June. Spring has passed and it is just before summer.
It is also the rainy season, and cloudy or rainy days are noticeable, but today is a fine day, as if cheering Aoto on.
“Here huh…….”
Aoto muttered to himself in front of the monument stone engraved with the name “Kagetsu High School”.
The reason for the clear skies cheering Aoto is that today is his first day at his new school.
Due to his parents’ circumstances, he will be staying at this school from today.
Aoto stopped in front of the stone that read “Kagetsu High School” and watched as the students entered the gate one by one.
He had left home some time early, but it seemed to be just in time.
“Hnn, What are you doing?”
Aoto stopped and was approached by a stranger.
Well, it was his first day at the new school, so there was no way someone knew him, but ignoring would only make a bad impression, so Aoto responded.
“Eh, ah, it’s nothing.”
“Oh, I see.”
“Sorry, sorry.”
Without saying each other’s names, the strange student who spoke to him left the scene.
Did the person think he was a freak, or was simply worried about him?
Aoto stepped into the gate, thinking that he did not want it to be the former.
The atmosphere of Kagetsu High School was truly that of a “high school student.”
There are students with flashy hair color, students with modest hair color, students with flashy appearance, and normal students.
Being a private school, perhaps the school rules are loose, but there were a variety of students scattered about.
According to the letter he received beforehand, AOto was listed as “1-B”.
He was new to the school, so he did not know where to turn left or right, but relying on the signs and letters on the wall, he made his way to the class he wanted to enter.
As he turned a corner, he saw a familiar face.
“Rukawa Aoto kun?”
It was the person who had interviewed him briefly before coming here – his homeroom teacher.
“That’s right!”
“Ah, I’m Ogawa Ai, your 1-B homeroom teacher. I’ve interviewed you a few times.”
Ogawa Ai-sensei.
When he decided to transfer to this school, she interviewed him beforehand in order to help him adjust smoothly to school life.
“Yes! Thank you for that time. I’m Rukawa Aoto”
“I’m glad to hear you’re doing well. You didn’t get lost, did you?”
“Yes, slightly.”
When Aoto said that with a troubled smile on his face, Ogawa-sensei gently smiled back and said, ‘It can’t be helped’
“Well, I was just going to say, let’s go to class.”
“I have a lot of things to give you, so please come to the other room for now.”
“Ah, okay.”
Aoto went to the other room instead of classroom 1-B, where he was told that he would be given information about admission, parent-teacher conferences, and various other materials.
He opened the door marked “Career Counseling Room” and entered to find a large number of papers and files.
“I’m sorry that so many things are piled up, but you don’t have to read this one. But please read the one here when you have time. And the one with this red sticky note should definitely be given to your parents.”
Ogawa-sensei explains carefully, pointing her finger.
It seems that important documents such as money are marked with red sticky notes.
On the other hand, she said, “Worst case scenario, you don’t have to read them,” referring to the health bulletin and class newsletters.
Anyway, Aoto, who still did not know anything about this school, replied honestly, “Yes”.
After most of the explanation, Ogawa-sensei opened her mouth.
“……like this. What do you think? Do you have any concerns?”
The kind Ogawa-sensei asked Aoto’s own concerns before facing the class.
“Um,…… are there any Yankees or anything like that?”
Aoto, who had no particular concerns that came to mind, uttered a question that absolutely did not need to be asked.
Surprised by the question’s overly oblique direction, Ogawa-sensei answered, tilting her head without refusal.
“I don’t know the definition of a ‘yankee,’ but we don’t have any in our class, so it’s okay. I don’t see any kids who fight too much.”
“Is that so?”
“Aoto-kun, you don’t think you’re a Yankee right?”
Aoto gave off the impression that he was looking for a friend. Seeing Aoto like this, Ogawa-sensei seemed to think he was a Yankee.
Of course, Aoto, who has nothing to do with a Yankee, immediately refused, saying, “No, I’m not a Yankee!”
“A-ah okay. I’m glad.”
“I’m sorry, I gave you the wrong idea.”
“No, no. We’re going to get to know each other better from now on! I am your homeroom teacher, so don’t be afraid to ask me anything!”
“Yes, thank you!”
With warm eyes, Ogawa-sensei gently approached Aoto.
The time was 8:25. It was almost time for morning homeroom to begin, but Ogawa-sensei didn’t seem to be heading to the classroom.
Aoto saw Ogawa-sensei and opened his mouth.
“Um, aren’t you going to go?”
“What do you mean?”
“To the classroom. It’s already been 30 minutes.”
“Ah, I didn’t tell you, did I?”
Ogawa sensei said again what she had forgotten to tell him, as if there was something she hadn’t explained yet.
“When Homeroom begins, Aoto-kun enters the classroom with me, and that’s where he introduces himself for the first time.”
“I’ve got a lot of classes today, so that’s the only time I have. I’m sorry, okay?”
“I-Is that what you mean?”
Aoto had expected to greet everyone in the morning and introduce himself during free time.
When he was told the truth that betrayed his imagination, a sudden feeling of tension ran through his body.
No matter what you do, you’ll be nervous at the beginning.
If you are nervous, so is the other party.
But this time was different.
Although it has only been two months since they entered the school, the distance between the students in the class should have been shortened to the point where they can have a normal conversation.
Aoto enters the class as a transfer student.
Aoto is still at 1, while everyone around him is at 5.
Thinking about this, Aoto’s nervousness was uncontrollable.
“Aoto-kun, you look nervous now.”
“That’s right, as expected.”
“Fufu, Don’t worry. All the kids in my class are very kind.”
At this stage, there is no way that the homeroom teacher would say, “The kids in my class are all bullies”.
It felt like a cliché, but that alone was enough to ease Aoto’s nerves.
However, the tension will never completely go away.
At 8:30 a.m., the chime rang throughout the school, amplifying the tension.
It was the beginning of homeroom.
“Okay, let’s go.”
He followed Ogawa sensei’s lead with his nervousness.
The sound of the door to the guidance counselor’s office opening made his heart pound.
“You’re a little tense, aren’t you?”
“No, I’m sorry.”
“Fufu, Don’t worry about it.”
He is so nervous that he can’t even speak.
Perhaps he was walking like a monster, but that was okay, since there was no one in the hallway.
After walking down the stairs for a few seconds, he arrived at the classroom marked “1-B.”
When he opens this door, he will find the people he will spend the next three years with.
Well, there is no way he could do a one-shot gag when he is so nervous.
It was good that he did not take his mother’s words to heart.
Aoto’s nervousness somehow lessened as he thought about this.
Is this also the power of his mother, too great a power
“Aoto, wait here. Come in when sensei gives the signal.”
After saying this, Ogawa-sensei entered the classroom.
The time it took for him to be called seemed many times longer than usual.
However, what he does is the same.
Don’t stand out, make friends appropriately, and spend three years in an appropriate manner.
That’s all there is to it, but even with that, he is very satisfied.
“Does anyone have any questions?”
He hears Ogawa-sensei’s voice.
The question and answer section means that homerooms are coming to an end.
But that also means that the time for Aoto’s first meeting is approaching at the same time.
“Then I don’t think there will be any, so I’ll finish my morning homeroom. I’d like to say that, but I have some news for everyone today.”
This line, this way of saying it.
Definitely about the new student.
After a moment of silence, Ogawa-sensei opened her mouth.
“You’ll have more friend.”
He became convinced.
“A new student is coming to this class. Come in~”
Aoto confirmed Ogawa-sensei’s signal and went inside.
He decided not to make any one-liners.
“This is the child who will be a member of our class from today. Please introduce yourself.”
Aoto was so nervous that he could not look at his classmates’ faces properly.
Aoto began his self-introduction with a prompt from Ogawa-sensei.
“My name is Rukawa Aoto, and from today I will be at your care. There are a lot of things I don’t understand, but I look forward to working with you.”
Aoto said as he bowed.
Aoto lowered his face, and at the moment when he legally could no longer see his classmates’ faces, he thought about something.
–Maybe it would float better if I just keep on smiling?
If he started off too fast, such as with a one-shot gag, it would float. On the other hand, too much fussiness will also float.
It is really fine to be normal. Normal is the best.
In order to have a peaceful school life, or rather, a school life.
Aoto thought so and set a small goal to check his classmates when he looked up.
And so, he turned his head to accomplish that.
Aoto looked up to see his classmate’s face amidst the thunderous applause from his classmates.
But there is no time to think about how cute or good-looking
In any case, it was all he could do to get it into his field of vision.
–It was all he could do.
He shouted, which might have been higher than a one-shot gag.
At that moment, the thunderous applause instantly vanished, and the classmates’ gazes turned to Aoto, who had uttered that voice.
However, something even more shocking than that happened to Aoto.
Aoto rolled his eyes.
The reason for this was when he looked up and saw his classmates.
Aoto, who had no time to worry about whether they were good-looking or beautiful, was clearly aware of her. No, them.
In the same classroom, in the same classmates,
—Onodera Himari.
—Kisaragi Noai
—Yozakura Koharu
There were three of them.
–They were the genuine ex-girlfriends, who had spontaneously disappeared.
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