharu said to her classmate sitting next to her.

Usually at this time of the day, the teacher is in the classroom, getting ready for morning homeroom.

But today, the teacher was still nowhere to be seen, and there was no sign that she was even coming.

“I think she’ll be late today!”

“Oh, I see.”

“yeah. I mean, did you hear that, Koharu?”


Koharu was puzzled by the sudden question from her classmate.

And as if to answer the question, the classmate opened her mouth.

“A transfer student is coming to this class starting today.”

“Eh, really?”

“Yes, I heard a rumor, so I asked the teacher about it yesterday, and she said yes.”

“I’m glad to hear that, because it means I’ll have more friends.”

Koharu smiles like the Holy Mother.

“Koharu is as kind as ever. I bet that transfer student will fall in love with Koharu right away, too.”

“That’s not true.”

Koharu conversed with her classmates with a gentle smile mixed in.

The teacher is going to be late today because of the arrival of a new student.

When the conversation was over, Koharu told her classmate, “Thank you for telling me,” in a small voice, smiling too kindly.

At 8:30, the chime rings to announce morning homeroom on time.

Then, shortly after, Ogawa-sensei entered the classroom.

“Good morning, everyone~”

Due to a new student, she was not in the classroom this morning, and she must have been busy with more work than usual.

And yet, Ogawa-sensei, showing no signs of fatigue, entered the classroom with her usual face, something to be emulated.

“Yes, please give the order.”

“Stand up, be careful, good morning.”

“Good morning.”

On cue from classmates, the students greet her in the morning

And so, as they proceeded with their morning homeroom in the routine manner, the morning homeroom came to an end.

Normally, she would give the order here, but today is different.

It was the day a new student was coming.

“Morning homeroom is over.I’d like to say that, but I have some news for everyone today.”

As expected, there seems to be an additional item today.

Koharu, who was secretly looking forward to having more friends because of her kindness, struck a gut-punch in her heart with an uncharacteristic tone of voice, “Yossha”.

“This is the child who will be a member of our class from today. Please introduce yourself.”

The teacher gave the signal, and the transfer student entered the classroom.

Seeing the new student, Koharu thought of something.

–I’ve seen his face somewhere before,

She said

However, she is not sure about it yet.

It might be just a misunderstanding, based on the feeling of “liking” him.

However, such feelings of Koharu were overturned in an instant.

“My name is Rukawa Aoto, and from today I will be at your care. There are a lot of things I don’t understand, but I look forward to working with you.”

I knew it.

When I was in elementary school, I loved, really loved, the boy I couldn’t help but meet, Rukawa Aoto.

–Is it true?

The unexpected reunion and the atmosphere of the boy she hadn’t seen in too long.

When Koharu found out that such a boy was enrolled in the same class, her cheeks blushed to a degree she would never show to anyone.

At the same time, the feeling that she could never make up with those two girls grew in her heart.


The time goes back to 8:15.

“Hnn, Good morning.”

A classmate calls out to her, and it is Kisaragi Noa who responds.

With golden hair and a high, curly ponytail on her head, Noa looks like a model.

She entered the classroom and was on her way to her seat.

At Koharu’s seat, people were gathered as usual and seemed to be going out of their way to stop and say, “Good morning”.


Such Koharu was nothing but a distraction to Noa, and today, as usual, she ignored her and went on her way.

When she got to her seat, a classmate next to her spoke to her.

“Noa, you look kind of cute today.”

“What do you mean, ‘today’? It’s always the same, isn’t it?”

“Ehehe, I just wanted to tease you a little.”

“What’s that, it’s annoying.”

Noa’s words are a bit harsh, but that is offset by her face.

she said, “It’s always the case,” but that was no exaggeration at all.

Her looks and style are on par with Koharu (or rather, She doesn’t think she’s inferior at all), and it seems like she truly is a “model.”

Of course, with such cuteness, Noa also has many friends.

Her personality itself is a little tsun-tsun, so there are some types who don’t like her, but she is gentle at heart, so she is not disliked in earnest.

In fact, they even like her.

“No teacher? Today?”

Coincidentally, Noa asks her classmate a question at the same time as Koharu.

She didn’t notice it because they were seated far apart, but she get goosebumps just thinking about what if she had asked the same question.

“Hmm, I don’t know. But it seems like there’s a transfer student coming?”

“Ha, eh? Seriously?”

“Yeah, I heard it from Koharu chan’s seat.”

“Then I don’t believe it.”

The subject of Koharu-related topics comes up, Noa blatantly shows her dislike for it.

“So, when is he coming? The transfer student.”

“You believe it……”

“Shut up, I don’t believe in Koharu. I’m only asking because I believe in Yuka.”

“So Cute.”

“Just tell me what’s going on.”

“But I don’t know what it is.”

“What’s that?”

In fact, she believes in Koharu, and her classmates find her cute.

Even though she is this, this demeanor that she sometimes shows is the reason why Noa is liked.

“The transfer student might fall in love with Noa.”

“Hmph, I don’t care, it doesn’t matter.”

“You’re scary, you’re cute, though..”

“Shut up”

The time was 8:30.

The chime rang to announce morning homeroom.

Morning homeroom proceeded as usual and ended as usual.

But it was about to come to an end.

“I’m going to end morning homeroom. I’d like to say that, but I have some news for everyone today.”

Ogawa-sensei, the homeroom teacher, said so.

Apparently, a new student was really coming.

On the surface, she believed it, but in her heart, she didn’t believe it because she didn’t want to believe Koharu honestly. No, she did not want to believe it. Pride-wise.

Nevertheless, if the teacher says it, it is true.

And so, when Ogawa-sensei gave the signal, the transfer student entered the classroom.

Noa, who was not very interested, did not look at the face of that transfer student, but looked out the window.

It doesn’t matter who it is, or rather, it doesn’t matter, is the right answer.

To be honest, if a girl comes, she doesn’t want to be friends with her.

—A boy, even less.

Noa has someone living in her heart that she can’t forget for a long time.

So, really, it didn’t matter.

–In a few seconds, Noa’s heart, looking out the window, was shattered in an instant.

“My name is Rukawa Aoto, and from today I will be at your care. There are a lot of things I don’t understand, but I look forward to working with you.”

A familiar voice and a name that lives in her mind.

Thinking that this was a no-no, she turned her face from looking out the window towards the transfer student and looked at his face.

–I knew it was him.

It is that boy who has lived in her heart for a long time and will never let her forget him.

–No way, right?

Noa’s cheeks flushed as she looked at the sudden reunion and the atmosphere of nostalgia.

In proportion to this, the rivalry between the two love rivals also increased.


A clock pointing to 8:25.

“Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no!”

Onodera Himari, a habitual last-minute school-goer, was arriving at school just in time for the day’s events.

“Good morning!”

The majority of the students have already arrived at the school.

Or rather, all but the absentees had already arrived at school, which meant that Himari was the last one to arrive.

And yet, Himari is still so energetic and imposing.

Because of her personality, there are many classmates who say “Good morning” to her even from afar.

Koharu and Noa were staring at her with a dubious expression on their faces.

“I’m glad the teacher isn’t here~”

The two of them were not concerned about her expression, but Himari showed a blatant expression of relief.

Fortunately, Ogawa-sensei, who always warns her that she is late, is not here today.

Well, she is always getting angry at her, so she is just letting it slide when she is there.

As is her routine, Himari is walking to her seat with a ruffled mood.

She is humming as she walks, and seems to be in a good mood.

Probably, there is no reason.

“Yo Himari, why are you so high-spirited?”

“I’m the same as usual! Hmmm”

“Yeah, well, you’re right.”

As expected, today, Himari is also annoying the friend next to her.

However, Himari is cute enough for her freinds to easily forgive such a thing.

Not to mention her elegant face, Himari is a little petite and cute in a way that makes you want to protect her.

Her beautiful brown hair color and short bob hairstyle that suits her too well, she looks like a “fairy”.

“Say, isn’t Ogawa-sensei here today?”

Himari wondered, feeling uncomfortable because she had arrived at school just in time, as usual, and had not been warned.

Of course, it’s not like she want to get scolded.

“Maybe because a transfer student is coming?”

“Eh!? Seriously?!”

“Yes, you didn’t know?”

“I didn’t hear about it, so I didn’t know!”

Himari is too complicated and mysterious, but she is very serious.

Her cheerful and charming personality is the reason why Himari is so well-liked.

Popular with both men and women alike, Himari is not only good-looking, but also has a great personality.

Koharu and Noa have different vectors of popularity.

“I wonder what kind of person will come? I’m so excited.”

“I’m looking forward to it too. Will he starting to fall in love with Himari?”

“Eh? Am I that cute today?”

“You’re so cute~”

“Hehehe, thanks~”

While looking not so full of it, Himari smiled.

Of course, her smile also contains a lot of charm, and it is so cute that it makes you feel happy.

It is a smile that makes you feel good, as if you have been bewitched by a fairy.

“Woah!? I’m so surprised”

The smiling Himari was surprised by a sound that she should have always heard.

From the speakers, a chime announcing morning homeroom rang out.

A few seconds later, Ogawa sensei entered and the morning homeroom continued as usual.

Of course, Himari was also following the routine, and her “good morning” was more cheerful than anyone else’s, brightening up the surroundings.

When the morning homeroom was about to come to an end, she entered a corner that usually does not exist.

“I’m going to end morning homeroom. I’d like to say that, but I have some news for everyone today.”

As expected, it was about a new student.

Himari, who was looking forward to it anyway, had hardly listened to the teacher since the beginning of morning homeroom, and was thinking about this time.

–What kind of person would it be, what would the person look like? 

Anyway, that’s all she could think about, but there was one thing, and one thing only, she thought about.

That is

–I hope it is not a boy.

She said.

There is a boy whom she fell in love with for the first time in her junior high school days.

She had a wonderful relationship with him, but it was the time of the year, and she was so busy studying for the entrance examinations that it ended in a spontaneous disappearance.

Although she is not sure if they broke up or not, they are definitely not dating.

Not in contact, not seeing each other.

In fact, they didn’t speak a single word to each other during their junior high school life after the exams were over.

It was not because of any awkwardness or anything like that, but because the disappearance was so natural that she did not even feel that way.

However, there is a feeling that arises only because it was a natural disappearance.

That is, “I can’t forget him.”

For now, I want a cheerful girl to come.

I want to talk a lot, laugh a lot, and play a lot.

Such a wish of Himari was melted away in an instant by a transfer student who entered the school on the cue of Ogawa-sensei.

The face of the transfer student is clearly that of Rukawa Aoto

He was the first boy she fell in love with, the first boyfriend she ever had.

It was junior high school, and there was no way she could have forgotten him.

There is no way she could have mistaken his face.

Even looking at it again, the face of the new student is the true face of Rukawa Aoto


“My name is Rukawa Aoto, and from today I will be at your care. There are a lot of things I don’t understand, but I look forward to working with you.”

The transfer student said his name so that it all made sense. 

The memories that are still fresh in her mind and the anticipation of being in the same class with him made Himari’s face blush at once.

Even though Himari’s body temperature is always high because she is always energetic, it was too much red.

At the same time, the quiet love in her heart was also released at once, and as if in proportion, the hostility towards the two girls was also released at once.

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